Coven's Gambit

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Coven's Gambit is a wool dungeon of the Architect's Ring. It is home to the blue wool.


"FIRE. WATER. EARTH. AIR. The four elements, foundational to the Coven. Before you lies the village of Ravenna, worshipers of the sun and the moon, who guard access to the four covensteads of the great Council. Each guarded by powerful witches, they hide powerful magic that connect the Coven to the Tree of Life, and keep their founder, Hycenea, imprisoned. Her chains must be broken. The Wolf waits. But the Council will not let this happen, unless you can stop them."


Outside of the entrance room is a large open area with a lake in the center. No spawners or chests are present, but a couple of NPCs dwell in the area. Jehenne, an NPC located on a small island on the lake, provides some dialogue and spawns in a massive tower with four dividing teleporters at the top. Each teleporter leads to a different covenstead, areas attuned to one of the four primordial elements: water, fire, earth, and air. All teleporters are available to select at start, but once a covenstead is entered, it must first be completed before another can be entered. Additionally, once a covenstead is completed, it is inaccessible until the dungeon is completed.

Every covenstead complete "advances" the time of day from morning, noon, twilight, and night. The time of day affects the next covenstead selected in some way.


The water covenstead consists of large blue islands, spread out and floating over void. Falling into the void teleports the player back to the beginning of the area. Rain falls on this area, making it the only place in the game that features rain.

Next to the entrance to the area is a floating trident. Interacting with the trident gives the player Vedha's Broomstick, an unbreakable Riptide IV trident with the Broomstick enchant, a unique enchant that gives players the Slow Falling effect after they riptide until they touch the ground. Due to the rain in this area, this effectively allows players to fly, albeit somewhat erratically. Because the Broomstick is a key item, it drops on death and cannot be brought out of the water area.

The islands in the area include large buildings and some minor cave systems. Because of the Broomstick, these islands are mostly all fairly far apart with no other connections between them. On the final island is a massive castle with multiple water elevators and pathways. A room towards the top has a massive drop that leads to the basement, which holds the exit totem to complete the area.

Depending on the time of day, some of the islands will be in a different order or in different locations. The final island and starting island will always be the same.


The earth covenstead is a mossy and rocky area with ruined buildings and trees littering it.

The path is mostly linear with a few dividing side pathways. At the end of the long path is a large castle, filled with multiple paths going in all directions, as well as an interior outdoors area with soulsand and cobwebs. At the top back right room of the castle is a passage that goes downwards and leads to a room with the area completing totem.

Teleports are located before a small cave-like area and before the main castle at the end. Unlocking them opens doorways at the beginning of the area that grants two-way access.

Accessing this covenstead at a later time in the day will cause more of the environment to be ruptured, causing more cracks and crevices to generate and even some lava.


The fire covenstead is a scorched landscape with a surplus of lava and burnt buildings.

The path is mostly linear with multiple side areas, typically within caverns. Along the path are a few circles of blackstone with four evokers and a witch in the center. Going near them will cause the witch to float as an Ascended Pyromancer, an invulnerable elite that causes earth ruptures that spawn lava. The only way to kill the elite are to kill the evoker Cultists, elites that do not attack, but have the movement ai of evokers. Killing all four causes the Pyromancer to fall and become susceptible to damage, and killing the Pyromancer spawns two loot chests at the center.

At the end of the area is a mansion, which holds the exit totem in the locked basement. To unlock the basement, players must go to the top room with the fireplace and step on the pressure plates in front of it. After the basement is unlocked, the player can enter it and step on the totem to complete the area.

While in this covenstead, players are given a certain amount of fire fragility, making them take more damage from fire and lava. The amount of fragility increases based on how late in the day the area is accessed.


The air covenstead is formed of multiple spread-out and massive floating islands with trees and towers on them. Below the islands is void, which teleports players that fall back to the beginning of the area.

The area begins in a small cave, which, to emerge from, the player must utilize cloud platforms, which launch the player upwards and provide a few seconds of slow falling. The air covenstead consists of four floating islands that are connected via extremely powerful cloud platforms, typically located around the top of one of the towers (exception is the second island, which doesn't have a tower). The cloud platform to reach the third major island requires activation of a Cumulus totem on the opposite end of the second island. Likewise, the cloud platform to reach the fourth major island requires activation of an Altocumulus totem on the opposite end of the third island. At the top of the fourth island tower is a cloud platform that launches the player to a massive cloud, which has very few spawners guarding the exit, completing the area.

The third island has a small boat that unlocks a shortcut to the beginning of the area. Additionally, a teleporter in the basement of the fourth island's tower unlocks a checkpoint between the boat and the basement.

Unless it is morning (this is the first covenstead entered), when certain mobs are killed, they have a chance to spawn a specter, which appears as a flying white chestplate and head and are completely silent. The later the time of day this covenstead is accessed, the higher the chance these specters may spawn.


Once all four covensteads have been completed, players must talk to Jehenne once more to begin the ending section. Proceeding the dialogue past the warning will send everyone in the instance to the ending. It is impossible to access the ending and, therefore, the lootroom once started, so make sure everyone in the instance is present. Each player will spawn in their own personal instance of the final section.

[Lady Nalatia] No, no, no. Jehenne has made quite a mistake here, lovely. You should not be trying to enter Lady Hycenea's chambers. This is not acceptable.
[Mad Molldyer] AHAAHA! You truly thought your little distraction would keep us from watching you? We are far older than the silly babies of the Aradia! You won't have any chance of reaching our Lady below! Just try, ahahaha!
[Grandmother Laurey] Come now, into the Tree itself. Let its magic envelop you. We will strike you down in the heart of the power of Life, but if you go quietly, it will be oh so calm.
[The Vedha] ...Be cautious. This place is powerful. We will destroy the Aradia's pet, yes. But Hycenea stirs...
[Hycenea] Ignore them... This feels... so freeing. The chains are... gone... My love is... so near. But first... you need to... survive... Run. Run away from the... wicked witches... If you... can reach me... I can... trap them here... forever... Come, come.

Players will spawn on a solid platform with a chest containing a 300 damage infinite snowball and 8 Azalea Leaves that spawn a 3x3 platform below their feet similar to the Rose Petal item. In front of them is a long pathway made of large dripleaves, going upwards, downwards, and even dividing into multiple paths. There will be a 300 second timer. Players must traverse the dripleaf path and reach the totem pole at the end in order to succeed at the race. Spawners are present and the mobs will attempt to kill the player. Players fail the race if they die, be it by mobs or by falling off the dripleaf path.

Regardless if players succeed or fail, they will be transported to a large open area where they can get some dialogue. Jumping into the giant hole in the center of the area transports players to their lootroom. While a rare is guaranteed to generate in one of the lootroom chests, players that won the race will additionally find one of the four 2-star masterwork rares in their chests. This is the only way to acquire these rares in the dungeon.

Until the player has completed the Masquerader's Ruin strike, the Blue Wool will be replaced by a Favor of the Wolf, a quest item needed to finish A Wolf in Witch's Clothing.


