King's Valley

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The King's Valley is the first region available to the players in Monumenta, home to the first five wools (White through Yellow). Seven cities and five main sub-regions are located inside the Valley. The region features a total of nine Dungeons, two Strikes and three boss fights.



When first logging into Monumenta, players will be placed inside a Tutorial. Completing the Tutorial will transport players into the King’s Valley and send a welcome message to the server.



Player Story or something I still have to come up with a good title for this subsection


The capital of the King’s Valley is Sierhaven, located in the Swamplands. West of Sierhaven is the Narsen Sea, with Oceangate at the west end of The Valley guarding access to the Plots. East of Sierhaven, past the outpost of Nyr, lies the Blackroot Jungle. Inside the Jungle is the Narsen town of Farr, as well as the Tlaxan town of Ta'Eldim. East of the Jungle are the Korbar Highlands with the towns Lowtide and Highwatch, and past the Highlands lies Azacor’s Grove.


The Swamplands

Main article: Swamplands

Surrounding the capital Sierhaven on it's north, south, and east side, the Swamplands make up most of the land area in western King's Valley. Outside of Sierhaven, not many important places are located here. The POIs in the Swamplands tend to be much easier than in the rest of the Valley, with enemies having basic attacks and little to no abilities. Loot here tends to be T1-T2.

Narsen Sea

Main article: Narsen Sea

Being located directly west of Sierhaven, the Narsen Sea can be accessed very early into the game. Because of this, the western part of the Narsen Sea, the Royal Shoreline, has relatively easy POIs with loot similar to the Swamplands (T1-2). Further west, the Far Waters are a lot more threatening (with the game even sending you a warning in chat the first time you swim past a certain point). Enemies and chests here are similar to the Highlands, with Loot ranging from T3-T4. At the west end of the Far Waters, players can find the city of Oceangate.

Blackroot Jungle

Main article: Blackroot Jungle

The Blackroot Jungle makes up a majority of the landmass in the King's Valley. As a result of its size, the difficulty of enemies and the quality of chests vary, with Loot ranging from T2-4. The city of Nyr serves as its western entrance, whilst the city of Farr is located close to the Jungles eastern border. Being the native home of the Tlaxans, with their city of Ta'Eldim being located in the northeast end of the jungle, the jungle is central to the Valley’s storyline. As a result, a lot of major quests and POIs are located here, as well as four out of the five King's Valley Wool Dungeons (White, Orange, Magenta and Light Blue). The region’s overworld boss, Kaul, is also located in the jungle, in a pit near Farr.


Main article: Highlands

The Korbar Highlands are located in the southeast of the King's Valley, and feature the most difficult main story content found in the Valley. Loot here tends to be from T3-T4. The city of Highwatch in the east is home to the King's Valley Monument and the Transmogrifier. The city of Lowtide in the south is where players can first access the Celsian Isles. Important POIs like the Cursed Forest and Verdant Fortress and the Yellow Wool Dungeon are located in the Highlands.

Azacor’s Grove

Main article: Azacor’s Grove

Accessible via a river directly south of Highwatch and located at the very east end of the Valley, Azacor’s Grove contains 10 POIs inside of it and is notably the only sub-region without a town area. Loot here is similar to the Highlands, with the enemies being the most difficult found in the overworld of the Valley. The quest Outer Demons serves as an introduction to the Grove, with most of the POIs being accessed during the quest. After completing Outer Demons, players can fight Azacor by collecting materials for a Hellpact Ritual inside the Grove.



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Main article: Sierhaven

Sierhaven, the capital of the Narsens and by far the largest city in the King's Valley, acts as the central hub for the region, similiar to Mistport in the Celsian Isles and Galengarde in the Architect's Ring. Similiar to those, it can be accessed directly via Orin or using an Apportation Rune, and acts as the teleport hub for the whole region. It is the city the player will first spawn in upon completing the Tutorial. Custom player heads with various important links, such as to the Texturepack and the Discord, can be found next to the Teleport Hub. Sierhaven's buildings include:

  • Teleport Hub: quick-travel to Dungeons and Strikes, other cities, other regions, Plots and the players own Player Plot.
  • The Academy: change your Class and spend Skill Points. Monumenta’s first major quest, Mage's Legacy, is started at Vargos on the top floor. The Royal Spellbinders, a rare fragmenting station and the King's Valley Overworld Rare Trader are located in the Academy as well. You can also reset your account and change the game language here.
  • The Castle: the residence of the King, and entry to the Alchemy Labs. A Player Plot may be purchased in the city planning office.
  • The Forge: repair and sell items and convert your levels into Repair Anvils.
  • Apartments: buy Ender Chest Expansions and visit the Snowman Embassy.
  • The Arena of Terth: fight through 40 waves of enemies with equipment purchased in the arena shop. Below the arena, the Crimson King can be found in the Memory Vault.
  • Patreon Shrine: show your support to the server and grant buffs to all players!
  • Many shops: blocks, food, low tier equipment, free dyes and more.



Main article: Oceangate

Oceangate is situated west of Sierhaven at the far end of the Narsen Sea, an optional area with lategame points of interest, although it can be accessed very early. Oceangate is, as its name suggests, a giant gate guarding access to the Plots. The city is completely optional for the main story, although an important line of side quests, the Stars Questline, is started here. Oceangate is also home to:

  • Marcus Pollo, an NPC who sells the True North epic.
  • There isn’t much in Oceangate to be honest.


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Main article: Nyr

Nyr is the first settlement outside of Sierhaven that a new player will typically encounter, and acts as a sort of border town separating The Swamplands from the Blackroot Jungle beyond. Nyr's facilities include:

  • Bhairavi‘s house: Bhairavi, who acts as the quest giver for most Wool Dungeon quests, can be found in Nyr.
  • Ticket Trading: tiered items can be traded for tickets here, which can then be traded in bulk for other items.
  • Shulker box renaming.
  • Free boats.
  • The Master of Clucks.


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Main article: Farr

A city with a tragic history, situated towards the eastern edge of Blackroot Jungle, Farr is one of the most centrally located cities in the region. It's also home to:

  • Rock's Little Casino: gamble away all your CXP for a chance to win the King's Warden, as well as a variety of other Rares and consolation items.
  • The Herald: offers the King's Bounty once per day.
  • Velara: a mysterious lost city reachable through the Farr sewers.


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Main article: Ta'Eldim

A small hidden settlement created by the native Tlaxan people, the entrance into this city can only be unlocked via a quest. Several important late-game quests are located here. Ta'Eldim’s teleported is disabled by default, but can be unlocked by completing the quest The Crystal Connection. Ta'Eldim also contains:

  • the King's Valley’s Item Infusion station.
  • a teleporter to the arena where players can fight Kaul.
  • a custom crafter, where some unique crafting recipes can be accessed.
  • the Hot Springs: cleanse yourself and arrows of effects and talk to Halid.


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Main article: Lowtide

Located at the south-western edge of the highlands, Lowtide is a small port city on the opposite side of the river from Farr. The seagate in Lowtide guards entry to the Celsian Isles, with the quest Voyage of Discovery being started here. Also located in Lowtide:



Main article: Highwatch

A highly fortified city at the far eastern edge of the valley, Highwatch is the closest city to Azacor’s Grove, and the home of the King's Valley Monument. It plays an important role in the later part of the King's Valley storyline, with the quests Siege of Highwatch and Unveiled being located here. Highwatch also houses:


The Valley features five Wool Dungeons, White through Yellow, a tutorial Dungeon, a bonus Dungeon, a Raid Dungeon and a Roguelike Dungeon. Delves for all Wool Dungeons are unlocked upon completing the King's Valley Monument. An Exalted variant of all King's Valley Dungeons, apart from Labs and Roguelike, can be accessed in the Architect's Ring.

Alchemy Labs

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Main article: Alchemy Labs

As their first mission, new players are sent to destroy a cache of explosives taken over by bandits in Sierhaven‘s shutdown Alchemy Labs, and confront the bandit's leader, Elcard the Ignoble. Being the first Dungeon a new player enters as part of the Prologue, Alchemy Labs is the only dungeon in Monumenta to have a 1/5 difficulty rating. No rare items can be found within the labs. It is notably also the only Dungeon without a Delve option, or any other more difficult variant.

Halls Of Wind And Blood (White)


Main article: Halls Of Wind And Blood

The first Wool Dungeon in the Valley, the Halls of Wind and Blood guard the White Wool deep within. Normally accessed through the quest Winds of War at Bhairavi in Nyr, the Dungeon is located below the Tlaxan Ziggurat. The Dungeon, a place consecrated by blood sacrifices, is dedicated to Quetzalcoatl, the spirit inhabiting the White Wool, Aspect of the Soul. It consists of a main dome-like entry Hall, where a maze of pathways hides three levers to open the Cave of Winds, beyond which the Wool is located inside a gigantic snake statue. The Dungeon features huge amounts of lava, with many traps and some trapped chests along the players path.

Fallen Menagerie (Orange)

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Main article: Fallen Menagerie

The second Wool Dungeon in Monumenta‘s storyline, the Fallen Menagerie, is Home to the Orange Wool, Aspect off the Body, inhabited by the spirit Ixume. It is located in the Abandoned Tunnels, and is canonically accessed during the quest Beasts of Men. The Menagerie was where C'Zanil used the power of the wool to twist the tribes of the jungle into human-like beasts. Players walk by broken glass and iron cages housing those monstrosities. Two Buttons, one on a top floor to the right, and one on a bottom floor to the left, have to be activated in order to access the Wool. The Dungeon features spawners hidden under irregularly placed slabs, and instantly exploding creepers.

Plagueroot Temple (Magenta)


Main article: Plagueroot Temple

The third Wool Dungeon in Monumenta, the Plagueroot Temple, holds the Magenta Wool within. The Magenta Wool is inhabited by the spirit Myrahg, Aspect of Pestilence. The Magenta Dungeon can be found in the Grand Maw, with the related main story quest being Roots of the Plague. Not much is known about the Temple's origins, only that it was built by the Tlaxans millenia ago to seal the Magenta Wool within. Activating eight out of nine totems hidden throughout the temple opens up the flooded inner sanctum where the Wool is located. The Dungeon features a lot of things which can apply the poison effect, mobs with punch bows and spawners only visible through stair blocks. Completing the Dungeon gives players access to the Player Market; for this reason Magenta is considered the barrier to becoming active in the community.

Arcane Rivalry (Light Blue)


Main article: Arcane Rivalry

Monumenta's fourth Wool Dungeon, and the only Wool Dungeon in the Valley not directly related to the Tlaxans, is home to the Light Blue Wool, Aspect of Magic. Arcane Rivalry can be accessed in the Creeper Farm during the main story quest Scars of Magic. An ancient order of mages tried to contain a powerful artifact here, but it was stolen by their rivals, the alchemists. The alchemists, however, went mad with the power of the Wool, and the mages sealed the entire Alchemists Bastion away. To access the Alchemists Bastion, the player must find three magic items; after destroying six crystals in the Bastion, the player may then claim the Wool. The mobs in Arcane Rivalry are significantly stronger than any fought before, and the Ghasts and Charged Creepers found here are sure to be a nuisance.

Vernal Nightmare (Yellow)


Main article: Vernal Nightmare

The Valley's fifth, and final, Wool Dungeon holds the Yellow Wool, Aspect of the Elements. The Wool stands in close relation to Kaul, the Genius Loci of the Valley. As the Sons of the Forest tried to bind Kaul to their will, Kaul fought back and drove them insane. Players must kill four mini-bosses and collect their heads, then place them into the main structure built by the Sons of the Forest, to enter Kaul's Dream below, a nether-themed section where two crystal keys have to be collected. Finally, players can finish the Dungeon by placing those keys past a final void section. The Dungeon is infamous for it's difficulty and the many ways it inconveniences the player; tall grass in the way of the player's attacks, Landmines hidden in the ground, sand with lava below that falls once a block update happens, and a similiar trap in the void section, where the players items will be fully shattered upon falling, as there is nothing but void below.

The Black Willows


Main article: The Black Willows

The Black Willos are a bonus Dungeon found in the Valley upon completing The Staff quest. They used to house the Black Wool, but it cannot be found here anymore. The Black Willows consist of a rather open area with trees and some ruins scattered throughout. The end of the Dungeon, a giant willow-tree, can be entered without completing most of the Dungeon. The Dungeon's traps are more deadly than elsewhere, like potions inflicting Wither III; mobs drop from spawners hidden in the treetops; and there is a mob which is completely invincible. Delves for this Dungeon are not unlocked after completing the Monument, but rather upon completing the quest The Staff?.

Malevolent Reverie

Main article: Malevolent Reverie

The Malevolent Reverie is Monumenta's first Raid Dungeon (a more difficult Dungeon balanced around a team of four players, but playable solo) and the hardest Dungeon in the King's Valley. It can only be entered after completing Unveiled, requiring completion of all the Valley's Wool Dungeons and their respective quests. The Dungeon lobby can be entered by sleeping in the black bed in the guard's lounge next to the Dungeon lobby teleporters. The Malevolent Reverie is a corrupted version of Sierhaven. Six keys hidden throughout the city can be handed in at the throne room of the corrupted Castle Narsen, unlocking the boss fight in the town square. Defeating the boss, C'Axtal, gives the player the choice between one of three randomly chosen Artifacts. The dungeon features fire and lava everywhere, special mobs called Harbringers applying negative effects to the player, and the very healthy Colossal Ghasts. Throughout the Dungeon, Corrupted Malevolence, used to summon Kaul, the Valley's world boss, can be randomly found in loot chests. To unlock Delves, players must complete the quest Crystal Visions.

Ephemeral Corridors

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Main article: Ephemeral Corridors

Ephemeral Corridors (also referred to as Roguelike) can be found beneath Anthill. It consists of three floors, with each of them having two seperate options of which theme can be generated. The Floor 1 subsets are Arachnid Caves and Haunted halls, Floor 2 features Sunken Temple or Frozen Catacombs, and Floor 3 is either Searing Sands or Volcanic Panic. The player spawns in a central lobby with a Trader, a Repair Station and a button to advance to the next floor. Seven rooms generate per floor, with four doorways in each room, each of them having a chance to open up into a new room chosen from a list of prebuild rooms. Players must conquer all seven rooms by breaking a boss spawner known as the conquer points. One chest is hidden in each room, and opening them prompts the contents to be sent to the loot room. Four modes for Ephemeral Corridors exist, with Practice being similiar to normal Dungeons, whilst Standard kicks players out of the instance upon death and features a timer for each floor. Fullwipe mode makes the player loose all their currently equipped gear on death, and should only be done to flex on your friends. Endless mode will continue to loop the floors upon the completion of floor three, with each floor getting harder. Endless mode is Ephemeral's substitution for Delves, rewarding Delve mats after Floor 3.


Inner Sanctum

Main article: Inner Sanctum

The Inner Sanctum is Monumenta's only Story Strike, found within the Verdant Fortress PoI. It can first be accessed and is required to be beaten during the quest Unveiled. It shares its lobby and map with Verdant Remnants, though the boss fight and gimmicks differ between the two. Inner Sanctum features similiar mechanics to a Dungeon, with the only major difference, apart from a much shorter length, being that the player only gets one life and is kicked out upon death, without shattering their gear. The Masked Man serves as the boss of the Strike.

Verdant Remnants

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Main article: Verdant Remnants

Verdant Remnants is the first proper Strike of the King's Valley, featuring typical strike mechanics. A player may only participate in it after completing the quest The Elder's Scrolls. It shares its lobby and map with the Inner Sanctum Story Strike, but is much harder and supposed to be played in a group of four people. Players must break 75 spawners, indicated by a boss bar at the top of the screen, to access the boss fight. Dying will kick the player out of the Strike, without shattering their gear, but without rewarding any loot. Chests opened within the Strike will disappear and their loot will be sent to the loot room, which can only be accessed by beating the Strike. There are two mini-bosses within the Strike, and killing them will add five chests worth of loot to the loot room. R'Kitxet is the final boss of the Strike, and defeating him will make a teleporter to the loot room accessible. The instance will close upon the player leaving their loot room.

Forsworn Sanctum

Main article: Forsworn Sanctum

Forsworn Sanctum is the hardest Strike in the King's Valley, being unlocked in the Corrupted Caves, which are unlocked during the quest Shurima's Big Day Off. The Strike itself takes place in Ta'Ferna, a former Tlaxan City which has now become corrupted by Kaul. A group of six players is recommended. A timer of 300 seconds starts as soon as players leave the first room. There are three Pyres hidden across the map, and lighting each of them will extend the timer by an additional 300 seconds. Running out of time will apply the wither effect to all players, causing them to perish. Dying will kick the player out of the Strike, without shattering their gear, but loosing 50% of their exp and not rewarding any loot. Chests opened within the Strike will disappear and their loot will be sent to the loot room, which can only be accessed by beating the Strike. The Strike's boss, C'Shura, can only be fought after killing 250 mobs within the Strike. Defeating C'Shura will send the players to their loot rooms, and leaving them will close the instance.


Kaul, Soul of the Jungle

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Main article: Kaul

Kaul, Soul of the Jungle, is the first world boss of Monumenta, found in a massive pit between Farr and Highwatch. After completing the quest Time to Reflect, players may access a quick teleporter to the arena in Ta'Eldim. To summon Kaul, a Jewel of the Blackroot is required, purchased in a shrine at the top of the arena for two HXP and three Corrupted Malevolence. Corrupted Malevolence can be randomly found in loot chests throughout the Malevolent Reverie Dungeon. However, completion of the Dungeon is not required, and players may participate in the fight after beating the quest Unveiled. Using the key at the middle of the arena will start a six minute timer and send an announcement in the chat. Kaul's health, and the health of mini-bosses spawned throughout the fight, scales with the amount of participating players. Besides melee attacks and inflicting wither on hit, Kaul will summon lightning to strike players. At 50% health, Kaul will move into the middle of the arena and become impervious to damage while a Primordial Elemental will take his place. Kaul also features a variety of different special attacks, with the most deadly being Volcanic Demise, which may even oneshot players in maxed gear. Surviving until the end of the fight will reward players with a Kaul Fragment and Shards of the Mantle. Notably, the artifact Heart of the Jungle, alongside a variety of other items, can be purchased from the Artifact Trader at the shrine above the arena.

Azacor the Dark Summoner

Main article: Azacor

Azacor the Dark Summoner is an instance boss fought with up to six players after completing the quest Outer Demons. A teleport to the Azacor lobby is available at Helring in Lowtide after completing the quest. In order to purchase a key, players will need to pay 32 CXP and a Hellpact Ritual, requiring 5 different materials found throughout Azacor's Grove. Dying in Azacor does not cause the players gear to shatter, but they will be kicked from the fight and not receive any loot. Azacor utilises a variety of custom attacks, and summons 1-2 mini-bosses (depending on the amount of players) four times during the fight. Defeating Azacor for the first time this day will reward the player an Azacor Fragment, four of which can be spent at the Artifact Trader.

Snow Wool Spirit (Event Boss)

Main article: Snow Wool Spirit


Arena of Terth

Main article: Arena of Terth

Brown Corp

Main article: Brown Corp

Jumping Puzzles

Main article: Jumping Puzzles

Overworld Races

Main article: Races
