White Wool

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The White Wool is one of the five main wool found in the King's Valley. It is a Trophy item that is obtained by completing the Halls of Wind and Blood, the first wool dungeon in the region. Defeating the dungeon and obtaining the White Wool is required to complete the King's Valley Monument. It is also required for the quests A Crown of Madness and Beasts of Men, the latter of which leads to the second wool dungeon of the Valley, the Fallen Menagerie.

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The White Wool's aspect is the Soul. It can be used to empower or weaken the spiritual power of a person. The Wool was used by C'Zanil to extract the souls of sacrifices, which could be channeled into extremely destructive magic, as well as curses such as the ones trapping Narsen soldiers on the battlefield east of Nyr.

Based on Selari Ignos' research as detailed in Primeval Creations I, the soul can be bound to anything with a physical form by satiating its desire for stability. This is the principle behind the operation of the White Tesseract, Selari's first experiment in mimicking the power of a wool.


Like the other wool, the White Wool was forged long ago by the Silver Knights in order to contain a powerful spirit.

At some point after its creation, the White Wool came into the possession of the Tlaxani, in whose culture it is revered as a representation of one of their gods, Quetzalcoatl. It was customarily entrusted to the Tlaxan shaman with the title of Soulcrusher.

When C'Zanil became the Soulcrusher, he was given the White Wool to bear, which he used to empower the souls of Tlaxan warriors during the Blackroot War. When C'Shura gave him the Orange Wool, it whispered to him, eventually convincing him to utilize both of them in heinous experiments to support the war effort. He sacrificed souls and used them to guard the Halls of Wind and Blood. After the war, C'Zanil was revoked of his title and his wool, and the White Wool was placed in the Halls of Wind and Blood for safekeeping.

Wool Spirit

The spirit of the White Wool is Quetzalcoatl (sometimes called Quetzal), a Genius Loci of the King's Valley and one of the three chief gods worshipped by the Tlaxani, alongside Ixume and Myrahg. Nothing else is known of their life, personality, or powers, or of the location they embodied, prior to their binding with the wool; however, they were depicted by the Tlaxani as a gigantic feathered serpent.

It is implied by the Crimson King and Zanil that Quetzalcoatl is both unaware of their prison, and unable to communicate with its wielder.

As a Genius Loci, Quetzalcoatl is connected to the shared dream of the other spirits of the Valley, even after being bound in the White Wool. This dreamspace can be visited during and after Crystal Visions, via the Genius Loci in Velara; Quetzalcoatl, Ixume, and Myrahg can be found in the secret area above the floating pool of water within the dream. Quetzalcoatl attempts to speak, but is completely inaudible.


  • A coven witch created an opal infused with the aspect of Soul. With it, she was capable of seeing the souls of creatures around her, even out of sight. It was also capable of creating a small area that drained the spiritual power of people. The destruction of the opal caused the lost souls of the people sacrificed in the opal mines to haunt the mines.
Halls of Wind and Blood Items
Dungeon Delves