Primeval Creations I

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C: You found an old journal in the Alnera Archives. See if you can follow up on it. You can always find it there again if you lose it.

Blacksmith Ghalla

Coordinates: 438 61 772

[Blacksmith Ghalla] I don't really have much time to talk. Got a lot of orders to fill today.

[I found this book that mentions your name.]

[Blacksmith Ghalla] Where did you find that? Actually, it doesn't matter, just leave it on the counter so it doesn't get lost.

[Do you know who it belongs to?]

[Blacksmith Ghalla] Of course I do, it belongs to Selari. Can't you see his name etched on the spine? Anyway, he's not here right now. He left about a week ago, saying something about his research notes getting stolen. No clue when he will be back.

Little did I understand how hard it was to infuse an object with an aspect of power. The artifacts must be much more than simple sheep fur, and from that revelation, I began to invent.


In order to gather that much energy into a single point, a pure tesseract is needed to hold the energy in place, one formed from the perfect alignment of all aspects of their power. When all 6 intersections of the three rings match, the power generated will be enough to collapse a small gem into the necessary crystalline structure.

After you complete the tesseract puzzle:

With the tesseract complete, I was able to move on and further my work. Now that an object existed that was totally untuned from all aspects of the universe, with enough pushing, it can be convinced that it aligns with a single aspect of primeval power.

The floor falls out from below you, and you make your way through a small passageway until you find a narrow hallway.


Of everything I have researched, the power of Soul might be the most strange. For what is a soul? Is it defined? Is it a constant? This machine attempts to answer that, and reaches deep within your soul, shaping itself to your darkest fears - that which you hoped you'd never see again, but far more painful than anything you remember. Remove all light from the soul in order to harness its true power.

After you complete the soul puzzle:

The soul is definitely not constant, but it wishes for a state of stability. By harnessing that desire for stability, a soul can be bound to something physical - a person, an object, a place. That is the true power of the Aspect of Soul. Alas, this design was a failure, but I have learned greatly nonetheless. The power of Soul alone was not what I required, thus it was time to progress onwards.

PRIMEVAL CREATIONS I COMPLETE! Awarded a Tesseract of the Soul.