Soul of the Forest

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Speak with Bhairavi in Nyr.

[Bhairavi] Welcome back, ___. I've been investigating into Kaul and the Yellow Wool with my team. Do you have any questions for me?

[What have you found on the Yellow Wool?]

[Bhairavi] Brayllur and Starn have been working on a lead. The Commander in Highwatch seems to have captured a Son of the Forest who has made some very interesting statements under the effects of a truth serum, according to Starn's interview.

  • [That was actually a previous quest of mine!]
    • [Bhairavi] Well of course it was. You seem to be involved with everything, I don't know what we would do without you at this rate. Anyway, I’ll be heading over to Highwatch to follow up if you’d care to meet me there.
  • [Oh, that sounds interesting.]
    • [Bhairavi] It does indeed. I'll be heading over to Highwatch to follow up if you'd care to meet me there.

[I'd love to.]

[Bhairavi] I'll see you in Highwatch then, __.

Meet Bhairavi in the Highwatch Jail to interrogate the Captured Warden

[Bhairavi] Hi there ___! Glad to see you made it. I've been doing some work trying to interrogate your friend here while my assistant Starn is upstairs speaking to the Commander. It's not exactly easy, but I've been able to coerce out the slightest details thanks to your work with the Truth Serum. Thank you for that.

[What kind of details?]

[Bhairavi] He mentioned the Verdant Fortress and a relic given to them that “seeks the Soulspeaker”, now hidden in its basement.

  • [What is the Verdant Fortress?]
    • [Bhairavi] It is the main base of the Sons of the Forest, located not far from here. Highwatch has been looking for ways to attack it for months, but it is heavily fortified and wildly dangerous... but I must ask you to go there. This relic sounds very important in the hunt for the Yellow Wool.
  • [Who is the Soulspeaker?]
    • [Bhairavi] You should know this one! The Soulspeaker is C'Axtal, the speaker to Kaul. He went missing during the Blackroot War. It seems the relic the Sons of the Forest have could allow them to locate him - and maybe Kaul and his wool too.

[What do I need to do?]

[Bhairavi] I hate to ask this, but I must send you into the Verdant Fortress. Be very careful. This Warden has said the relic we're seeking is guarded in the basement of the fortress. Please avoid the main fortress. It is far too dangerous. Fortunately, our prisoner mentioned an old ruined tunnel north of the fort that may lead down there. Be quick and show no mercy. The Sons are a stain on the Valley.

[1/2]: Find the tunnel and brave the dangers of the Verdant Fortress's basement to find the relic Bhairavi seeks.

[2/2]: Head downstairs into the Highwatch jail and speak to Bhairavi once you have gotten the relic.

The tunnel is located at [955, 105, 118].

[Bhairavi] So this is the relic... I wonder how it works?

[I don't know how it works, but I've seen it before.]

[Bhairavi] You have? Where?

[My first adventure in the Valley. I don't remember anything before it though...]

[Bhairavi] Tell me about it.


[Bhairavi] So you were attacked by a man, this relic was taken from you, and you woke up in Sierhaven? I wonder how you got there... Who were you, ___? Who found you? I think we need to go talk to Commander Haynes upstairs. Maybe she will know more.

Speak with Commander Haynes.

Commander Haynes
[Commander Haynes] Hello ___. It’s good to see you again after all your help. Likewise to you Bhairavi. It’s always an honor to have a member of the Mage Council visit Highwatch.

[Bhairavi] Thank you, Commander. We are here seeking information about the Sons of the Forest and ___ themself... Did any of the King’s Guard find a near-dead adventurer recently and deliver them to Nurse Diedre in the capital? [Commander Haynes] I'd honestly have to check our records... Give me a minute here. The paperwork is so messy. Starn and I had no time to go through it.

[Commander Haynes] The only record I can find of a body found that wasn’t dead recently was of a person found north east of Farr. It says here they were found in a small ruin overlooking the large pit with a 'shrine' inside. Maybe that was you ___?

  • [Maybe it was. I’ve never found it again during my adventures.]
    • [Bhairavi] This seems worth investigating… Perhaps you can find out more about the artifact and how we can use it there.
  • [Probably, I die a lot.]
    • [Bhairavi] This seems worth investigating… Perhaps you can find out more about the artifact and how we can use it there.
  • [It could be. I never bothered to look for it again.]
    • [Bhairavi] This seems worth investigating… Perhaps you can find out more about the artifact and how we can use it there.

[Sounds like these ruins outside the pit are my next stop then.]

[Bhairavi] Thanks for your help Haynes.

[Commander Haynes] Of course. It is my honor.

Investigate the ruins overlooking the pit near Farr.

Click the button on the bedrock at [773, 84, -23] and make your way through the ruins.

You feel the power of the jungle run through you, and you are transported away.

At the end of ruins there is a portal to teleport to the puzzle area.

Soul of The Forest (Yellow dungeon quest)

Press the button on the locations marked by an X.

Floor 1:


Floor 2:


Floor 3:


You feel a great sense of relief as you clear the corruption from the tree. It seems a new path forward to the highest floor of the tree has been opened.

Head up the ladder, get the book in the chest, and make your way out. If you leave the ruins you will have to re-enter them from the shrine by the pit near Farr...

Afterwards, step onto the pressure plate at the bottom of the fall behind the chest.

[Bhairavi] The Sons have gotten into the area! I'm working to get you out of there, but it's going to take a minute! Evade them until then!

Avoid the mobs until Bhairavi teleports you away.

After a minute:

[Bhairavi] Hold on! I’ve fought through their magic! I’ve got you!

Speak to Bhairavi.

[Bhairavi] Thank goodness that worked in time. You’re alive! What did you find in there?

[We found this book, hidden behind a magical lock]

[Bhairavi] Let me look over this...

[Bhairavi] Hmm, it seems to help explain how this relic works. I’ve gotten it active while you were gone, but couldn’t figure out how to lock on to anything. This should work...

[I wonder if the Sons and the Masked Man ever worked out where it was pointing.]

[Bhairavi] I guess we’ll have to see. It seems to be drawing us south. Let me sync your Quest Compass up to it and we’ll see where it leads. If C’Axtal is somehow still alive, maybe it can take us to him. If not... maybe we’ll find Kaul itself. And the wool? One can hope!

[So where exactly am I going?]

[Bhairavi] If I had to guess, I’d say it’s pulling you toward the Cursed Forest. I don’t know what you’ll find in there, so be careful. I’ll send Starn and Brayllur after you to help and hopefully everything will work out. Good luck and be safe.

Make your way through the cursed forest.

Enter the giant spruce tree at [1176, 111, 108], and go down until you find the yellow lobby teleporter at [1200, 71, 110].

[Starn] Wait what? What's going on here? The constructural magic should have finished the lobby by now. And what are these giant spikes?

[Brayllur] Dark magic in air. Can smell it. It stink.

[Strange Figures] You will go no futher!

One of the warriors fires a blast directly at Starn, killing him.


Kill the Strange Figures.

As you finish off the last of the warriors, the large spikes begin to disappear and the constructural magic resumes. The lobby quickly finishes building itself.

[Brayllur] Starn gone... How?

[I'm so sorry.]

[Brayllur] We lost much for wool. You must get last one... For Starn.

[We made it through. The dungeon is all that's left.]

[Brayllur] Right, yes. You are. But he is gone. Must get wool... For Starn.

[Brayllur] Found this on floor after Sons ran scared. You need reward before fight for wool...

SOUL OF THE FOREST COMPLETE! Awarded a Yellow Key, Full Access to the Yellow Dungeon Lobby Trader, 10 Apportation Runes, 10 Repair Anvils, 2 Totems of the Forest, and 64 Kaul's Fury!