Vernal Nightmare

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Vernal Nightmare is one of the many wool dungeons found in the first region, King's Valley. It is the, for the most part, the fifth Wool Dungeon the players will encounter, or the final dungeon in the first region. Upon completion, players will receive the Yellow Wool.


"At the center of the Cursed Forest lies the soul of the Genus Loci, Kaul. Protected by powerful magics, the vile Sons of the Forest have endeavored to break through these wards and bind Kaul to their will. As the Sons searched, they discovered the location of Kaul's soul deep below the earth and began to excavate below a massive tree. Kaul fought back. As the Sons built their outposts below the ground, the elements began to advance rapidly in the various wings of the excavation. Death soon followed, corrupting the inhabitants to serve the binding wards and protect their master's soul, chained in the depths of the world.

Kaul's power still rages below, but with it lies a wool. It's time to face the wrath of the elements."


The first section is a village created by the Sons of the Forest. This area contains a main castle and also leads into 4 sub-areas. The basement of the main castle contains four pedestals, each for a head. There is also a blocked black gate on the floor below the pedestals. The player must find and slay the leaders in each sub-area to obtain their heads. Except for Greyskull's sub-area, each sub-area has a teleporter that can be accessed in a hallway left of the pedestals. Greyskull's sub-area is located by following a path aboveground of the building that Hellshire is in. Placing the leaders' heads on the correct pedestals will unlock the nether section.

Past the locked gate is a drop-down that leads to a nether section with several buildings. The two crystal keys required to finish the dungeon can be found in here. The first is at the top of the large castle very near to the initial drop-down. The second is on top of a building on the right side from the entrance to the cave containing a pit leading to the end section.

The final area is an end-like area covered in black. The area prominently features cracks of black concrete powder on the floor that fall into the void once updated. At the end of the cave is a portal which can be activated with the crystal keys. Jumping into the portal will give the player dialogue about the release of Kaul and send the player to the reward room.


The dungeon uncommon Abyssal Flame, required for True North, can be found near the ending's void section in a dispenser at (-1390, 40, 1108).

Abyssal Flame Location.png

End Dialogue

The final seal, broken.
You hear a rushing sound from below, as a portal opens.
Kaul is free, but so are you, from this accursed place. The wool can be yours now.