Scars of Magic

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Speak with Dimitri in the Alchemy Workshop in Sierhaven

[Dimitri] Oh uh... Hello there ___. Could... Could I ask something of you?

[What is it?]

[Dimitri] Well... I think I might have a lead on finding Ignos, but it might be a bit of a long shot.

[Oh? Do tell.]

[Dimitri] I've been staring over these notes that you found, and can't quite get my mind off something. There was something at the Axtan Monastery, something he was intensely determined to find. The real reason it's sticking in my mind though is that there's a new alchemist downstairs who seems to keep mumbling about secrets surrounding the Monastery. Could you perhaps talk to him and see if you can get some information? Maybe he knows something...

[I'm in.]

[Dimitri] Thank you ___... Your help means a lot to me.

Head to the first floor and speak with the Deranged Alchemist

Deranged Alchemist
[Deranged Alchemist] Hmm... yes yes... the Axtans...

[Hi, did you say Axtans?]

[Deranged Alchemist] Yes! Those blasted fools. If they only knew what they were hiding, then surely they would see my side.

[What are they hiding?]

[Deranged Alchemist] Power of course. Great and awesome power. But they refuse to listen to me, or anyone for that matter.

[What is your side?]

[Deranged Alchemist] The Bastion of course. Have you not heard of it? Of course not, the Axtans probably hid that from the world too.

[I've helped the Axtans before, could I do anything?]

[Deranged Alchemist] I fear they wouldn't even listen to a trusted ally on this matter, but perhaps if... yes I know.


[Deranged Alchemist] A scholar in a cottage by the Collapsed Tower is on the right path. I saw him when I finally made it out... Yes... The Axtans turned him away as well, but he has the pieces. He knows more than he thinks he does. Seek him out and aid his research.

[Alright I'll see what I can find out.]

[Deranged Alchemist] Splendid. Safe travels.

Speak with Keller near the Collapsing Tower at 885 137 -265

[Keller] I'm much too busy here to chat... Oh hello ___, it's been a while since we last spoke. What brings you to the Highlands?

[I'm looking for you actually.]

[Keller] Oh really? Did you hear about the research I was doing into the Axtans and Siershen with Antigone? Did Bhairavi send you?

[I have. I'm here to help you delve further, though I wasn't sent by Bhairavi.]

[Keller] That would be great but I believe I've hit a dead end here. My research and findings speak of a secret of Siershen's being guarded by the Axtans under this tower, but so far after scouring it top to bottom I've found nothing.

[So there's nothing I can do?]

[Keller] Could you explore the Collapsed Tower for me? Maybe a second set of eyes could find something I did not. It's rather dangerous in there and I've never been much of a fighter. Hopefully there is a document or a book lying around that could help us better understand it's history. If only Brayllur wasn't busy...

Go to the Collapsing Tower and retrieve Logbook - Collapsed Basement at 872 171 -329

[Keller] This is brilliant! Right beneath our feet there's something, we need to pursue this further.

[What should we do next?]

[Keller] Could you go and check on Antigone in Velara for me? I sent her there with some notes I found on how to unlock Siershen's study, so you should be able to follow and catch up to him. I think if we have more pieces to this puzzle things will start falling into place. I'll start researching what's in this book and I should have something for you when you return!

[I'll be on my way!]

[Keller] Thank you!

Go into the Velara (Farr Sewer) at 495, 70, 128. Meet Antigone inside at 917, 191, 740. Solve the puzzle by matching light sequences on all 4 directions to retrieve Temporal Crystal

[Keller] Look at this! This crystal is exactly what Siershen described in his notes. If my hypothesis is right, this will open up a \"time bubble\", per say, around the tower, and allow us to access a version of it before it collapsed. I just need to crack it here and...

[And what?]

[Keller] And we've done it!

[Done what?]

[Keller] It has something to do with changing the Collapsed Tower I think. I'm actually not quite too sure, Siershen is very vague in what he wrote. It should allow us to get into the basement and learn more though! I just need to make one final mark on the crystal and the spell will be complete.

[Keller] You appear to be charged with the same energy that the crystal had! We can use this to change the tower once more. Are you ready?


[Keller] The tower is preparing to change. Be ready for it.

You are about to amplify the Collapsing Tower PoI. Once your time has expired, you must return to Velara and recieve another charge. Are you prepared?

Enter the basement of the amplified Collapsing Tower and complete the puzzle

Abbot Johann
[Abbot Johann] Hello again ___. For a long time we have been waiting to see if someone would get past Siershen's seal. I am not surprised it was you.

[Why are you and Bhairavi here?]

[Abbot Johann] After many years of turning people away to hide what lies below, I was in complete shock when your friend was able to deduce we were guarding a wool. Honestly, even us Axtans were not entirely sure what lied down there ourselves. It seems she's pieced together the trail you left behind and figured it out.",

[I figured it out as well.]

[Abbot Johann] Sure you did, buddy.

[Why aren't you stopping me now?]

[Abbot Johann] As I'm sure you read back there, Siershen was aware that someday someone would get past his safeguards. His plan was to enlist that person in his fight. I think you may be our best hope here.

Be prepared for a fight!

Defeat the boss then head down into the Creeper Farm to access the dungeon lobby

Brother Selim
[Brother Selim] You've made it! Wonderful! I've quite honestly always wondered what's inside this place. Perhaps these can be of use to you inside. Good luck!

SCARS OF MAGIC COMPLETE! Awarded 1 Light Blue Dungeon Key, 64 Arrows of Slowness, Siershen's Caster, Full Access to the Light Blue Lobby Trader, 10 Anvils, and the ability to re-amplify the Collapsing Tower PoI!