Collapsing Tower

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POI Collapsing Tower Overview.png File:POI Collapsing Tower OnMap.png

Related Quests


Repeat the quest puzzle in Velara for another crystal and talk to Keller (Quest NPC) who is outside the hut at 885, 137, -266 to amp Collapsing Tower into Collapsing Tower (Amped).


Main Loot

Loot Table Amount
Bandit lvl.3 1
Mine lvl.4 1

Other Loot

Logbook - Collapsed Basement (Quest Item); 872, 171, -329


Mob Name Amount
MobImageCreeper.pngCreeper 4
File:MobImageSkeleton.pngSkeleton 3
MobImageCave Spider.pngCave Spider 2


  • Keller (Quest NPC); 885, 137, -266


In a ring around the outside top of the tower are eight blaze spawners to discourage pillaring up the outside.