King's Bounty

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The King's Bounty is a daily objective given by the King's Herald at the top of the market in Farr. The King's Bounty resets each day at 8:00 GMT / 3:00 EST. A player normally can only complete one bounty a day, but on Saturdays and Sundays, players may take on a second bounty after completing their first.

King's Herald
Coordinates: [602, 110, 162]
[Herald] Hello hero. Are you here for a bounty?

[Asking about King's Bounties]

[Herald] You've not heard of the King's Bounty? The King of this valley offers heroes of the land a reward for helping deal with threats facing the Kingdom. Travel to the Point of Interest described, conquer it, and take their stuff! Doing so will earn you some exciting rewards when you return to me.

Receiving a Bounty:

Note that all players standing near you when you request a bounty will get the same one!

[Herald]The crown will reward you once you have conquered the area described. In most cases this is done by breaking most of the spawners. All players who are assigned this bounty will complete it as long as they are in the area when a spawner is broken after conquering the area.

Upon Completion of a Bounty:

[Herald] You have earned a bounty! The King offers his thanks, and a reward.


Bounty Tier Rewards Loot Table
1 Royal Crystal, 2 Tier II Items, 1 Tier III Item Loot Level 1 Daily
★★ 1 Royal Crystal, 2 Tier III Items, 1 Tier IV Item Loot Level 2 Daily
★★★ 1 Royal Crystal, 2 Tier IV Items, 1 Tier V Item Loot Level 3 Daily

PoI List

Location Herald's Description Spawners to destroy Bounty Tier
Bandit Stronghold Supply caravans around the capital are being ransacked! We must counter-attack! Raid their Stronghold in the north west of Sierhaven to earn the bounty! 13

Bandit Camp A captured miner escaped from bandits and told the guards of their Camp northeast of Sierhaven. Find it and get revenge to earn the bounty. 16

Mercenary Fort Up in the cliffs near Sierhaven is a camp of Mercenaries. Pay them a visit, and see what they're plotting, would you? 12

Northern Mineshaft Spiders and rogue miners have claimed the Northern mineshaft as their own. Head north and teach them the error of their ways for the bounty. 8

Eastern Mineshaft The Eastern mineshaft has been filled with creepers, threatening our supply of coal, stone, and garnets. Head over and clear it out for the Bounty. It should be easy to find on your way between Nyr and Sierhaven. 8

Southeastern Mineshaft The Southeastern mineshaft, in addition to having dangerous lava, has been claimed by some rogue miners. Reclaim it so that we may resume gathering malachite and coal. 9

Southern Mineshaft Rumors abound that the Southern mine has become even more dangerous, with dark magic appearing. Investigate and the bounty is yours. 7

Water Shrine The King’s trusted seer screamed of Water overwhelming the natural order of things. Could it be the water shrine? Can you perhaps do something to placate the seer? 14

Fire Shrine The King's trusted seer screamed of Fire itself overwhelming the natural order of things. Could it be the fire shrine? Can you perhaps do something to placate the seer? 14

Earth Shrine The King's trusted seer screamed of the Earth overwhelming the natural order of things. Could it be the earth shrine? Can you perhaps do something to placate the seer? 32

Air Shrine The King's trusted seer screamed Gales overwhelming the natural order of things. Could it be the air shrine? Can you perhaps do something to placate the seer? 30

Swamp Sinkhole Today, the king has set a bounty to help clean out the watery Sinkhole north of the capital. Do so, would you hero? 6

Waterfall Island A supply caravan brought word of a small island near the northern Sierhaven Waterfall being overridden with monsters. Do something, would you? 2

Mage Tower A message appeared in the capital today. It bears the threat of an attack from the followers of the long-dead Ezariah. You must go to their Tower and stop them before the capital itself falls. 18

Fishing Huts A badly injured fisherman seeks the help of a hero. His Hut east of the capital has been ransacked by monsters! The King's Bounty today asks you help him reclaim his house. 5

Witch Village Deep in the swamp lies a Village, controlled by a coven of witches, who curse and hex our citizens! Hunt them down and put a stop to this! 8

Southern Village Citizens have been clamoring for their Village south of Sierhaven to be reclaimed from horrid creatures. Do you think you can do anything to help? 7

Lighthouse The Lighthouse-Keeper claims his Lighthouse to the South of Sierhaven has been attacked! Please go investigate and report back. 7

Ruined Mansion Nyr has sent a missive claiming to have seen strange activity in the ruined Mansion near the Blackroot Battlefield. Please go investigate, and the King’s Bounty will be yours. 7

Hawk Village According to Nyr, the Hawk tribe near them grows bolder by the day. They have a village that is hidden amongst the thicket atop a hill. Go forth and strike them down! 17

Northern Jaguar Village In the shadow of the Great Tree, the Jaguars are preparing to war, according to spies from Nyr. The King asks for you to ride into battle and disrupt their plans! 12

Southern Jaguar Village A wounded spy from Nyr reports the Jaguars across the river seem more active than usual. It’s high time someone attacks them! 14

Mysterious Cenote The King's trusted seer muttered cryptic words about a Cenote, the jungle, and something about a magical stick. I’m not sure what he means, but if you can work it out, I’ll give you the bounty. 4

Overgrown Cave The vine-filled Cave between Nyr and Farr, close to the western bridge, is infested with creatures. Clear them out for the bounty! 14

Water Cavern The guards have heard talk of a sunken Cavern close to Nyr whose waters are said to give untold strength. Investigate these rumors and the bounty is yours. 9

Tlaxan Ziggurat Today, the focus turns towards the ancient Ziggurat in the jungle. Strike hard and fast - spies say there is plenty of activity there. 12

Lowland Temple Sources from Farr claim an abandoned Temple in the shadow of the Great Tree has been a hotbed of activity recently. Go investigate please! 9

Southern Cenote A man is trapped in a large Cenote south of farr and rescuers have been unable to reach him. See if you can lend them a hand. 8

Corrupted Caves The King has heard rumors that the Fountain of Miracles has been discovered buried deep in some Caves. Can you find truth to these whispers? 20

Creeper Tower A man - missing a large chunk from his body - stumbled into Farr screaming about “snuggles”, and a Tower with a hawk statue. Do you know what he means? 11

Eastern Pass The southeastern Pass to the Highlands has been overwhelmed with creatures. For now, can you help make the pass safe again? 21

Anthill Farr reports a strange sighting of oversized Anthills. Are you up for playing exterminator? 24

Verdant Fortress The Sons of the Forest are a vile threat. Stab a knife into the heart of their operations before their strength grows further! Their Fortress must fall. 55

Infested House A lone House lies on the edge of the Cursed Forest, and a wandering adventurer claims to have heard ghosts within. You will be well rewarded to investigate these claims. 8

Cave Of Bones A scout from Highwatch reports seeing monsters emerge near the Bones of a drowned beast. Please help them find the source! 7

Volcano The esteemed Carbocius has sent word that his samples indicate an imminent Volcano eruption. If you can withstand the heat, see if you can find a way to stop the threat! 17

Suspicious Village A ragged man stumbled into Farr begging for help. The Sons of the Forest have been launching attacks from a strange Village. Can you fight back? 32

Crossroad Ruins Head down to the Crossroads North of Farr and investigate reports of activity in the ruined structure there. 9

Fire Cave Carbocius, a trusted associate, believes a Fire cavern west of the Monastery may be under the effects of powerful magic. Gear up and investigate. 23

Axtan Monastery A bloodstained letter arrived in Nyr today. It contains a plea for help from an Axtan monk. Could the Monastery have fallen? Please investigate. 32

Tiny Jungle Ruin A small task today. Our cartographers claim there is a Tiny series of ruins near the Fire Cave, north of Farr. Please explore the jungle around it and confirm if it truly exists. 5

Hawk Fortress The Grand Tree looming above Farr is a stronghold for the vicious Hawk Tribe. Today, I task you to lead an assault on that place to earn the Bounty. 52

Graveyard Near Highwatch, the dead are rising from their Graves inside the Cemetery. Go help the soldiers clean it up! 31

Creeper Farm All I was handed was a tattered and singed flyer today. It reads “COME ON DOWN TO THE AXTAN CREEPER RANCH TODAY. TWO EXPLOSIONS FOR THE PRICE OF ONE!”. I assume you need to head there. 13

Collapsing Tower In the Jaguar Tooth Mountains, there lies a ruined Tower, falling in on itself. Today's Bounty asks that you explore it for anything of value. 8

Serpent Ruins Along the southern walls of the jungle, I’m told there’s a destroyed village left in Ruins that used to belong to the Serpensia. While they are mercifully gone, the village is still dangerous. Pacify it for the bounty. 10

Abandoned Tunnels Above the tiered farm in the jungle is a strange Tunnel network, infested with odd beasts and filled with broken cages. Today I ask that you go check it out, and see what those creatures have been guarding. 19

Ruined Docks Just outside the capital are the collapsed Docks, overrun by creatures. Go explore it for us. 18

Molten Chasm Past Farr, there is a vicious scar in the earth, filled with Molten lava. Carbocius, a trusted associate, has asked the King to send someone to investigate it. 17

Corrupted Island Just beside Lowtide's docks is a small Island. The last three heroes we sent never returned, but we need to investigate it. Be safe. 9

Hallowed Pond Just west of Farr is a Pond haunted by ghastly creatures. Farr seeks our help in making it safe for travelers. Are you up to the task? 17

Ancient Ruin I’m told there is an Ancient ruin tucked away in the northern Jungle. The King has requested heroes to help investigate it. 12

Haunted Mine A miner stumbled into town from the south yesterday, claiming the mine he tried to enter was Haunted! Can you go investigate these claims? 24

Grand Maw Where the river flows to its end, the roots of the Grand Tree have been corrupted by vile magics. Today, the Valley stands together and asks you investigate the source lurking within. 33

Moist Ruins Dank, watery Ruins have been discovered northeast of Farr, in the foothills of the mountains. The King requests your aid in exploring them. 16

Jungle Mine Reports from Farr claim a group of miners have entered the city, having fled the Mine they work in. The King requests you head there, north of Farr, and investigate. 10

Cave Of Secrets Legends tell of a Secret cave with a mysterious gate at its end, hidden beneath a pond in the jungle. Seek this cave out and find its treasures and secrets. 14

Mountain Mines In the northeastern Mountains, scouts report that a small contingent of bandits have taken over a mine. Investigate it to gain the bounty. 6

Rift of Drowneds A strange mangrove forest has appeared in the southeastern swamp. Within its waters, a Rift has been opened. Investigate it and return with good news! 8

Cursed Forest Monsters most foul are stirring again in the nightmarish Forest near Highwatch. Destroy the monsters there and pacify it to earn your reward, although I fear it will not remain safe for long... 37

Litterbox Below the highlands waterfall, the stench of a small Litterbox has been repulsing travellers and soldiers alike. See if you can find the source, just make sure to plug your nose. 9

Mountain Hideaway The Axtan Monks have had several casks of ale stolen by bandits! Find them in the Mountains nearby the monastery and show them that crime doesn't pay. 4

Murky Maze The guards of Nyr have been complaining of increased smuggler activity, and have heard rumors of a Maze beneath the river. Search near the river below Nyr and see if you can find and secure this secret passage. 13

Consecrated Grounds Within a place called the Grove, I'm told there's an Consecrated Axtan Outpost. The Monks there haven't been heard from for awhile. Could you go investigate? 38

Igor's Laboratory Thith one ith a bit thricky to pronounth. The King wanths you to go to a Laboratory inthide a place called the Grove. Can you do that for uth? 36

Nameless Ruins Today, we have a bit of an unusual task. The King requests you deal with a strange Nameless ruin down the river within the Cursed Forest. Can you explore it and see what threats lie within? 12

Weeping Wormwood An expeditionary force into the Grove tells of an enormous and ancient-looking tree with nests of peculiar flying creatures scattered about its canopy. I hope you're not afraid of heights, because we need someone to investigate. 57

Whispering Woods Today the Crown requests you clear out a long forgotten Woods inside of an even older Grove. Apparently there's an artifact hidden deep within the trees. Are you up to the task adventurer? 52

Azacor's Mansion Our contacts have told us of a dangerous demon summoner called Azacor, housed within a place called The Grove. He once owned a Mansion there, and the Crown would like it explored and made safe. 42

Hallowed Hedges Down the river within the Cursed Forest lies a dangerous Hedge maze, which I've been told houses a dangerous beast. The Crown wants the threat eliminated. Can you do it? 44

The Undergrowth The Crown has been searching for a source of ancient Wyrmwood and we hear whispers through the Axtan Monks that such a source has been found in a place called the Grove, in an Underground, swampy cave. Can you find it? 35

Mapleroot Town During our scouting missions inside a place called the Grove, our spies spotted what looks like a pleasant lakeside Town. Could you go make contact? 30

Flooded Foyer Deep within a place called the Grove, we have been told of what appears to be an innocent-looking Flooded well, but there are secrets hidden inside. Can you investigate? 4

The Old Tower An Old abandoned strucutre in the swamps has been overrun by bandits! The king requests that you clear it out! 6

Sea Outpost What once was a Narsen Empire Outpost in the sea is now overrun by the bandits. The King demands it be cleared out! 11

Withered Hideout One of our scouts spotted a Hideout in the sea, just past the giant mushroom island. You must investigate and make sure it does not become a threat. 9

Toxin Lab Something terrifying has occurred at the hidden Lab in the Narsen Sea. The King requests you investigate posthaste! 10

Temple to Kaul By praying to an ancient statue, located northeast of Farr, an abandoned Temple can be found. You must ensure no threats from the Sons can be found there! 45

Submerged Gateway A strange noise reverbates within Submerged caves in the Narsen Sea. The King demands investigation! 26

Aphelion Isle This once sinister Isle was shattered under the rage of the sky. Please, save these poor souls. 30 or 33

Altar of Evocation Scouts have reported smoke rising from an abandoned structure near the Earth Shrine. The King orders it investigated, and to make sure that anything that lies there is dead at the Altar! 17 (should be 31)

Cloud Piercer Our sea captains have spoken of a massive fortress that pierces the Clouds! The King asks that you find and investigate it. 32

Forsaken Watchtower A Tower, Forsaken to time, stands silently among the calm waves of Narsen Sea on a lush island. The Crown seeks your assistance and requires you to investigate! 37

Bastion of Spires Far out in the ocean, a massive Bastion has lurched back to life, according to our sea captains. Find it, and shut it down!  ??

Cathedral of the Deep There are rumors spreading about a mysterious Cathedral, hidden deep beneath the waves of Narsen Sea. The King requires your assistance in investigating it! 34

Sunken City Strange vibrant crystals grow in the Sunken city north of Oceangate.  ??
