Air Shrine

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POI Air Shrine Overview.png File:POI Air Shrine OnMap.png


One of the Four Shrines of the Elements in the King's Valley

Related Quests

The pressure plate to turn the Argil Staff into the Elemental Staff for The Staff and The Staff? quests can be found at 484, 139, -3.


Show a Narsen's Will to Amelia the Pilot, a NPC in one of the Sierhaven Houses (-607, 96, 56), to recieve an item called Eye of the Storm, then bring it to the dispenser at the second lowest balloon in Hawk Fortress with the dispenser being located at 410, 171, 79, to amplify Air Shrine.


Main Loot

Loot Table Amount
Temple lvl.2 2
Temple lvl.3 2
Temple lvl.4 2

Other Loot


Mob Name Amount
MobImageCreeper.pngCreeper 11
MobImageSpider.pngSpider 8
File:MobImageAir Shade.pngAir Shade 8
File:MobImageAir Wraith.pngAir Wraith 9
