Mage Tower

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POI Mage Tower Overview.png POI Mage Tower OnMap.png A High tower looking out on the northeastern swamplands

Related Quests

During Mage's Legacy, the player is tasked with retrieving a copy of Ezariah's notes from the top floor of the tower.


Waterfall Island can be Amped to Waterfall Island (Amped) breaking 3 magma blocks located in the tower located at:

  • -536, 144, -499
  • -527, 163, -507
  • -572, 105, -501

The last coordinate given is under a bridge which can be entered from half-outside the POI.


Main Loot

Loot Table Amount
Temple lvl.0 1
Temple lvl.1 4
Temple lvl.2 3

Other Loot


Mob Name Amount
MobImageCreeper.pngCreeper 8
File:MobImageApprentice.pngApprentice 10
File:MobImageSecret Keeper.pngSecret Keeper 4
File:MobImageSilent Master.pngSilent Master 1