Mage's Legacy

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Head to the Mage Tower north of the city and look for some research notes.

From completing Prologue:
C: Vargos will want to speak to you. Ask him about the skull on his desk.

Coordinates: [-735, 154, 117]

[Vargos] Greetings, and welcome to the Academy. You must be (Player)! Murano has been spreading quite a good word about you.

  • [Thanks, I kinda just stumbled into the Elcard mess.]
    • [Vargos] Regardless, as the Archmage, I must offer you my deepest gratitude. You saved the Mage Council a fair amount of work.
      • [Mage Council?]
        • [Vargos] Right right, you're new around here. Listen, why don't you come up to my office Three floors up from here, and we can talk further. I'd like to discuss something with you.
          • [Sure]
            • [Vargos] Wonderful, I'll meet you there.


Coordinates: [-735, 154, 117]

[Vargos] Thank you for coming, it's nice to get some privacy.

  • [It's not every day I see a human skull sitting on a desk like that.]
    • [Vargos] I... Yes, well that relates to the matter I wished to discuss with you. Let me ask, does the name "Calder" ring a bell to you at all?
      • [Can't say that means anything to me, no.]
        • [Vargos] I see. Well, for the moment, let us just say that I'm aiming to bolster the Narsen's defense against this person, and for that, I am in need of some assistance.
          • [And how can I assist?]
            • [Vargos] I am looking for a former member of the Mage Council, Ezariah. He's been away for about 5 years now, and I believe he could be of great use once again... If he's still alive, that is...
              • [Any idea where I could begin searching?]
                • [Vargos] Last I was made aware, he was trying to build some crazy tower just northeast of the city. To what aim, I have no idea. If I were you, I'd travel to the city's Northern gate, and then take the path east through the swamp.
                • [Vargos] I also have a couple apportation runes on hand. They should serve you well when you'd like to get back to Sierhaven quickly, just make wise use of them!

C: Climb the Mage Tower in search of some old research notes. Be careful, Ezariah's apprentices were well-trained.

After killing the elite mob "Silent Master" and getting the research notes:

C: Once you find the research notes return to Vargos.

[Vargos] Oh, you've returned. Any luck out there?
  • [No sign of anyone named Ezariah, but I did find these weird research notes.]
    • [Vargos] Research notes, huh? I wonder what he could have been studying out there. Could I see it for a moment?
      • Vargos briefly flips through the notes.
        • [Vargos] Gah, of course it's in Tlaxan. Ezariah always did have a strange fascination with that language... Unfortunately, I don't know a lick of it.
          • [Do you know anyone who could translate it?]
            • [Vargos] Yes yes, a colleague of mine is well versed in the language, as she often delves deep into ancient Tlaxan anthropology. Her name is Bhairavi.
              • [Where could I find this person?]
                • [Vargos] Are you familiar with the town of Nyr? She recently moved her base of operations out there.
                  • [Yes, I am.]
                    • [Vargos] Ah, well it's a quaint little town immedately east outside of Sierhaven. I'll add the directions to your compass, so head over there and find Bhairavi. Let her know I sent you.
                  • [No, I can't say I've ever been.]

C: Find Bhairavi in Nyr

Coordinates: [-321, 93, 340]
[Bhairavi] Well hello. How did you get up here?
  • [I climbed.]
    • [Bhairavi] And my guards just let you up? Hmm...
      • [Yeah, Vargos sent me here to request your help in translating some research notes from Ezariah.]
        • [Bhairavi] That man, I swear. Cinevra masters the art of flippin' teleportation and creates a whole cross-Valley system, and he's still sending people out for his dirty work.
          • [I, uh...]
            • [Bhairavi] Oh, don't mind me. So anyway, research notes that need translating. Didn't think old Ezariah was still out and about, but let's see what we're working with here.
              • [Bhairavi] AH! Well... that was a surprise, for sure.
                • [What just happened?]
                  • [Bhairavi] Seems like Ezariah had a backup plan in mind. As soon as you try to translate it, a magic encryption hex kicks in. Just look at this thing.
                    • Bhairavi hands you the encrypted notes.
                      • [Bhairavi] Well, you can certainly call me intrigued, alright. I wonder what Ezariah would have gone to such extremes to hide in these notes.
                        • [What can we do about the encryption, though?]
                          • [Bhairavi] Ha, well lucky for you, breaking curses happens to be my specialty. I'm actually working on this one right now that- well, I'll save that for story for later. Why don't you head down to my basement and we can get started cracking this thing open!

Recieved Encrypted Notes

C: To break the curse, Head down to Bhairavi's basement to solve a lever puzzle

Bhairavi's Voice
Coordinates: [-321, 93, 340]
[Bhairavi's Voice] Alright, let's get started. I've placed the book into my prototype Curse Breaker machine, but it'll need some assistance. Press the button to get started

Press the button to begin solving the puzzle.

Bhairavi's Voice
Coordinates: [-321, 93, 340]
[Bhairavi's Voice] Okay, let's go. We need to get the proper levers activated, so flip some levers and press the button again to submit. This will let you know how many are correct. Iterate on your mistakes until you've got the solution!

Solve the lever puzzle three times then go back up

[1/3]: Head back up from the basement

[2/3]: Talk to Bhairavi before heading back to Sierhaven

[3/3]: head back to Sierhaven and speak to Vargos

Coordinates: [-321, 93, 340]
[Bhairavi] Great work down there! Now that the notes have been decrypted, you'll probably wanna tie things off with Vargos. Those apportation runes he gave you won't work in towns though, so you should use the teleporter building to get back to Sierhaven quickly
[Vargos] Welcome back, Player. How did everything go with Bhairavi?

[Well it wasn't as simple as I had hoped, but the job is done.]

[Vargos] I see... And yet, these notes don't reveal anything that immediately comes to mind. What did Ezariah mean by this? Unfortunately, I feel as if you have a long road ahead of you before you come to any resolution on it.

[About Ezariah...]

[Vargos] What is it?

[You never did explain why you wanted to find him to begin with? And something about someone named... Caldo?]

[Vargos] Calder, but yes. Very well, you have assisted me more than sufficiently in this regard, so I feel I owe you the answer you seek...

It happened 5 years ago...

When a spell to unseal something powerful was recovered...

A location we call the Monument...

The Mage Council gathered to discuss our next step...

[Vargos] The Mage Council comprised of 9 members at that time.

[Vargos] The Archmage, Valgus Flordson... My older brother.

[Vargos] Qatra Syncos.

[Vargos] Gwain Namu.

[Vargos] Filyn Lune.

[Vargos] Tempest Cross.

[Vargos] Three other members of the Council, myself and Ezariah included, were not present at this meeting.

[Vargos] The 9th member, however... That was Calder.

[Vargos] They bickered for some time, and all agreed that the Monument should remain a secret. All, minus Calder.

[Vargos] And little did they understand, he wasn't going to take no for an answer.

My brother, and the 4 attending members, all died that day...

As for Calder, he escaped, and we've been hunting him ever since.

No one knows how he got the upper hand that day...

This skull on my desk, it is my brother's.

I keep it here, as a reminder of that day.

Awarded Morphic Shield, 10 Apportation Runes and the ability to purchase a Plot!