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After being defeated by the Masked Man, you wake up in Nurse Deidre’s Infirmary. You receive a Quest Compass. Speak to Nurse Diedre

Nurse Deidre
Coordinates: [-754,106,-9]

[Nurse Deidre] Oh, you're awake! Some of the rangers found you wounded and unconscious near a ruined temple and brought you here to heal up. If you're feeling alright, try heading upstairs to the exit. I've also given you a compass, it might be useful to you if you can't find your way or get lost.

  • [Where am I?]
    • [Nurse Deidre] You're in Sierhaven, capital city of the Narsen Empire. This is the military infirmary. If you're feeling better, head upstairs to get to the exit.
  • [Did they find a masked man?]
    • [Nurse Deidre] You were the only one they found, but it was apparently dangerous so they didn’t look too hard. Bringing you here was their priority.
  • [What is this compass?]
    • [Nurse Deidre] It's a Quest Compass
    • - The Quest Compass is an invaluable tool in Monumenta, which points to your current objective.
    • - When in your main hand; left-click to display your active quest objective, and right-click to cycle through your quests.
    • - When outside cities, right-click while sneaking to see the respawn timers of all Points of Interest nearby.

To talk to NPCs, open chat with t, then
click the [purple text in brackets] to respond.

C: Gather your wits and head outside into Sierhaven.

As you head outside, you see that Private Martin is waiting for you. Speak to Private Martin

Private Martin
Coordinates: [-712, 106, -17]

[Private Martin] Hey, are you [Player]? If so, Captain Murano wants to talk to you. He's on the third floor of the castle, the building with the two crossed swords there.

C: Head to Captain Murano on the third floor of the Castle, he wants to talk to you.

C: Captain Murano's office is one more floor up!

Captain Murano
Coordinates: [-758,125,-131]

[Captain Murano] Ah, [Player], good to finally meet you! I've heard about your predicament. I'm told you're quite a talent as well.

[Why did you ask for me?]

To talk to NPCs, left click while looking at them, then open your chat and click the purple options in []

[Captain Murano] Straight to the point, I see. Well to be blunt then, Sierhaven is in trouble, and we are in need of your services.

[In trouble how?]

[Captain Murano] A group of bandits have infiltrated an old alchemical lab below the castle, and they have our forces tied up. Will you aid the Narsen Empire in this time of need?

[I'll do it.]

[Captain Murano] Wonderful, I've had a good feeling about you since we found you. Please, head down to the ground floor of the castle and speak to Sir Reginald. He will guide you from there. And here, some equipment for your task ahead.

Right click your compass to obtain waypoints to the next destination!

Captain Murano gives you:
3x Healing Vial
32x Torch
32x Arrow
8x Apple
8x Baked Potato
8x Bread
1x Ironwood Pick
1x Rough Dagger
1x Farmer's Bow
1x Padded Cloth Coif
1x Infused Cloth Cloak
1x Padded Cloth Trousers
1x Infused Cloth Shoes

Head to the Castle's basement to speak to Sir Reginald.

Sir Reginald
Coordinates: [-748, 95, -83]

[Sir Reginald] Greetings, young squire! Were you sent to help stop those rebels?

  • [I'm here to stop them.]
    • [Sir Reginald] Excellent! It's good to see that this new generation of adventurers is as brave and bold as the last!
    • [Sir Reginald] We believe they are storing all their explosives in one highly defended location. If you can get rid of it and manage to take down their leader, we should be able to capture them.
    • [Sir Reginald] We have already set up a staging area for our assault. I can take you in and give you a key to the Labs.
      • [I'm ready!]
        • [Sir Reginald] Splendid! Here is a key to enter the Alchemy Labs. Good luck, young squire!
      • [I need to prepare.]
        • [Sir Reginald] I suppose I understand, but what knight leaves home without their weapons and armor? You should always be prepared!
  • [I'm not a squire.]
    • [Sir Reginald] Many pardons. It's a bit hard to see through this old helmet, so I assumed you were a knight in training, coming to help defend your city.
  • [Stop them? From what?]
    • [Sir Reginald] You haven't heard? Anarchists tried to assassinate The King! The Royal Guards stopped them, but they fled into the old Alchemy Labs and found some explosives!
    • [Sir Reginald] They're threatening to blow up part of the Castle, unless we let them go... It's a most precarious situation. We need our heroes to head in there and deal with their explosives cache before they can get that all set up.
  • [What's down here?]
    • [Sir Reginald] These are the old Alchemy Labs. Back during the Blackroot war, it helped manufacture bombs and munitions for our balloon forces. Thankfully, times are safe enough these days that we're able to keep it shut down for good.
    • [Sir Reginald] Because of toxic chemicals, it's usually off limits, but as long as you don't drink the water, you should be okay.

C: Enter the Alchemy Labs dungeon by speaking to the golem.

As you run to the golem:

    • [Dungeon Informant] Come talk to me before you enter the Dungeon!
Coordinates: [-744, 22, -12]

[-_-] Just a heads up:

[-_-] People with no instance: [Player]

[-_-] Oh, haven't seen you before. Seems you're new to this whole thing.

[-_-] Make sure you talk to the Dungeon Informant over there. Understanding how this works now will save you some frustration later. The most important things are:

[-_-] You can only create or join 1 instance of a dungeon per week. A new week starts every Friday at 12 PM UTC-5.

[-_-] You can invite more players (They must not have an open instance) the week your instance is opened, and you can abandon them at any point after the start of a new week.

[-_-] Dungeons stay available for 21 days regardless of the day they were started.

Speak to Sir Reginald in the Labs Class Room:

Sir Reginald (Labs Class Room)

[Sir Reginald] Young squire, the enemies that lie ahead are strong, thus you will need to equip yourself with a class to apply your skills against them. Please, step on these pressure plates to begin.

Stepping on the plates:

Quest Choice

Monumenta allows you to customize your playstyle by choosing a class! For now, here is a small selection to choose from, and more will unlock later. Hover over them for a description of the class, and click on a class to choose it as the one you wish to use!


  • Hover Text:
    • Warrios get up close and personal with their target for hard hits and quick kills!
    • Skills Available:
    • Brute Force : When you land a critical hit, all nearby enemies will take 2 damage and experience knockback.
    • Weapon Mastery : You gain 10% damage resistance while holding a sword. Additionally, your axe damage is increased by +2 plus 5% of final damage done.


  • Hover Text:
    • Scouts move quickly and kill their opponents from afar with their bows!
    • Skills Available:
    • Volley : Fire a bow while crouching to unleash a volley of multiple arrows at your target!
    • Swiftness : Gain a permanent 20% Speed buff.


  • Hover Text:
    • Mages zone out their opponents and finish them off with their magic attacks!
    • Skills Available:
    • Arcane Strike : When When you attack with a wand, all enemies in a 4 block ardius will be dealt 4 damage.
    • Mana Lance : Right clicking while wielding a wand fires a beam that will reach your opponents as far as 8 blocks away, dealing 6 damage upon hit.

You are now a [Class]!

Defeat the Alchemy Labs dungeon.

You Completed the Alchemy Labs Dungeon: Enter the teleporter and head back to speak to Sir Reginald one last time.

(Auto-starts Mage's Legacy with Mage's Legacy: Vargos will want to speak to you. Ask him about the skull on his desk.)

After leaving Alchemy Labs Lobby:

C: Back in the Castle, return to Sir Reginald one more time.

Sir Reginald
Coordinates: [-748, 95, -83]

[Sir Reginald] Wonderful work, young squire. You have truly earned this here reward for your valor in the Alchemy Labs!

  • [What can I do now?]
    • [Sir Reginald] There is always activity within Sierhaven, and plenty of people who are in need of a brave adventurer such as yourself.
    • [Sir Reginald] Our capital's Quest Guide can be of great assistance to you. He's in the central plaza; I'll adjust your compass to also lead you there.
    • (Puts into compass. Welcome to Sierhaven:Head to Sierhaven's Central Plaza to find its Quest Guide.)
  • [Are there more classes than the 3 you offered me in the Labs?]
    • [Sir Reginald] There are indeed, there are indeed! I've already set your compass to lead you to Sybil in the Narsen Academy. There, she will instruct you further.
  • [Can I re-enter the Alchemy Labs?]
    • [Sir Reginald] Of course, let us head there now.

C: Now that you are finished with your mission, speak to Sybil in the Academy to learn more about classes.

Coordinates: [-744, 107, 111]

[Sybil] Ah, you must be [Player]! Murano has spoken very highly of you! I'm Sybil, the caretaker of the Academy. If you would ever like to switch your classes or skills, please just follow the blue path below your feet. Alternatively, you can stay as your current class if you are satisfied, your choice!

  • [How many Skill Points do I have?]
    • [Sybil] If you were to reset your class, you would have 2 skill points.
  • [What do Skill Points do?]
    • [Sybil] Skill Points are used to advance your knowledge of your class, earning you more skills that you can have active at once. You earn skill points by completing dungeons in Monumenta.