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Sierhaven is one of the many cities in the King's Valley. It is the first place the player will go upon completing the tutorial.


Sierhaven is the capital of the Narsen Empire. It has been led by eight rulers between 0 OW and 115 AV (present). It became a metropolis under Queen Petra I's rule.


Many buildings on the outer edges of the city were player and guild plots in previous versions of the server. These are now vacant and do not contain any inventory, but the builds have been left for your enjoyment and exploration. Player Plot and Guilds were moved to a separate location.

Castle Narsean

The castle with two giant crossed swords on the building. Located in the North section of the city. The Alchemy Labs bonus dungeon, Guild hall, Hall of Patrons, an introduction from Monumenta developers, City Planning Office (purchase Plots here), the Castle Prison, and Throne Room are located here.

The Academy

Building with the giant book on the outside. Located in the South section of the city. Class selection, gear selling, localization, Royal Spellbinders, minigames, rare fragmenting, resetting, and the library are found here.

Teleport Hub

Located just south-west of the city square. Offers teleportation to cities after the player uses the respective teleporter to Sierhaven. A Dungeons or Strikes's teleporter is unlocked after its respective quest. Teleporters to player plots, plots, and other regions are also found here after unlocking them.


Located north-west of the city square. It features the New Player Nexus, the polling place, stat tracking for patrons, the Buildermaster's Workshop, and the Jeweler.

The Forge

Located north-east of the city square. You can sell or repair gear here, or convert your levels to repair anvils. There are some shops here that sell low-tier gear.


Players used to live here, but don't anymore. They're now abandoned and infested with rats or something.

Arena of Terth

Arena of Terth


Alchemical Workshop

Located at (-762, 106, -42).

NPC Item 1 Item 2 Traded Item
Apprentice Alchemist 12 XP Minor Healing Vial
20 XP Nereid Essence
24 XP Bastion's Brew
Alchemical Supplier 40 XP Blaze Powder
32 XP Glass Rod
2 Pulsating Dust Super Glue
Arcanist 1 CXP Weak Wand
4 CXP Student Wand
20 XP Crimson Mage Hat
20 XP Crimson Mage Robes
20 XP Crimson Mage Robes
20 XP Crimson Mage Robes
Head Alchemist/Alchemist 40 XP Potion of Agility
48 XP Miner's Brew
32 XP Healing Vial
32 XP Minor Strength Potion
Psychie 2 Essence of Romance 2 Essence of Passion Happy Heart Potion
2 Essence of Devotion 2 Essence of Yearning Banner of Love
Banner of Love Happy Heart Potion Essence of Love
8 Essence of Love Cupid's Bow

There are also two Soulweavers located here.

The Workshop

Located at (-700, 107, -40).

NPC Cost 1 Cost 2 Traded Item
Tool Supplier 10 XP Swiftwood Pickaxe
12 XP Lucky Pick
8 XP Swiftwood Axe
8 XP Swiftwood Shovel
8 XP Measuring Tape
Block Supplier 1 CXP 32 Stone Bricks
1 CXP 32 Terracotta
12 XP 32 Block of Quartz
12 XP 32 Glass
2 CXP 32 Prismarine
1 CXP 8 Glowstone
Foreman 24 XP Bluefell Chisel
24 XP Miner's Pick
18 XP Honed Swiftwood Axe
18 XP Grassbane
22 XP Shears
Fuser Ironwood Blade Ironwood Blade Steelwood Blade
Ironwood Pick Ironwood Pick Steelwood Pickaxe
Ironwood Bow Ironwood Bow Steelwood Bow
Granite Pickaxe Granite Pickaxe Feldspar Pickaxe

The Bazaar

NPC Item 1 Item 2 Traded Item
Engineer 4 CXP 8 Redstone Dust
4 CXP Tripwire Hook
8 CXP Piston
16 CXP Iron Trapdoor
16 CXP Iron Door
32 CXP Heavy Weighted Pressure Plate
64 CXP Light Weighted Pressure Plate
Weaver 2 XP Cloth Shoes
3 XP Cloth Pants
4 XP Cloth Shirt
2 XP Cloth Cap
Baker 2 XP Bread
4 XP 13 Cookies
5 XP Pumpkin Pie
8 XP Cake
Butcher 3 XP Cooked Rabbit
6 Rotten Flesh Cookie Zombie Meat
5 XP Cooked Chicken
8 XP Steak
8 XP Rabbit Stew
3 XP 2 Leather
Fuser Ironwood Blade Ironwood Blade Steelwood Blade
Ironwood Pick Ironwood Pick Steelwood Pickaxe
Ironwood Bow Ironwood Bow Steelwood Bow
Granite Sabre Granite Sabre Feldspar Sabre
Granite Pickaxe Granite Pickaxe Feldspar Pickaxe
Fisherman 2 XP Cooked Cod
3 XP Cooked Salmon
12 XP Fishing Rod
32 XP Novice's Fishing Rod
12 CXP Angler's Rod
Dye Trader 12 XP Green Dye
16 XP Lime Dye
12 XP Light Blue Dye
16 XP Cyan Dye
16 XP Ink Sac
16 XP Purple Dye
12 XP White Banner
12 XP Black Banner
Interior Designer 8 XP Furnace
16 XP Trapped Chest
2 XP 4 Flower Pots
3 XP Armor Stand
4 XP Item Frame
16 XP Book and Quill
32 XP Jukebox
5 CXP Jammin Juke-box
Armor Stand Armed Armor Stand
Armed Armor Stand Armor Stand
8 XP Banner Pattern - Flower Charge
8 XP Banner Pattern - Globe
8 XP Banner Pattern - Flower Charge
8 XP Banner Pattern - Creeper Charge
8 XP Banner Pattern - Skull Charge
8 XP Banner Pattern - Thing
Tailor 12 XP Stylish Red Shirt
12 XP Stylish Yellow Shirt
12 XP Stylish Blue Shirt
10 CXP Stylish Black Shirt
Farmer 8 XP 4 Apples
12 XP 4 Carrots
20 XP 4 Potatoes
8 XP 8 Melon Seeds
8 XP 8 Beetroot Seeds
64 CXP 16 CXP Bountiful Hoe

The Jeweler

Aimee works here. She can convert Royal Armory items into their alternative skin for 3 CXP.

The Forge

Repair Anvils can be purchased here for 25 levels (910 XP points). Gear can be sold at a selling station or repaired at a repair station at the cost of levels.

NPC Cost 1 Cost 2 Traded Item
Orson 4 Fear Shard Skeleton Skull Cap of Fear
Apprentice Armorsmith 16 XP Rusty Shield
10 XP Infused Cloth Shoes
10 XP Infused Cloth Leggings
10 XP Infused Cloth Cloak
10 XP Infused Cloth Helm
Apprentice Weaponsmith 6 XP Stone Sword
12 XP Oaken Broadsword
12 XP Scorching Splinter
6 XP Stone Axe
15 XP Squire's Hammer
Armorsmith 32 XP Weak Shield
16 XP Bandit's Boots
16 XP Bandit's Trousers
16 XP Bandit's Tunic
16 XP Bandit's Cap
Weaponsmith 24 XP Tempered Ironwood Blade
24 XP Priest's Stake
32 XP Soldier's Blade
24 XP Smoldering Mace
36 XP Warhammer


Main Article: Sierhaven/Quests

Quest Name Prerequisites Rewards
Bandit Troubles None
Bane of the Bakers None
Casting for Help
Clear as Glass
A Crown of Madness
A Crown of Majesty
  • None
Flash in the Pan None
A Little Spark None
  • 10 levels
Mage's Legacy None
Memories of Battle
Nelfine's Curse None
A Pigculiar Problem Oink
A Crew to Remember None
Scars of Magic
The Scout's Codex None
Snow Man Left Behind Words Upon Hushed Lips
  • Replica Snow Wool
  • Ability to buy and upgrade the Tesseract of Festivity
  • Ability to drink more Eggnog with Colder for more interesting results...
Supply and Demand None
Words Upon Hushed Lips
  • 3 Skill Points
  • 16 CXP
  • 2 Potions of Protection
A Study in Crimson Part One
A Study in Crimson Part Two
Finished Business
  • Awarded a sense of satisfaction for helping that weird fanfiction author... Ugh.
Glooper Duper