Supply and Demand

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Help Buildmaster Jr. with a supply package for Melinda.

Buildmaster Jr.
Coordinates: [-778, 106, 20]

[Buildmaster Jr.] Well hello. Fancy seeing a traveler wander into our little storefront. I'm Buildmaster Jr., son of the esteemed Buildmaster, the buildmaster of Sierhaven. How can we be of help today?

  • [I'm new around here, so I'm mostly looking around.]
    • [Buildmaster Jr.] Do you happen to have some free time then?
      • [I suppose.]
        • [Buildmaster jr.] Splendid! I have a job for you, if you're interested in some work of course.
          • [Sign me up.]
            • [Buildmaster jr.] Lovely! I need you to travel around this beautifully designed capital city of Sierhaven - no bias of course - and gather a few items for me. Since you're new to the city, this should really help you catch your bearings.
              • [I'll do it!]
                • [Buildmaster jr.] Excellent!
              • [Maybe later.]
                • [Buildmaster jr.] You know where to find me!
          • [Maybe later.]
            • [Buildmaster jr.] You know where to find me, friend.
      • [No, sorry. Very busy.]
        • [Buildmaster Jr.] Ah, shame. Well, if you're looking for work, I may have a job for you later.
Buildmaster jr.

[Buildmaster jr.] So I've got a little shopping list here. We're going to need 32 glass blocks, 1 blaze powder, and 4 pieces of cooked rabbit. [Buildmaster jr.] Here's some money to pay for it all, though feel free to keep it if you can gather the items yourself. Let me know when you've got it all!

  • [Where can I get glass?]
    • [Buildmaster jr.] East, down the road, inside the workshop. The Block Suppliers sell it. If you check your quest compass, It should point there!
  • [Where can I get blaze powder?]
    • [Buildmaster jr.] Head north from the town square, and take a left before you reach the castle. There, you'll find the Arcane Emporium where you can find it for sale. If you check your quest compass, it should point there!
  • [Where can I get cooked rabbit?]
    • [Buildmaster jr.] Head west from the town square, then take the second right. Take the right immediately after that and be on the lookout for meat and leather. If you check your quest compass, it should point there!

C [1/7]: Buildmaster Jr. is in need of 1 blaze powder. Head over to the Arcane Emporium, where you can find them sold!

C [2/7]: The [Alchemical Supplier] in the Arcane Emporium should be able to sell you the needed blaze powder! Coords: [-776, 108, -34]

C [3/7]: Buildmaster Jr is in need of 32 Glass blocks. Head over to The Workshop, where you can find them sold!

C [4/7]: The [[Block Supplier] in the Workshop should be able to sell you the needed glass! Coords: [-678, 108, -56]

C [5/7]: Buildmaster Jr is in need of 4 cooked rabbits. Head over to Sierhaven Circle, where you can find them sold!

C [6/7]: The [Butcher] in Sierhaven Circle should be able to sell you the needed cooked rabbit! Coords: [-810, 102, 13]

C [7/7]: Once you have all the needed supplies, head back to Buildmaster Jr!

Buildmaster jr.
Coordinates: [-778, 106, 20]

[Buildmaster Jr.] Wonderful, that's all the items! Thank you. Now I just need to take a moment to pack it all together, then I can send you on your way.

[My way?]

[Buildmaster Jr. Of course. I need your courier services as well. For starters, I need you to bring the package to Orson in the Forge. He'll put the finishing touches on it, then you can be off to the final destination of the package!

[Alright then.]

[Buildmaster Jr. Splendid, my friend. Here's your Supply Package. Now get heading, The Forge is just up the road, near Town Square

C: Time to put the finishing touches on the package. Head over to Orson in The Forge to get the job done!

Coordinates: [-721, 108, 23]

[Orson] A true master of the forge knows the ancient patterns by heart.

  • [I want to learn to make something!]
  • [I have this package from Buildmaster Jr.]
    • [Orson] Ah yes, yes. I've been expecting you. Here, let me put the finishing touches on it.
    • Orson fiddles with the outside of the package for a moment.
    • [Orson] You're all set. Buildmaster Jr. informed me that the final recipient of the package will be Melinda, who lives out in Sierhaven's Eastern housing district. Just head out east from the Town Square, and she'll be in one of the houses along the path. I'll put the coordinates in your compass so you know exactly which house to look for.

C All that's left is to deliver the package to Melinda over in the Eastern Housing District!

Coordinates: [-614, 96, 12]

[Melinda] Hello there. I'd ask if I could help you with anything, but I'm currently tending to my broken leg.

  • [I have this package you requested from Buildmaster Jr.]
    • [Melinda] Ah, I see, so he has a new lackey these days! How sweet of him to hire the needy.
      • [That's... not exactly the situa-]
        • [Melinda] Well here, please take the payment for the package, and do send Buildmaster Jr. my regards. Feel free to drop by again sometime!
  • [Broken leg?]
    • [Melinda] Yeah, it was... a silly mistake. Story for another time, though.

Awarded 12 Concentrated Experience and the Experience Flask!


  • When you approach to Arcane Emporium, this dialogue will pop up.

Welcome To The Arcane Emporium This is the center of all of Sierhaven's magical focused shops. Need some potion? Magic gear? Looking to turn in Soulthreads? The Arcane Emporium is your one-stop shop!

  • When you approach to The Workshop, this dialogue will pop up.

Welcome To The Workshop All of the greatest craftsmen in Sierhaven gather here! Looking for some spare blocks? Tools and weapons to buy? The Workshop has you covered!

  • When you approach to Sierhaven Circle, this dialogue will pop up.

Welcome to Sierhaven Circle! Here, you can find a wide variety of shops that can serve you for many needs. Food? Arrows? General supplies? Sierhaven Circle has it all!

  • When you approach to the Forge, this dialogue will pop up.

Welcome To The Forge! The Forge is one of the most important locations in Sierhaven. Need to sell some spare gear? Need some anvils to repair broken equipment? The Forge is where you need to be!