A Crown of Majesty

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Coordinates: -760, 106, 19

[Aimee]Hi there! Did someone from the crafter’s guild send you to help me?
  • [Help with what?]
    • [Aimee] The King’s birthday is coming up soon, and an anonymous donor has commissioned my shop to make a new crown for him. Isn’t that so sweet?
      • [Uh, yeah sure, but why does the King need a new crown?]
        • [Aimee] I’m in need of a gem to use as the centerpiece - the “crown jewel”, so to speak. More specifically, I had a Topaz in mind, but the person I’d usually source them from, Jeremiah, has been absent recently.
          • [So you need help tracking one down, then.]
            • [Aimee] Exactly, though I’m afraid it may be a bit dangerous. What do you think, are you in? I can make it worth your while.
              • [Sure, I’m in.]
    • [Aimee] Wonderful! I know Jeremiah usually has them dug up from a mine just north of the city.

‘’ [1/2] Aimee is in need of a gem for the King’s new crown. Head over to the Northern Mineshaft to see if you can find one. ‘’

‘’ [2/2] Once you’ve reached the mine, head inside and see what you can find. ‘’

‘’ Head inside the Northern Mineshaft and kill the Ominous Scout ‘’

‘’ when Ominous Scout spawned ‘’

Ominous Scout

Coordinates: -760, 106, 19

[Ominouse Scout] So you’re the one they’ve sent, huh? Very well then, you seem easy enough to handle on my own.

‘’ after killing Ominous Scout: ‘’

Ominous Scout

Coordinates: -760, 106, 19

[Ominouse Scout] Heh… Seems you‘ve put up a decent fight. Very well, time for me to report back.

‘’ [1/2] The attacker escaped deep into a dark mineshaft. Follow after him and see where it leads! ‘’

‘’ [2/2] Once you’ve arrived to the end of the mineshaft, seek out anything that looks important ‘’

‘’ when you grabbed the gem from the chest in Southern Mineshaft ‘’

‘’ Your spine shivers as you touch the dark onyx. It’s not the exactly the gem Aimee was looking for, but maybe it’s good enough. Time to head back. ‘’

‘’ C: You’ve found an interesting looking gem. It’s not exactly the one Aimee was seeking out, but maybe she can make do.


Coordinates: -760, 106, 19

[Aimee]Well, how’s it go? Any luck?
  • [I didn’t find a topaz exactly, but I did find this onyx. Think this could work?]
    • [Aimee] Let me see, hmm… No, this is perfect. Yes, it will be of great use.
    • Aimee’s Body twitches slightly as she finishes her words.
      • [Uh… Are you okay?]
        • [Aimee] Huh… Yeah, of course. Next step will be to craft it into a crown! Head down to my basement where the workshop is, and we can begin!

‘’ C: It’s time to make a crown! Head down to Aimee’s workshop and get started! ‘’


Coordinates: -760, 106, 19

[Aimee] Alright, in order to get the perfect crown crafted, we’re gonna need to work together. I’ll tend the heat flow here, you go over and interact with that anvil.
  • [What’s my task?]
    • [Aimee] You need to strike when the heat level is perfect. If the heat is too low, the metal will distort. If the heat gets too high, we risk losing the gem.

‘’ interact with the anvil when the heat level is at 100% at least three time ‘’

‘’ C: The crown has been made! Speak to Aimee one last time to wrap everything up! ‘’


Coordinates: -760, 106, 19

missing dialogue

Coordinates: -760, 106, 19


[Ominous Scout] My duchess… The task you ordered has been fulfilled.

[The Duchess] So, the Onyx has been planted in Sierhaven?

[Ominous Scout] Yes, madame. All went according to your plan.

[The Duchess] Beautifully done, Salieri. And what of the Sons?

[Ominous Scout] As you expected, they have already taken notice. It likely won’t be long until they make a move.


Then it’s time I make myself known.

A CROWN OF MAJESTY COMPLETE! Awarded Jeweled Tiara and 128 Enchanting Bottles.