The Scout's Codex

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Find Laura's Scout's log near the Bandit Stronghold.

Scout Laura

Coordinates: -733, 129, -252

[Scout Laura] Are you about to leave town? Let me give you some advice. If you are looking for an old mine, just follow the signs. I wouldn't suggest going too far without proper gear, it may be really dangerous...

[Thanks. Who are you?]

[Scout Laura] I'm a scout! Name's Laura. The north side of Sierhaven is particularly vulnerable because the Bandit's Stronghold is nearby. There are other threats to the city as well such as the creatures from the old Mage Tower. My assignment is to alert the guards if problems arise. I uh... got stuck here after I abandoned my old post.

[Old post?]

[Scout Laura] Yeah... I ran from my previous post when I got spotted by Bandits and got stuck here as punishment. I didn't even bring back my scout's log... Speaking of which... Perhaps you could retrieve it for me? The information I managed to record is too valuable to be left out in the open, but I can't leave the watch... again.

  • [I could do that.]
    • [Scout Laura] Fantastic! I was stationed on a small island south of the Bandit Stronghold, which can be found to the north. I bet my scout's log is still there.
  • [Sorry, I've got a lot going on right now.]
    • [Scout Laura] That's alright.

[1/2]: Head to the isle near the Bandit Stronghold and find Laura's Log.

[2/2]: Once you've found the log, return it to Laura.

Go to [-950, 103, -355] and retrieve Scout's Log: Laura and return to Scout Laura.

Scout Laura

Coordinates: -732, 129, -251

[Scout Laura] Hey, it's you again! Glad to see you alive!

[Thanks. I think I found your book! Take a look.]

You give the book to Laura. She quickly turns pages, somewhere to the middle. Then she smiles.

[Scout Laura] Aha! That you did, great! Say, have you, perhaps, read my log? What do you think?

  • [I have. Seems like the bandits keep something underneath their stronghold.]
    • [Scout Laura] Not just something. Those bandits have a warehouse there, I'm tell you! Say, perhaps...
  • [I haven't. What gives?]
    • [Scout Laura] See, I'm confident that those bandits have a warehouse there. And...

She sighs deeply, as if the next words will hurt her pride. After a moment, she continues...

[Scout Laura] Alright. Fine. Another sigh. Fine. I... I really hate to ask you this, but could you help me take down the bandit's warehouse? I've been doing some research during my downtime here and I have a theory on how it's laid out.

  • [Sorry, Laura, but I'm busy. Maybe next time.]
    • [Scout Laura] Eh, worth a try anyway. At least you brought me my log back.

[I'm all ears. What's the plan?]

[Scout Laura] A friend of mine stationed over at Highwatch sent me a... gift. Don't ask why. Anyway, thanks to Kathryn, I just happen to have some good explosives. Which I'm going to give to you.

[What exactly do you want me to do with them?]

[Scout Laura] That's the fun part. See, their warehouse is located underground, but you can't just hollow out an empty space underground and expect it to hold. Not at all. They've got to have a way to keep that ceiling up - support beams, pillars, something. So go find them and blow them up. Then run for your life! Still game?

  • [This sounds... extremely dangerous. I need to think.]
    • [Scout Laura] Alright, take your time. Let me know if you change your mind.

[I'm in!]

[Scout Laura] That's the spirit! here you go; these should be enough. And remember - you need to blow up the main support beams. They are usually made out of wood and look very thick. If you lose them, I have a few extra and can resupply you. Please don't, though. You can find the entrance north of the Bandit's Stronghold, by the water.

[1/2]: Find a way into the warehouse beneath the Bandit's Stronghold.

[2/2]: Once inside the warehouse, set three High-Density TNT charges at three different support beams.

Warehouse location: [-904, 91, -464]

When you try to enter warehouse: Before you lies the entrance to the bandit's warehouse.
[Enter the warehouse.]

You enter the cave. As you crawl through the dark tunnel, you can hear voices in the distance. At last, you find your way to the warehouse.

NOTE: You need to click while holding the tnt.

When you punch the 3x3 stripped log pillar while standing next to it:

You stand before one of three main pillars of the warehouse. What will you do?

  • [Set the charge.]
    • The charge has been set.
    • Bandits sent reinforcements! You have to battle your way through!
Elite Axe, Elite Sniper, Archer, and Bandit spawn.

  • [Leave.]
    • You decide to leave for now.

Beam spots: [-902, 98, -539] [-884, 102, -539] [-905, 103, -560]

After placing all three:
All charges have been set! Hurry to the exit before they detonate!

C: Escape the warehouse!

When you go to leave the warehouse:

The dark tunnel looms over you. Do you wish to leave?

  • [Leave.]
  • [Stay.]

If you leave after placing the 3 charges: You hear loud explosions deep in the cavern behind you. If there was anything worth salvaging - it's gone now. Time to return back to Laura.

C: Return to Laura with good news.

Scout Laura

[Scout Laura] Well? How'd it go? Do tell!

[I found it. I blew it up!]

[Scout Laura] Whoa, woah. I knew Kathryn's explosives were wild, but that!? Amazing. Thank you, truly! This will teach them a lesson. After that, I can't just leave you empty-handed. I don't have much, but I entrust you my quiver, may it serve you well. Oh, and take these tipped arrows too. You've earned it.

THE SCOUT'S CODEX COMPLETE! Awarded 128 Scout's Heartseekers, and the Scout's Quiver!