Winds of War

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Take Bhairavi's creation and break a curse on the Battlefield.

After Completing Mage's Legacy:
C: Vargos has advised you to speak to Bhairavi in Nyr

Coordinates: [-113, 104, -156]

[Bhairavi] Well hello. How did you get up here?

[I climbed.]

[Bhairavi] And my guards just let you get up here? Hmm...

[Yeah, I just strolled right by.]

[Bhairavi] Fascinating. They must like you. Or... wait... You're that hero Vargos told me to look out for. The one who helped him with the research notes?

[That I am.]

[Bhairavi] Why don't you help me out with my research? I'm currently deep into study on the Blackroot Battlefield outside Nyr, and am trying to unravel the curses still lingering.

  • [Tell me more about it!]
    • [Bhairavi] Excellent, I like to see someone who cares so much about magical history.
    • [Bhairavi] So 56 years ago, the Narsen Empire to which we belong, battled against the Tlaxan tribes living in the Blackroot Jungle for the rights to settle their land. The Battlefield outside Nyr is the remnants of the final battle that resulted in the Tlaxan surrender, but is still riddled with curses. This is due to the vile magics the Tlaxans cast that are stronger than any other I've seen. if you wish to know more, Sumona in Lowtide might have a book or two on the subject.
    • [So where do I come in?]
    • [Bhairavi] Ah yes. So I've been doing my research and believe I've found a way to break curses still lingering on the battlefield. I'd like you to test it out for me. Find a curse and break it using my creation. Interested?
      • [Definitely.]
        • [Bhairavi] Splendid. (Continues same as if you chouse [I'd be happy to.])
      • [Perhaps later.]
        • (Missing)
  • [I'd be happy to.]
    • [Bhairavi] So, about my creation. I've made what I'm calling the Topographic Curse Sensor, a spelled-up Flower that can detect and shatter curses with the right prompting. When you're ready, I can activate it and you should be able to follow traces of magic to a curse!
      • [I'm ready!]
        • [Bhairavi] Excellent. Let's send you off then. You'll need to hold it while on the battlefield. If you see any odd remnants of magic, try hitting them with the sensor! The curse traps spirits on the battlefield, so if you can go through them and find the source, I'd be quite pleased!
      • [I need a few minutes to prepare.]
        • [Bhairavi] Let me know when you're ready.
  • [Maybe some other time.]
    • [Bhairavi] Well if you change your mind, I might still be here.

C: Hunt for signs of a curse on the Blackroot Battlefield. Be sure to hold the Curse Sensor. If you have lost the Curse Sensor Bhairavi can give you another.

Gypsum the Scout
Coordinates: [-49, 72, -149]

[Gypsum the Scout] Hello? Can you hear me?

[Who's there?!]

[Gypsum the Scout] My name is Gypsum. I used to be a scout for the crown. I've been trapped here for decades, doomed to wander the remnants of the battlefield.

[So you're a ghost?]

[Gypsum the Scout] Something like that. I've been cursed!

[I'm here to break a curse actually. Do you know anything about it?]

[Gypsum the Scout] I don't, I'm sorry. My fellow Scout, Darius, might know more. He often can be found in the ruins to the south of here.

C: Find Scout Darius's ghost. Be sure to hold the Curse Sensor. If you have lost the Curse Sensor Bhairavi can give you another.

Darius the Scout
Coordinates: [-46, 87, -66]

[Darius the Scout] Hello? Are you actually looking at me?

  • [Yes! Hello? Are you Darius?]
    • [Darius the Scout] I am! How do you know my name?
    • [The other ghost scout told me about the curse and sent me to you.]
    • [Darius the Scout] Oh! I don't know much. I just remember our forces captured a Tlaxan Ritualist who screamed about a curse. I never did find out where it originated from.
    • [Darn. Thanks for your help.]
    • [Darius the Scout] I hope you find the source. I'd love to go free someday... Hey, my fellow Scout, Rethus, is over on the catapult. Maybe she knows more.
  • [No.]
    • [Darius the Scout] Oh, okay then. Shame.

C: Talk to Scout Rethus on the Catapult. Be sure to hold the Curse Sensor. If you have lost the Curse Sensor Bhairavi can give you another.

Rethus the Scout
Coordinates: [15, 82, -126]

[Rethus the Scout] Woooo! Woooooooo!

[Ah! A ghost!]

[Rethus the Scout] Did I get you?

  • [Definitely.]
    • [Rethus the Scout] Thank goodness. I always appreciate a bit of fun these days.
  • [No. Your friend Darius sent me to find you though.]
    • [Rethus the Scout] Oh. I hoped I'd scared you. It's nice to have a laugh these days.

[Rethus the Scout] Anyways, what can I do for you?

[I was sent to you by another ghost. I'm looking for the source of a curse that I've been tasked to break.]

[Rethus the Scout] Oh! That would be incredible! At last, we could be free!

[Do you know where the curse on you originates from?]

[Rethus the Scout] I don't know exactly where it is, but I know inside the Ruined Mansion over there is a hidden Vault. Our forces had captured a dangerous Tlaxan who swore to put a curse on us. They were stopped and interrogated, but I believe an item taken from them was placed in the Vault. It may have something to do with the curse.

[Thank you so much for you help. I'll go see what I can find]

[Rethus the Scout] Best fo luck. I hope you can break the curse. Imagining freedom is almost too much for me. I cannot wait.

C: Investigate the Ruined Mansion and find a way into the Vault.

Access the Vault in the mansion by going to the second floor and pressing the wooden button next to some redstone torches. Inside, move the red sand with the pistons so that you can drop it in the floor to clear a passage to the other side. Once inside grab the book titled C'Zanil and the bottle of souls then leave to go speak with Bhairavi in Nyr


After collecting the book called C'Zanil and the Bottle of Souls item:

C: Return to Bhairavi with the book and the bottle.


[Bhairavi] Have you broken any curses yet?

[I have!]

[Bhairavi] My creation worked? Did you find anything?

[It did work, and I found a few interesting things. This curse was inside a Vault, and I found some books and this strange bottle. Have a look.]

[Bhairavi] Hmm. This text is fascinating. C'Zanil the Soulcrusher. I know of him well. He was a major force behind the Blackroot War. He must have created this bottle of souls too; that was his specialty. Let me take a look inside...

[Go for it.]

[Bhairavi] Oh god. Oh no. No no no no no.

[What is it?]

[Bhairavi] No wonder the Ritualist wasn't afraid. This bottle should have exploded years ago. There is enough power in here to level the entirety of the King's Valley. And I just opened it.

[That sounds bad...]

[Bhairavi] This is really bad! The spirits are coming out and gathering. You need to take this. Follow the spirits. Bring them to their source. QUICKLY! If you do not, we all die.

[Where am I going?!]

[Bhairavi] You will know. The spirits will guide you. Hurry! Let the winds of war carry you to the Halls of Wind and Blood. We can neutralize the bottle and find out what's inside all at once.

  • [I'm ready to go.]
    • [Bhairavi] Good luck
  • [Hang on! I'm not ready yet! It could be dangerous!]
    • [Bhairavi] Damn! I can try to contain it with a Minyarto Containment Spell, but it's risky and won't last long. Get your gear and hurry!

C: Follow the spirit rings!

[Bhairavi] You made it to the Ziggurat! The bottle seems to be pulling with. Get inside and see what you can find at the bottom. Be careful, it's dangerous in there.

C: Get to the bottom of the Tlaxan Ziggurat. You can enter it from near the top, find a ladder going down within the Ziggurat and find a button to press.

After hitting the button:

C: Talk to Bhairavi's Projection in the lobby.

Bhairavi (Halls of Wind and Blood lobby)

[Bhairavi] You made it! I see the bottle of Souls has gone inert as well. Excellent. They must have dissipated within the temple.

[Woah, how are you here?]

[Bhairavi] I'm projecting myself into the space near you. Actually I'm projecting the whole space as well. You almost entered right into the Halls of Wind and Blood, so I've set up this little lobby to keep you safe as you prepare for what's inside.

[That's pretty interesting. Thank you.]

[Bhairavi]No, thank you for your help. You've done everything I've asked and more. I believe now is the time I should reward you, before I ask you to go inside the temple and recover what's within.

Awarded Sacrifice's Scream, White Key, 64 Quetz's Breath, 10 Anvils, and Full Access to the White Lobby Trader!