Glooper Duper

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Speak to Hermy the Hermit at his home

Hermy the Hermit
[Hermy the Hermit] Hey, you. Intruder. *sniff* I smell them magic peoples on ya. Ya know Vargos? Ya be talkin' to him a lot?

[I wouldn't say a lot, but yes, I know him.]

[Hermy the Hermit] Do he tell ya 'bout lil' old Hermy den?

[I've never heard of you, no.]

[Hermy the Hermit] Hmph. Wanna do 'ol Hermy a favor? I tell ya somethin' ya be wannin' t' know if ya do.

[I guess I can do that.]

  • [Hermy the Hermit] You go squish dem gloopadoops southwest o' here in dat witchy village and bring me a bit o' gloop and I'll do it!

[Not right now, strange man lurking in a tower.]

  • [Hermy the Hermit] S'fine.

C: Go to the Witch Village and find Gloop by defeating Gloopadoops for Hermy

After you killed Gloopadoops and collected gloop

C: Return to Hermy with your Gloop!

Hermy the Hermit
[Hermy the Hermit] Mah gloop! I'll be eatin' good tonight.

[So what exactly did you want to tell me?]

[Hermy the Hermit] Oh, yer still wantin' seeeecrets. Yesss yes. 'Kay. Here goes <...>

[Hermy the Hermit] My name ain't really Hermy.

[What is it then?]

[Hermy the Hermit] That I can't tell you. I'm not allowed if I want to keep living here.

[Uh. Okay. Why did your voice change?]

[Hermy the Hermit] Huh? Me voice 'xactly how it be 'fore. Must be hearin' things, player. Thank ye fer dindin. Ye can hang 'ere whenever ye want.

GLOOPER DUPER COMPLETE! Awarded 2 Apportation Runes and access to Hermy's Basement?