Outer Demons

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Retrieve Helring's diary from the outpost beyond the Cursed Forest.


Coordinates: 722, 70, 523

[Helring] Hi, I'm Helring. I curate the mystical and arcane section of the library. It can all be quite interesting knowledge when used in moderation.

[I am a great adventurer, do you have a quest for me?]

[Knowledge used in moderation?]

[Tell me about yourself.]

[Helring] A quest? Well perhaps it wouldn't be that grand, but I lost my diary a few years back and haven't been able to bring myself to retrieve it. Could you do that for me?

[Sure, I can find your diary for you.]

[That sounds beneath me.]

[Helring] Thank you so much. I left it in the study of an outpost I was stationed at. It lies down the stream that goes through the Cursed Forest. The journey should be simple and the monks there should help you find my old desk.

Retrieve Helring's diary at 1467, 174, 101

[Ghostly Whisper] You would be wise to go no further. Visitors aren't welcome. After retrieving the diary.

[Ghost] I thought I told you to stay away, but it seems the monk I spared has sent you to retrieve her diary.

[Ghost] Here's your adventurer back. Do not return.

[Helring] How could he still be around?

[Who was that?]

[Helring] That... that was Azacor. But Aesir killed him... I don't understand. <Player>, we need to stop him.

[Stop him? What is he doing?]

[Well he seems angry, I probably shouldn't go back there.]

[Helring] Azacor is a wicked summoner who... who did some terrible things in the past, It's why I was stationed in the Grove while I was with the Axtans.

[What can I do?]

[Helring] We must investigate further. I need to know how he managed to cling on to this world. Furthermore, he still seems dangerous, even as a ghost. He had a mansion near the back of the grove where you may find out more.

[I'll go back and explore Azacor's mansion.]

[I really don't want to go back.]

[Helring] Thank you so much. I'll need to prepare... mentally... before returning to that place.

1/2 - Find a way into Azacor's ritual room

[1267 , 159, 292]

2/2 - Find a way to get past the barrier in Azacor's ritual room

Button 1 : [1282, 123, 314] Button 2 : entrance at [1282, 125, 332] Button 3 : entrance at [1289, 125, 316] Button 4 : room center [1282, 132, 324]

[Azacor] Congratulations, you've gone from nuisance to problem. Looks like I'll need to deal with you more... personally.

[Azacor] I'll show you just how much of a nightmare I can truly be.

[Azacor] No no, your torment is not quite over yet.

[Azacor] How about we clean you off a little.

[Azacor] You are in my territory now.

As your vision goes black, you feel as if a hand is reaching out to you.

[Helring] Oh thank goodness you are okay.

[Helring] Thank goodness I found you <Player>, Azacor had you trapped in an Imprisonment Curse it seems.

[Thank you for saving me!]

[You got here just in time!]

[This is getting serious, what's our next move?]

[Helring] While looking for you I found Azacor's ritual room beneath the mansion as well, and it seems he was hiding the secret to his demise. We need to get to the Undergrowth to trap him in Ancient Wyrmwood.

[How does that work?]

[Alright let's go.]

[Helring] I'll meet you there!

You need to trap Azacor in Ancient Wormwood in The Undergrowth. Get there and survive.

Click on the button at 1480, 42, 118.

{[Azacor] I see you stumbled upon the source of the Wyrmwood. Of course, you don't really expect me to let you leave this location alive, do you?

[Helring] Don't worry, I'm here to help! With the spell we found at his mansion we can bind Azacor to the Wyrmwood, and limit the damage he can bring to the Valley. Just keep him distracted for a little while!

[Helring] I got him! The fiend is now bound to this sanctum!

[Azacor] What foolish magic is this? No! You cannot keep me here forever! I will be unbound, and I shall destroy everything and everyone you care about! You will never rid the Valley of me!

[Helring] We did it! Thank you for helping me put my past to rest. Azacor won't be able to cause trouble anymore, but he still isn't gone for good. Speak with me later and we can move forward with taking the fight to him.

Outer Demons Complete

Awarded access to the Azacor boss fight and teleports in and out of the Grove via Helring.