Nelfine's Curse

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The two buttons to open the cave Nelfine is in are in the Jeweler's and Buildmaster's house. Buildmaster Jr. will comment on the presence of the buttons.

The two buttons will cause a piston door to open across the street from Buildmaster's house, in the base of the tower. This leads to a short dropdown to Nelfine.

Hint Dialogue:

Buildmaster Jr.
Coordinates: [-779, 106, 21]

[Buildmaster Jr.] Well hello again [Player]! How can I be of help today?

[I'm just looking around.]

[Buildmaster Jr.] Ah lovely! Well take your time, friend. You're always welcome here. Hey, I have a question though...

[What is it?]

[Buildmaster Jr.] I've noticed a weird button in my dad's house here, and Aimee next door mentioned one in her home as well. Do you know anything about it?

[I'll check them out, I guess. Thanks for the tip.]

[Buildmaster Jr.] You're very welcome.

After pressing the two buttons:

"You hear pistons moving somewhere nearby..." A hole will open in the ground at -781, 106, 5.

Coordinates: [-775, 100, -7]

[Nelfine] Uh... hello?


[Nelfine] How did you get in here?

[I found a contraption that opened the wall and found you down here.]

[Nelfine] ...They told me nobody could ever get in here.

[How long have you been down here?]

[Nelfine] I'm not quite sure, the days have blended together at this point. Probably a few weeks.

[Who are you?]

[Nelfine] My name is Nelfine, but that's about as much as I can tell you.

[What do you mean?]

[Nelfine] Well as I said, I have been here for a while, but the thing is, I can't quite tell you how. I just woke up here one day with almost none of my memory intact. I've heard a voice speak to me a few times, proper creepy-like. I also found a notebook stuffed into the corner.

[Do you mind if I see that book?]

[Nelfine] Sure, I have no use for it. I feel like it's about me but none of it makes much sense.

Search out clues as to why Nelfine is trapped underground with no memory

Coordinates: [336, 75, 309]

Head to the lab.

At the lab solve the puzzle.

After completing the puzzle:

[Mysterious Voice] This configuration... It didn't work last time. Did I do something wrong? This requires further research...

You broke the device and received a configured sample! Return it to Nelfine.


[Nelfine] Have you found anything?

[I did actually. I found a machine of some sort and recovered this configured sample.]

[Nelfine] Can I try it?

[Are you sure?]

[Nelfine] It either works or it doesn't. Or I die, but let's not think about that option.

She breaks the configured sample


[Nelfine] I... I remember! I was in Farr. I was supposed to be meeting my friend for some business matters. But... I didn't. I can't quite recall what happened, or what kept us from seeing each other.

[Are you okay?]

[Nelfine] I... I'm fine. I just have so many memories rushing back to me at once. I think I'll need some time to think about things. I also need to send a letter to Arian. I'm sure he's been worried sick about me, since I've been down here for weeks on end.

[Is there anything else I can do for you?]

[Nelfine] No, you've done far too much for me already. I truly don't deserver such kindness. I need to give you some form of payment... That chest! I remember the combination to the lock! Let me give you something from it. I don't have much, but you deserve it.

NELFINE'S CURSE COMPLETE! Awarded 5 Experience Bottles, 4 Bread, and Adroit Spade