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A list of quests in Sierhaven.

Quest Name Prerequisites Rewards
Bandit Troubles None
Bane of the Bakers None
Casting for Help
Clear as Glass
A Crown of Madness
A Crown of Majesty
  • None
Flash in the Pan None
A Little Spark None
  • 10 levels
Mage's Legacy None
Memories of Battle
Nelfine's Curse None
A Pigculiar Problem Oink
A Crew to Remember None
Scars of Magic
The Scout's Codex None
Snow Man Left Behind Words Upon Hushed Lips
  • Replica Snow Wool
  • Ability to buy and upgrade the Tesseract of Festivity
  • Ability to drink more Eggnog with Colder for more interesting results...
Supply and Demand None
Words Upon Hushed Lips
  • 3 Skill Points
  • 16 CXP
  • 2 Potions of Protection
A Study in Crimson Part One
A Study in Crimson Part Two
Finished Business
  • Awarded a sense of satisfaction for helping that weird fanfiction author... Ugh.
Glooper Duper