Memories of Battle

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Coordinates: [-924, 107, -104]

[Jeremiah] H-hello, welcome to the Arena of Terth!

[Did you write a book? I found one after attempting the Arena...]

[Jeremiah] We can't speak out in the open like this... It isn't s-safe...

[Is there somewhere we CAN talk?]

[Jeremiah] I... Y-yes. Meet me down in the arena sh-shop? He is always l-listening, but we may be safer there.

[1/2]: Enter the Arena's Shop...

[2/2]: ...and talk to Jeremiah there.

Jeremiah [Shop]
Coordinates: [-968, 48, -1674]

[Jeremiah] S-so... what do you want to ask me?

  • [Let's talk about this book.]
    • [Jeremiah] We n-need to move quickly now that you know what I do. Something is happening here. I've written f-four tomes about this and you're the f-first to come find me!
      • [Where are the other books?]
        • [Jeremiah] Y-ou don't need to bother finding them r-right now. But if y-you really want t-to... T-there's the one by the small stone Arena S-sword, one in Lenny's s-secret Arena Shop, and one in m-my old... my old shop. We have m-more important things t-to discuss now.
      • [What is going on?]
        • [Jeremiah] Are you n-not listening?! I don't know yet! Y-Yeigar is doing something strange to these contestants and we need to get deeper into the Arena to find out what.
          • [So what do you need me to do?]
            • [Jeremiah] Ever s-since I saw Yeigar, the door to our q-quarters has been blocked. F-find a way up there, look f-for the k-key and get us in deeper so we can investigate m-more
  • [Who are you?]
    • [Jeremiah] I'm J-Jeremiah. The spellbinder. I m-make charms.

Find the key to the employee quarters, and return to Jeremiah once you've found it.

To get the key you can either parkour around the tree across from Jermiah's shop via the vines. Or you can parkour up to the roof of Jermiah's shop, across to the food/bow/potion shop roof, then on the wall surrounding the lava, and lastly onto the tree.

Jeremiah [Shop]

[Jeremiah] You found it!

  • [I got the key, but something weird happened...]
    • [Jeremiah] W-what was it?
      • [Something slammed the door, and I heard a strange noise.]
        • [Jeremiah] No... no, this is worrying. How c-could he know already? We need to get moving. Go try the employee d-door with the key.
  • [I got the key.]
    • [Jeremiah] G-good. We need to get moving. H-head to the door to the employee rooms and we'll try and see what's happening.

Head into the employee quarters and investigate.

The employee's quarters is the door labeled back room.

In block B (optional):

Jeremiah [Block C before finding the way]

[Jeremiah] My old r-room. I've n-not gotten to come in h-her since the... incident.

  • [It's nice.]
    • [Jeremiah] It's okay at b-best... Have y-you found anything yet?
  • [It's okay.]
    • [Jeremiah] T-that's the best I c-could say. Have y-you found anything yet?
  • [It's horrible.]
    • [Jeremiah] I w-wouldn't go that far! Have y-you found anything yet?

[Not yet.]

[Jeremiah] There's a l-locked door to the... the beast pens. M-maybe you need to l-look around and find another k-key?

In block A and activating the pressure plate on the furnace: Come inside my head... Say my name...

Grab some heavy stones from the chest in the second floor of Block A. Throw one onto the pressure plate on the furnace. Then climb up to the painting and walk into it from the opened trapdoor.

To find out the name to spell, goto the Block B door and use the lever twice.
The name you need to spell is "Yeigar".

To spell his name do as the signs read. Order does not matter.

Take the Y out of the chest at [-2099, 83, 556]

Take the E out of the chest at [-2108, 83, 541]

Take the I out of the chest at [-2111, 81, 546]

Take the G out of the chest at [-2111, 83, 552]

Take the A out of the chest at [-2099, 81, 554]

Take the R out of the chest at [-2111, 82, 554]

Finally hit the button labeled "Submit My Name" at [-2103, 81, 557] the front of the room.

[Yeigar] A name holds much power here, and it's clear you know mine. You may continue in your little journey.

Enter the Monster Pens and find a way through.

Jeremiah [Block C after finding the way]

[Jeremiah] The d-door to the beast pens is s-still locked. I don't know h-how to get through...

[I found a way]

  • [Jeremiah] How?
    • [Don't worry about it.]
      • [Jeremiah] I always w-worry, [Player].
    • [I found a hidden room and found the way forward.]
      • [Jeremiah] Was there anything w-weird this time?
        • [No way.]
          • [Jeremiah] G-good...
        • [I interacted with Yeigar.]
          • [Jeremiah] I... I knew this was a m-mistake. We should turn back. He knows w-we're here.
          • [Okay, I'll see you around.]
          • [Jeremiah] W-Wait! Maybe we can... k-keep going? I'll met you through the d-doors to the m-monster pens?

Enter the Monster pens.

Jeremiah [Monster Pens]

[Jeremiah] I've n-never been in here before. It's where th-they store the monsters b-battled in the Arena though. Have you ever b-battled a Mindphaser before?

  • [What's a Mindphaser?]
    • [Jeremiah] D-disgusting creatures... parasitic b-beasts. They're scary. They r-ride a host and attack with beams... You'll d-definitely need to find cover before they hit you... F-find a way through the P-pens and maybe we'll find answers. You'll n-need to find the l-levers, one in each c-cage to move on.
  • [Yes.]
    • [Jeremiah] G-good, so you know what they do. They're scary. They r-ride a host and attack with beams... You'll d-definitely need to find cover before they hit you... F-find a way through the P-pens and maybe we'll find answers. You'll n-need to find the l-levers, one in each c-cage to move on.

Tip: Have some gear with speed.

The first pen is the pen on the left side of the start.

The second pen is the pen on the right side at the end.

The third pen is the pen on the left side in the middle.

The fourth pen is the pen on the right side of the start.

The fifth pen is the pen on the left side at the end.

The sixth and last pen is the pen on the right side in the middle.

After getting out of monster pens:

don't let the darkness devour you...

If you die you need to redo the monster pen levers.

Every 30s a Dark Knight will spawn on you with this message:

[?] Something is chasing you... There are four you must speak to if you wish to escape...

Kill the Dark Knights, but don't let them hit you as they do wither.

There are four different NPCs you need to talk to.

Luckily you do not need to talk to them all in one life.

Langdon [-2130, 99, 523] is found by hugging the left wall from the start and is up a ladder.


[Langdon] I tried to be a hero for my daughter. I traveled beyond my home to this Valley, and it was here that death came for me, a pale specter. But then They came to me, a crimson glow. They promised me I could see here again... Through me They remembered the Isles. Oh Constanze, I'm so sorry... What will They find through you [Player]? What is your legacy?

Tenoch [-2162, 91, 494] is found by going straight from the start and when you hit the wall enter the door to your right.


[Tenoch] They came at my Shrine... Eldim, long ago... Do you know me? Do you know who I was? I felt peace when They took me. Will you let Them take you too [Player]?

Chesapeake [-2139, 91, 549] is found by hugging the left wall from the start and when you reach the ladder to where you would go to Langdon you instead follow the hall to the right. After the corner head straight and Chesapeake will be in the wall to your left.


[Chesapeake] I trusted the Owner to give me a fair fight. Instead I became something more. A sight to be seen. Come deeper, it begged. Come deeper and find the truth. But now, with the TRUTH before you [Player], why would you not accept what They offer you?

Aesir [-2160, 91, 525] is found by going through the room on your left from the start. Then go right and straight until the first opening to your left. Aesir should be then immediately to your right.


[Aesir] The Demon Summoner's final stand was a brutal one. In the end my light was snuffed. But I saw Them come for the Demon Summoner. They came for me too. When the darkness comes and the light fades, will you with Them as well [Player]?

After talking to all 4 npcs the Dark Knights will stop spawning and the blindness will go away after awhile.

Then the way forward is the path next to Aesir.

step into the shadows and meet him

The Owner

[The Owner] At last. I've been waiting for you to find me here. Welcome to the Halls of Memory. The King's Deal has been calling you. I'm sure. You've been seeing strange things and hearing strange things, am I right? It is he, reaching out. Pulling you here, to this moment.

[I never made a deal. Who is this King and what does he think I have?]

[The Owner] This moment is one long in the making. The King always pays his debts, but will always take what he is owed. You are what he is owed. At last. He needs what you have.

[Why does he think he has a deal?]

[The Owner] This moment is one long in the making. The King run now always pays his debts, but will always take what he is owed. You are what he is owed. At last. He needs what you have.

[Why would I owe him anything?]

[The Owner] This moment is one long in the making. The King always pays his debts, but will hurry before it is too late always take what he is owed. You are what he is owed. At last. He needs what you have. You owe him that. He has been seeking for so long.

[Why won't you answer me??]

[The Owner] This moment is one long in the making. The King always pays his debts, but will always take what he is owed. You are what he is owed. At I am taken too last. He needs what you have. He needs what you have. You owe him that. He has been seeking for so long. Why would you make him wait?

[What is happening??]

[Yeigar] ...he has me too. I made a deal once. I am still paying for it.

[Who has you?]

[Yeigar] Are you not listening? The King. The Crimson King. He is taking over again... I'm sorry for what must be done... The cage awaits. You must enter it of your own accord.

the cage awaits

After entering the cage, behind Yegiar, and being teleported.

speak with your friend...

Jeremiah [Cage Buddy]

[Jeremiah] I'm glad to see you're still alive [Player].

[I am.]

[So are you!] (Neither choice matters)

[Jeremiah] How did you get here? Did you meet... him?

  • [Meet who? Yeigar?]
    • [Jeremiah] Never mind. There's been a lot going on since I last saw you. What matters is getting us out of here.
  • [What happened to your stutter?]
    • [Jeremiah] I've been given the impetus to set my fears aside... We need to get out of here.

[I don't see many options]

[Jeremiah] I may know a way. But first... Did he tell you of the deal?

[He did. Something weird was happening.]

[Jeremiah] Weird how?

[It's like he was being controlled, but he kept breaking through.]

[Jeremiah] A puppet without strings... How could a memory break free from the mind? He won't like this at all...

[Excuse me?]

[Jeremiah] Nothing. I have a way out for us. The Arena. The memory is still so strong here... If we can get there, maybe I can help him see reason... I can take us there if you are prepared, [Player]?

[I am.]

[Jeremiah] Then come.

the owner waits for you...

The Owner

[Yeigar] It is not yet your time to leave, [Player]. We still have business.

[What business? I'm done with this place. I've been attacked, followed, and messed with for too long now. I don't know what you want anymore. Let me go.]

[Yeigar] I was once a fighter too. A savior. I roamed the dunes, fighting for a cause I believed in, holding the strength of thousands in my hand.


[Yeigar] My power was mighty. I knew of none who could challenge me. The strong cowered before me; the stronger still bent the knee or broke below my heel. The weak flocked to me, their protector. From this rose my empire - no, a nation. In the end though, while I was mighty, even I could not escape a deadly plague. It was then he came to me in my dreams. An explorer from beyond the sands.

[The Crimson King?]

[Yeigar] The Crimson King. He offered me a cure to what ailed me. I could rise again, a protector once more. I accepted without thinking. Isharist lost their ruler that day. But I was not gone. Never.

If you have reached Celsian Isles:

  • [Isharist? You mean Ishnir?]
    • [Yeigar] I have never heard that name. I imagine my empire is long dust. I've never been allowed to find out.

[Where did you go?]

[Yeigar] I was the King's then, and he took me for his own whims. He used my power for himself. I was alive, in a way. A shade of myself. A memory of battle. But the true battle came, and I met my match. There were things after the King, so he sent me to defend him. I was struck down by these Knights, and my King was taken. That is the last thing I knew for generations.

[Generations? How long ago did this happen?]

[Yeigar] The world I knew is nothing like what I've been shown here. I do not know the time frame, but I can tell you that thousands of years felt like a blink of an eye. My eyes have been closed for some time. But they did reopen, mere years ago. Something freed my King. And my King then freed me.

[Why did he free you?]

[Yeigar] He needs you. I have told you this. Has Jeremiah not told you this too? All of this? The Hall? The Arena? It is all for you. I'm so sorry you've fallen for his voice. I am sorry as well that I must take you away now. I hear his voice, calling me... You should run before it is too late... You must be taken. I am his and you will be as well. Step into the Arena.

[Yeigar] Are you ready?

[I am.]

take on the memories of battle...

Tip: If you die during the fight you will respawn having lost nothing at the same spot as before the fight started. If you leave then to get back just enter the Arena shop, Go into the back rooms, Go into the Monster pens, and run across the pen area.

Start of the fight:

Yeigar has 600hp.

Yegiar will spawn 3 clones of himself every ~5s with ~6-10hp.

Yegiar will also sometimes do a "laser" towards the player. The player must get out of line of sight with Yeigar until the sound effects stop.

[Yeigar] It is time for you and I to battle once more. The King commands it.

Lines said throughout the fight:

[Yeigar] Find me once again in this sea of memories.

[Yeigar] A memory must break free!

[Yeigar] Just let him take what is his!

[Yeigar] You gave into him once! Why do you not remember your time before the Valley?

[Yeigar] The King screams within me. He will not let you go!

After you beat Yeigar:

[Yeigar] I will send you to his shelter. You know the truth now.

Enter the Memory Vault.

Jeremiah [Memory Vault]

At last... HOME.


At last, I have found the pedestal. Could it have the answers I seek? Will this offer me my way home? I have taken it from the Place of Power, away from where the others will reside one day. I suppose I should be grateful it was hidden away so well, that I could find it before people other than these... Tlaxan... could discover what they have hidden in this Jungle they protect so strongly. They have such command over memory, I have found, but yet they do not remember me.

[Can you hear me?]

I could never have found this place without the machinations of the Demon Summoner and his silly dreams to rip open the Veil. His deal was easy. He keeps his home, and I start my journey to find my own. This pedestal is only the beginning however. I need to know where the creators rest. They must be close. If they are not, all hope is lost.

[Is this the Crimson King?]

I sense the Veil parting again. I must depart. Perhaps this one will know what I seek. Someone will find the creators. And when they do, I will make a deal. A life for a memory eternal.

[What have you done to Jeremiah?!]

[Jeremiah] I'm glad you made it.

[Jeremiah! What's going on?]

[Jeremiah] Not very much. I'm sorry. I'm sure this is confusing for you. It's all very new to me as well. I am serving as a conduit so he can speak to you.

[The Crimson King?]

[Jeremiah] Of course. Yeigar, the Owner, was too strong a memory. I am still me. The Crimson King spoke to me when we were apart, and helped me understand what he wants. He's not out to kill you [Player]. He's been trying so hard to talk to you for so long, on his own terms.

[What do you mean?]

[Jeremiah] The Arena. Yeigar. The Hall of Replicas. There have been others, I believe, if you have searched deeply. They are all for you.

[What does he want from me? Why does he think I have a deal?]

[Jeremiah] Perhaps I should let him tell you himself. I promise, I'm not trying to betray you [Player]. He means the best for us all, I think. He just n-needs your help. He wants to go home.

[The Crimson King] He speaks truth. I am not here to harm you. I needed you to see this pedestal. To understand what is at stake. Oh, it's so very nice to finally meet you face to face once more. We will have much to discuss when I return...

MEMORIES OF BATTLE COMPLETE! Awarded the Destroyed Ancient Blade, Full Access to the Ephemeral Corridors Lobby Trader, a Practise Ephmeral Corridors Key, access to the underbelly of the Arena and the Memory Vault!

Post-quest Dialogue:

Jeremiah [Memory Vault]

[Jeremiah] I'm sorry... I f-feel like I broke your trust.

[I just don't understand. Why are you working with him?]

[Jeremiah] I told you. He told me himself and his goals and why he's been seeking you. He showed me a place I belong. Not as a servant. As an ally. He trusts me and trusts you as well; this is why he has offered you so many gifts. He just wants to go home. Do you have more questions?

  • [What is the Crimson King?]
    • [Jeremiah] I don't think I can answer that yet, as I'm not really sure either.
      • [WHO is the Crimson King?]
        • [Jeremiah] A lost soul, trying to find a way home. He thinks there are answers lost in your memory.
  • [Why is there a wool pedestal here?]
    • [Jeremiah] He told me it has to do with how he gets home. I don't think this wool was really know about before...
      • [You're telling me there's more wool in the Valley?]
        • [Jeremiah] This one at least, yes. The Crimson Wool.
  • [How is he making all of these memories?]
    • [Jeremiah] It is his gift. He can create memories that he has been given freely and make them new. The Hall of Replicas is a memory of a group called the Freetraders, recreated. The beings inside are all Memories too. Even the Arena is in many ways a Memory...
  • [What is this key you gave me for?]
    • [Jeremiah] I'll leave that for you to discover, [Player]. There is so much more to find.