The Silver Knights

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Silver Knights Kerallt, Aanv and Ffoyne in the Eternal Vigil

The Silver Knights are a group of legendary warriors from times long ago. They are responsible for the creation of the Wools, and serve the Architect. They can be seen in A Study In Crimson Part Two, Treasure for the Future, Borrowed Time, The Tomb of Time, Unconventional Methods, and Silver Skinned. They are also seen in the Eternal Vigil within the Sealed Remorse Strike.

Known Members



The Silver Knights were founded an unknown amount of time ago by The Architect, and were to serve as his footsoldiers. They defeated and contained the Spirits that now reside in the Wools.

At some point, Silver Knights Sevvet, Kerallt, Aanv and Ffoyne were placed in the Eternal Vigil, a pocket of Void within the Sealed Remorse where they would wait for an eternity, always holding a space in time so that the Teal Spirit Orasomn could never escape no matter what time he travels to.

(The Tomb of Time) At some point, Sevvet left the Eternal Vigil to travel to Isharist for an unknown reason. He carried with him the Crimson and Teal Wools. While he was there, he was attacked by Emperor Yeigar and his soldiers, and was left mortally wounded. His Wools were taken by the Emperor, who was then put under the control of the Crimson Spirit Vaessini. Silver Knight Daarken, alongside other knights, travelled to Isharist and killed Yeigar, before destroying the entire empire. They then turned a section of the ruins into the Silver Knight's Tomb, where they placed their dying brother to rest. Daarken was only able to recover the Crimson Wool, which he placed in the King's Valley, hidden deep beneath the Anthill. He decided to rest beneath the King's Valley Monument.

At some point, Silver Emperor Uriddan created the Silvari Empire in the Architect's Ring before "ascending". He likely also created the Silver Codex, which attempts to lead people away from the Wools.

(Starless Night) Uriddan went inside the Indigo Wool to contain the Loamskattar, and took control of several people, including Aster Saroth and the player. He used them to kill Silver Knights who had served their purpose, so that he could reclaim their energy for the endless fight against the Loamskattar.

Shortly after Isharist was razed to the ground, the Silver Knights all chose places to sleep. One such Knight was Silver Knight Tuulen, who decided to rest beside the Lime Wool, underneath the Silver Tower. With her she had two weapons that could activate a repair mechanism to awake her.

(Guilding Blocks) Silver Knight Axxil took the Cyan Wool to an underground cave. He rested there until he was killed by Aster Saroth under the control of Uriddan. Uriddan then relinquished control of Saroth and left him in the cave, which led him to take the Cyan Wool for himself.

(Silver Skinned) After the destruction of Isharist, Silver Knight Irrus collected many survivors from the ruins of various states of Isharist, took them under what would become Steelmeld, and tasked them to build the City of Shifting Waters to protect a Doorway to the Veil. Irrus then went through the Doorway, left the Black wool in the Black Willows, and remained at the Doorway until her death.

Many, many years later, Salazar found the Lime Wool beneath the Silver Tower and took it. He also took the weapons from Tuulen's repair mechanism, and hid them.

Silver Knight Daarken, dead under the Monument

(A Study in Crimson Part Two/Borrowed Time) At some point around 115 AV, the Player, under the control of Uriddan, entered the tomb of Silver Knight Daarken and slew him. This memory was lost after they were almost killed by Cazol during the Tutorial.

(Treasure for the Future) Later, the player decides to help Zulamar, Zeroc and Zyon find the weapons that Salazar hid, following a legend that they have the power to bring back Viridia. They recovered the weapons, and placed them back into Tuulen's mechanism, reviving her. However, in the process, she was caved in under gravel and unable to escape. Shortly after, the Teal Spirit Orasomn, who was now free, attacked Tuulen and left her near death. After this, the player returned alongside the Crimson Spirit Vaessini, who made a deal with her that helped her survive in exchange for information on where to create Wools.

(Borrowed Time) Following Tuulen's guidance, the player traveled to the Silver Knight's Tomb and defeated Orasomn, returning him to a Wool alongside Vaessini, and placing the Wool on the Teal pedestal. There they met Silver Knight Sevvet, who used the last of his energy to open them a gate to the Architect's Ring so that they could continue seeking Wools. After doing so, he finally died.

(Unconventional Methods/Architect's Ring Mainline Chapter 3) After the player had recovered both the Blue and Brown wools, Tuulen, who had found a way out of the ruins beneath the Silver Tower, arrived in New Antium and informed the player that the Green Wool Spirit had been destroyed by Calder. She headed to the Serebrium Citadel, seeking the whereabouts of Uriddan, who she believed may be able to assist her. She assisted the player in defeating Sirius, the Final Herald.
