Starless Night

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Silver Knight Tuulen
Coordinates: [279, 36, 999]

[Silver Knight Tuulen] Sirius approaches. I sense the starfall. We must be prepared to battle. I see you found success.

[Things have been happening. Aurora killed Orion, the sky cracked open and the Stars tried to get in, Uriddan showed up in the Indigo Wool to stop them, and now Sirius falling.]

[Silver Knight Tuulen] I see. That is a lot to process in my current state... Is Aurora against us now?

[Supposedly not. She claims sh'ell be coming here to help destroy Sirius.]

[Silver Knight Tuulen] I see. How do I meet Uriddan so he can restore me to full power?

[I'm not sure you can, Tuulen]

[Silver Knight Tuulen] Oh. We'll discuss this another time then. I will not give up my pilgrimage so easily.

[Silver Knight Tuulen] Now, where is Aurora, if she truly intends to help?

[I'm not sure. After the events on tip of the Constellation Tower, I got taken away.]

[Silver Knight Tuulen] If she wishes for a chance to redeem her nature, then she should be here. Could you go check the Silvergate on the bridge? That's where you met her before, correct?

[I'll get right on it.]

[Silver Knight Tuulen] Be well.

C : Go search Aurora on the bridge in Star Point.

Coordinates: [62, 216, 1162]

[Namtar] You're alive? Can't say I was expecting that?

[Have you seen Aurora?]

[Namtar] ...Not even a hello. I get it, I guess. Hard to see past another big lie. No, I've not seen Aurora, but if I had to guess, she'd be back at the Tolumaeus, if she survived getting thrown off the tallest tower in the Star Point.

[Why there?]

[Namtar] She chose it when we were all visiting shrines for a reason. She's fascinated by the Fractured Tree behind the cathedral down there. She says it's a conduit of life and carries a strange energy similar to the Indigo relic she's here for.

[Oh, so it's another Tree of Life then?]

[Namtar] I you say so.

[I'll head over there then.]

[Namtar] ...No thank you either... Hmph. I get it...

C : Find Aurora by the Fractured Tree

Coordinates: [484, 31, 723]

[Aurora] You survived the tower I see.

[As did you.]

[Aurora] All of this could have been avoided if you hadn't been so foolish, you know. I understand the betrayal you fel from us. I do swear to you that we felt it was necessary to keep secrets. You have a reputation, PLAYER, and I didn't think you'd let us sacrifice someone willingly. But to allow Sirius' lies to influence you? I am appalled.

[Aurora] My reputation precedes me as well. I understand that. But truly, why did you throw the shard? What could you have hoped to gain from that?

  • [What else was I supposed to do when you freeze me in place and try to murder our ally?]
    • (MISSING)
  • [I was scared, Aurora. I have been the entire time we're here. You're hard to trust and I felt desperate]
    • (MISSING)

[(MISSING) do. You were killing someone in front of me!]

[Aurora] So that meant throwing a shard of our enemy at the end of an intense ritual was the correct move? Surely not. You're impulsive, PLAYER. That scares me too, if we ever intend to kill Sirius.

[You still want to work with us to kill him?]

[Aurora] Yes. It must be done. You are lucky the crack in the sky was closed or we'd be much worse off right now.

[What all actually happened?]

[Aurora] After the Construct arm fired at Sirius, the sky opened up and what looked like a huge fleshy meteor started to emerge. A voice called out, the sigil of the Indigo Wool appeared, then what I thought was the Wool itself. A beam shot innto the sky, the rest of the meteor made a horrible noise, sprayed blightblood everywhere and retreated. Then you and the Wool both vanished. The opening closed up and then I found myself flying through the air, landing in the ocean near hear.

[Didn't that hurt?]

[Aurora] Not at all, it felt almost like I was being carried instead of thrown. The fates were feeling benevolent, I suppose. What happened to you?

[I ended up inside the Indigo Wool.]

[Aurora] You were inside the Indigo Wool?! So you have it now then.

[No. I never saw the outside, just within. When I was able to leave, I just ended back on the Constellation Tower.]

[Aurora] I see. So the search for Phyrrys is still on... But that can wait now that I know you're alive. I could not handle Sirius by myself and did not think the Silver Knight would willingly work with me without your presence. You're the thing keeping this group together, I fear.

[Meet me at the tomb then. Let's finish this.]

[Aurora] No so fast. I have a task for you first. You've broken my trust.

[Ha! I broke YOUR trust? Come now Aurora. You can't be serious. You're insane]

[Aurora] I am serious and don't call me insane. If you want my help now, I need you to do this for me first.

[What is it?]

[Aurora] Climb the Fractured Tree and step through the portal in its trunk. There is a location I wis for you to see and I seek your help cracking the strange puzzle that is on the other side.

[And what happens when I solve it?]

[Aurora] I am not sure, but it feels connected to Indigo. I am letting you in rather than doing it myself to show you trust. Don't break it again.

[Fine then. I'll give it a try.]

[Aurora] Good. Climb the trunk and step through the portal when you are ready.

When close to the the portal :
You feel the portal pulling at you. Do you wish to let it carry you away?
You feel yourself being ripped through space to somewhere new.

C : Solve the puzzle.

Coordinates: [?, ?, ?]

[Darkness] You... I know your feel. You shouldn't be here. You thought the whadows were dangerous before? The Outworld is beyond your mastery, foolish, nosy wanderer. I warned you the last time we met not to cross me again... I am serious this time. There will not be another warning...

[No, wait. Why am I here? What is this place? I found my way through a lock in the Tolumaeus and I ended up here.]

[Darkness] You toy with ancient mechanisms you know nothing about. These places were sealed for a reason. Do not play in the Void, child. In time it will not le you go so easily. I am a fine example of this... Now leave.

[Okay. How do I do that?]

[Darkness] Like this.

C : Return to Aurora.

Coordinates: [484, 31, 723]

[Aurora] Climb the trunk and step through the portal when you are ready to try and solve the puzzle.

[I solved it.]

[Aurora] What happened? Did you fin anything?

[I got lifted into the aire, much like what happened on top of the Tower, and found myself in a weird dark space.]

[Aurora] ...You saw the Outworld?

[What's that?]

[Aurora] The Outworld is a space between space created by the Silver Emperor, Uriddan, to gate the into Phyrrys. I think you just found a new pathway into part of it! Was there an Obelisk within?

[There was, and a dark entity I've met before, defending it. Aurora, I think this is a Void Realm. It's not a safe place to go poking around.]

[Aurora] Interesting. I've never heard that term before. I will take precautions then. Now it's time we deal with Sirius, yes? I will meet you at the tomb, then. Don't ruin this again, PLAYER.

C : Head back to Uriddan's Tomb.

Coordinates: [225, 37, 974]

[Namtar] PLAYER, seriously. I've come to make amends. I've been working with the blightblood the Stars left behind on the Tower and I think I have constructed something that we can use to call Sirius right to this tomb and kill him.


[Namtar] Really. The Silver Knight has the Andromeda Shards. I have made this blood shard. With the right ritual, Sirius will be drawn to us as his fall finishes. Don't you see the ominous gleaming in the sky? The Construct blast worked. Orion's life was the mana fuel we needed, as much as I understand your distaste for what we did. Sirius is coming and now is our chance to destroy him.

[What are we waiting for then?]

[Namtar] That's the spirit. Take this. If you need more, I'll happily provide them if you bring me more materials.

[Thank you Namtar.]

[Namtar] You're welcome, PLAYER.

C(1/2) : Speak to Silver Knight Tuulen.
C(2/2) : Defeat Sirius, the Final Herald.

Silver Knight Tuulen
Coordinates: [279, 36, 999]

[Silver Knight Tuulen] I saw you speaking to the Lunacrest priest. Is Aurora not coming?

[She is. She should be here.]

[Aurora] And I am. Good timing. I'm here to help destroy the Herald. Will you work with me, Knight?

[Silver Knight Tuulen] I offer you my assistance. We must be prepared to work together. Our powers must twine together to battle back the blight the Herald bears. I will make declarations that must be followed. Aurora, you must do the same. Sirius will make calls of his own and PLAYER, you must be prepared to counter him. If we want any chance of victory, we must open his core and slaughter him and his armies.

[I'm ready.]

[Aurora] As I am. let's enter the Tomb and prepare for battle.

C: Speak to Silver Knight Tuulen and Aurora following your victory.

Silver Knight Tuulen
Coordinates: [279, 36, 999]

[Silver Knight Tuulen] The earth is forever stained with the blood of the final herald. We have won.

[Now what?]

[Aurora] I continue my search for Phyrrys. Thank you both for this momentous event. The Stars are weaker than ever. Indigo will be found. I soon will ascend. I'm sure I will see you both soon.

[Silver Knight Tuulen] She is very dangerous, PLAYER.

[I know. She's a tough person to work with? She offers help, but her end goal seems dangerous. I don't know how to approach her.]

[Silver Knight Tuulen] I don't think you should let her find Phyrrys freely. The prison should remain undisturbed but if it must be. I'd prefer you to hold it instead.

[Do you know how to get into Phyrrys?]

[Silver Knight Tuulen] I do not. The lock was created by Silver Emperor Uriddan. I was uninvolved and was busy in what are now the Celsian Isles with a different monstrosity.

[That make a lot of sense, considering where I first found you.]

[Silver Knight Tuulen] Indeed. My time there was complex and I was gravely injured at my post. I barely destroyed the being that attacked me. I'm not even sure how they got inside, but I managed to get myself to the nearby machine I had prepared in case of emergency years prior. It was very strange indeed. I'm still eternally grateful you were able to activate it and heal me - and go to the Crimson King for fixing me after the Malefactor's attack.

[You call him the Crimson King now? I'm sure that would make him feel happy. Well, thank you for your help Tuulen.]

[Silver Knight Tuulen] And to you, my friend. Until we meet again.


Awarded a Sirius World Boss key (granted earlier in the quest), the Pulsing Orb, access to a teleport to the Sirius arena from Galengarde, and access to the Sirius rewards with Namtar and the Rare trader.