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Sirius, The Final Herald

Sirius, The Final Herald, is the world boss of the Architect's Ring. Any player who has completed the quest Starless Night or defeated the dungeon Celestial Zenith can partake in a fight against Sirius in a large tomb close to the east shore of Star Point. 4 Star Masterwork is recommended before starting the fight!

Summoning Sirius

Sirius can be summoned by using Radiant Starblight, which can be bought from Namtar near the boss arena for 2 HAR and 4 Dust of the Herald. Throwing the Jewel onto the amethyst floor pattern in the center of the arena will start a 6 minutes countdown before the fight begins. The timer will end earlier if there are 25 or more players in the arena.

Alternatively, players may purchase an Instant Radiant Starblight from Namtar in order to bypass the 6 minutes timer and start the fight immediately after throwing the item on the floor.


Boss Fight

The bossbar at the top of the screen represents where Sirius is on the arena. It starts in the middle, Sirius can be pushed back by destroying his core when it is exposed or completing tasks, and he approaches forward if he is not pushed back for a significant time period. During the fight Sirius will cast abilities, and it is only able to be damaged when its core is vulnarable.


There are x passive abilities active during the Sirius bossfight:

  • Whenever a player dies against Sirius, he will move forward by X%.
  • Sirius' abilities change the terrain of the tomb into blight, which when stepped on gives a 10 minute debuff which decreases the player's health by 1 heart (2 Health). This effect stacks and refreshes the duration when applied again. While at half a heart (1 HP), having the effect reapplied kills you. Blighted blocks include Warped Planks, Oxidized Copper, Prismarine, and Skulk.
  • Throughout the fight, groups of weak starblight mobs will continuously spawn from the Blighted area behind Sirius; see §Minions.
  • Succeeding against certain abilities restores a small amount of max health lost to Blight. (Max health can be fully restored by standing behind the tomb after the Reality Distortion ability.)

Active Abilities

Skill Cooldown Description
Crushing Weight - Any players standing underneath Sirius as he descends at the start of the battle will be instantly killed.
Tentacles ? Sirius sweeps the ground to his front, left, or right after a X second charge, dealing 60 damage to any players hit.
Encroaching Blight ? A wave of Blight rapidly covers the arena from east to west, except within a 6 block radius of Aurora and Tuulen. Once the entire arena has been covered, taking 7 seconds, all Blight is removed from the arena. Sirius always casts this ability at the beginning of the battle.
Incubating Pods ? Sirius spawns X Blighted Pods, each with X health and glowing orange, throughout the arena. They cannot be damaged at long range. If the Pods are not killed within 15 seconds, each will spawn a powerful elite mob and cover a small area around itself in Blight.
Blight Bombs ? Sirius expels X Blight Bombs, each with 250 health and glowing orange, creating small areas of Blight where they land. If the Bombs are not killed within 5 seconds, each will explode, dealing damage and covering a 5 block radius around itself in Blight.
From the Stars ? Sirius rises into the air before slamming into the ground 2 seconds later, creating a circular wave that spreads across the arena, damaging any players it hits.
Black Holes(?) ? A black ring with a radius of 2-3 blocks appears under X random players, following them for 2 seconds; at the end of the charge a white vortex will appear inside the ring, where it will remain for 3 seconds. Any players who step into a vortex will be teleported to either the northern or southern platforms at the eastern edge of the arena, within Sirius' Blighted zone.
Impaling Doom ? Each X seconds for X seconds, a blue ring with a radius of ~2 blocks will appear under X random players; X seconds later, a tentacle will emerge and deal 85 damage to any player standing in the ring before disappearing.
Blight Wave ? A large wall spawns, moving from one side of the arena to the other. Any player that comes into contact with the wall will take X damage. This attack is avoidable by walking through the hole in the wall that spawns. Blight wave will also cast multiple waves if Sirius' boss bar is low enough. 2 waves will instead be cast at two bars remaining of his health, and 3 waves at one bar remaining.
Crowned Blight ? Sirius summons X normal mobs throughout the arena, each glowing blue. If all the "crowned" mobs are not killed within X seconds, Sirius will move forward by X%.
Reality Distortion ? After a 0.5 second charge, all players are teleported to either the northern or southern platforms at the eastern edge of the arena, within Sirius' Blighted zone. 15 seconds after the teleport, any players standing in the area behind the tomb will have any max health lost to the Blight restored.
Defend Tuulen ? For 10 seconds, many normal mobs glowing red will be summoned around Tuulen. Preventing Tuulen from being attacked too much pushes Sirius back and immediately triggers Core Exposure. Otherwise, he will move forward by X%.
Gather Star Energy ? Numerous floating Star Energies (one for each player plus two), each with X health and glowing purple, spawn near the ceiling of the arena. Shooting down all the Star Energies within X seconds pushes Sirius back and immediately triggers Core Exposure. Otherwise, he will move forward by X%.
Core Exposure - Sirius opens his core, becoming vulnerable to attack for 15 seconds. If enough damage is dealt to him, he will be pushed back. Otherwise, he will move forward by X% and cover the center of the arena with a large wave of Blight.
Blight Beams ? Sirius shoots homing rays of cyan particles at up to 4 random players that follow them for X seconds, creating Blight where they hit and dealing 40 damage if they hit a player.
Companions Corrupted - Cast when Sirius reaches 0 health. Three weak points appear around Sirius at the eastern edge of the arena, each with X health. If all three are killed within 30 seconds, the battle is won; otherwise, all remaining players will die.


There are five normal mobs that spawn throughout the fight, as well as whenever Sirius casts his Crowned Blight ability. They are fairly weak and use no abilities.

  • Blightblood Stinger: A skeleton with bow; its arrows inflict the Wither effect.
  • Blightpod Shambler: A husk.
  • Blightseeking Sharpshooter: A pillager with crossbow.
  • Starblight Skulker: A husk.
  • Starhungry Slasher: A melee skeleton.

Additionally, there are three different elite mobs that can be spawned by Sirius' Incubating Pods or Crowned Blight. All three create a trail of Blight underneath themselves.

  • Arcturus' Beast: An iron golem that uses the Starblight Charge ability.
  • Procyon's Gazer: An enderman that uses the Starblight Radiance ability.
  • Vega's Monstrosity: A magma cube that grows when damaged, similar to a Colossus of Entropy.


For your first victory of the day, you will be given a Sirius Artifacts chest. This chest contains the following:

For each of up to 7 subsequent victories AFTER your first in a day, you will be given a Sirius Uncommons chest. This chest contains the following:


Under the "Challenges" tab in a player's advancements, there are several advancements that players can earn by fulfilling certain conditions during a fight against Sirius.

  • Sirius: Defeat Sirius, The Final Herald
  • Defeat Sirius Solo: Defeat Sirius, The Final Herald Solo
  • Getting Sirius: You and a single partner took down the final herald, both emerging successful.
  • Sirius Inquiries Only: The sole power of magic has taken down the final herald. (Trio Mage)
  • Silent Blight: A squadron of 10 combatants defeated the final herald without a single blight pod evolving.
  • Sirius Condition: Even though the herald came incredibly close to victory, you overcame the blight regardless.
  • Let the Stars Fall: While you mustered the courage to face the final herald, you fell short of his crushing weight. (Die to his spawn animation.)
  • The Fault in Our Stars: While you and your allies fought courageously against the final herald, the blight was too much to handle. (Players meet their demise when the Companions Corrupted’s 30-second timer runs out)
  • Why So Sirius: You conquered the final herald using only your brute strength and determination. (Join the fight with no class)
  • Stars Fall, Everyone Dies: Everyone dies in a 10+ people fight. (Bugged as of 20240319)


  • The Sirius bossfight was added to Monumenta on the 6th of January 2024.
  • The name of the boss was foreshadowed by the discord bio of Crondis for some time before the Star Point release: "Why so serious?"
  • The first official reveal of its existence and name was in the Star Point reveal trailer on youtube.