A Sirius Problem

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Help Tuulen investigate the blight of the land.

Silver Knight Tuulen
Coordinates: [3 184 817]

[Silver Knight Tuulen] Here stands the woolbearer, following as I knew you would.

[Hello again Tuulen. It's good to see you here.]

[Silver Knight Tuulen] I had been starting to wonder if you had gone to seek out the broken Dichen beyond the Rootways. I am glad you were able to traverse the magical constructs I left behind on the great bridge.

[It was a great help.]

[Silver Knight Tuulen] I am sure we will cross paths further here. I have begun expeditions into the ruins of the Empire I once knew. Uriddan lives still, I can feel it. There is strange energy. Several energies. It scares me, I must admit. But still I shall search.

[I've been speaking to some strange folks who seem to know a lot about what's happening here.]

[Silver Knight Tuulen] Have you now? I feel I should speak with them, who know how my old home has become so violent in our order's absence.

[They're just downstairs, if you'd like to come with me.]

[Silver Knight Tuulen] This seems a worthy diversion. I'll follow you down.

C: Introduce Tuulen to Maywitch's group down below in the Chantry.

Maywitch's group
Coordinates: [8 171 827]

[Orion] [Player], who is that, wearing such armor around here?

[This is Tuulen, a friend.]

[Orion] Maywitch didn't tell me who you kept company with... {...}

[Namtar] Why are you friends with a Silver Knight, exactly?!

[We have a bit of a history. She helped us stop a threat in the Celsian Isles, and I helped her not get ripped across time.]

[Namtar] That's all well and good, but this many powerful entities in one place will surely draw Sirius' eye upon us.


[Silver Knight Tuulen] Who is Sirius, stargazer? {...}

[Namtar] Sirius is the Final Herald of the Stars, Lord Knight. They promised three; Andromeda, the evening star, Kokytos, the midnight star, and Sirius, the morning star.

[I helped destroy Andromeda back in the King's Valley.]

[Orion] Kokytos is in the Celsian Isles, imprisoned deep under the earth by a cult called the Frost Moon.

[I actually destroyed him too by taking the Wool from them.]

[Namtar] Well that's convenient.

[I mean, it wasn't easy.]

[Namtar] Fair. But Sirius is more powerful than the others combined. For one, he is actively involved in events here in the Star Point. He is still hanging in the sky above, well out of reach after the Stars pushed him through the weakened Veil. His eye blazed in the sky after we remaining Lunacrest made a choice to no longer seek to crack open the sky. The Stars heard us. They responded.

[What happened next?]

[Namtar] Sirius called down attacks on our encampments. The Ramparts became uninhabitable. The lowlands became covered in spikes of pure blight. Our forces have taken up refuge in a large fortress on the far end of this landmass. {...}

[Silver Knight Tuulen] Our old barracks and hatchery? Are the dragons gone? {...}

[Namtar] ...Dragons? {...}

[Silver Knight Tuulen] Yes. We would use that place as a training ground for Knights and Dragons to bond and prepare for battle. Now your people blight it with your presence? {...}

[Namtar] We... um... We do not blight it.

[Anyway, what do we do about this Sirius?]

[Orion] Hmm... Perhaps we could find a way to learn which of the stars in the sky are false? {...}

[Maywitch] Exactly. Locate the agents of the Blight and the Stars themselves. But not the stars. The Stars. This is confusing, I'm sorry.

[I'm no stranger to capital letters.]

[Namtar] I think you're on the right track. You might not like this Orion, but I think Ishmur could be of help here. {...}

[Orion] Oh of course, rope in another rat. I see.

[He's one of the other Lunacrest founders, yes?]

[Namtar] Yes, and an ally of ours, of course. He is researching in the "Nadir", down below us. We found a wildly different church of sorts down on the coast with massive Silver Constructs half-buried in the nearby cliff face. {...}

[Silver Knight Tuulen] You should not be there. That place is dangerous beyond reckoning. Those Constructs are all that is left behind when our forces took on the last traces of the Indigo ley line's manifestation.

[Indigo? What?]

[Silver Knight Tuulen] It took so many of us to capture it. Such a strange force to battle, the land itself.

[Is that a wool?]

[Namtar] Of course. It is what Aurora brought us here to find, by the command of the Stars. {...}

[Silver Knight Tuulen] You will not touch it. It is sealed away in Phyrrys, where none can reach it. That site you call the "Nadir" is the last remaining vestige of that ley line however and there's no telling what it could do to you.

[So we shouldn't go there?]

[Namtar] You absolutely must, now. This is valuable information that Ishmur needs to know. Plus you can consult with him about what he has learned.

[I suppose so. I'm sorry Tuulen, I think this is worth doing.]

[Silver Knight Tuulen] So be it. Please do not get killed. {...}

[Namtar] Splendid. Head down to the Nadir and find Ishmur then. He said he'd set up camp in a little chapel we saw down there. Hopefully he's still there.

C: Seek out Namtar's associate Ishmur, who has set up camp in a chapel out near The Nadir.

After finding Construct Note in the chapel at [9 36 591]:

These notes appear to have been written by Ishmur. Seems like he's not here anymore...

C: Seems Ishmur has left the chapel. His notes mention something about the large Constructs nearby.

Coordinates: [46 113 669]

[Ishmur] Your climbing up here seems foolish, stranger.

[Nice to meet you too.]

[Ishmur] No, I don't have time for pleasantries. I'm busy.

[I was sent here by Namtar and Orion.]

[Ishmur] ...Oh. That's unusual. Orion's back... And why did they send a stranger to me?

[My name is [Player]. We're trying to handle Sirius.]

[Ishmur] Handle a serious what?

[No, the Herald. Sirius. The Star's minion?]

[Ishmur] Oh right, those. Yes. In a sense, that's why I'm here. These Silver Constructs are fascinating. Such advanced systems and weaponry, just abandoned down here with no regard for safety or care. Kindred souls, these Silver Knights.

[Uh, whatever you say. So what have you found?]

[Ishmur] Oh, I've found tons. Most important to the Sirius scenario is that I've discovered this particular Construct still has a functional energy blaster attached. Well, functional if I can get it working again, that is.

[So it's not working.]

[Ishmur] Not YET! Say, you think you could wander down into the Nadir over there and see if you can find any power cores for me?

[The Nadir is that building down there?]

[Ishmur] Yes. Great name, isn't it?

[If you say so. Isn't it dangerous? Tuulen warned me about it.]

[Ishmur] It truly is a strange location. There's an aura about it I've not felt anywhere else. It feels... lonely inside. It's also exceptionally hazardous. The things lurking in there seem desperate to eat our faces.

[I'll keep that in mind. Anywhere in particular I should look?]

[Ishmur] I've not got a single idea. You think I'm the type who would survive there? But there's got to be cores somewhere, and where better to check than the nearby structure. Get to it, snappy now, [Player].

C: Head down to The Nadir and search out for a power core for the Construct.

If you talk to Ishmur again without a power core:

[Ishmur] There's got to be power cores down in the Nadir somewhere. Get to it, snappy now, [Player].

Find a power core in The Nadir and return to Ishmur.

Coordinates: [-103 77 695]

Coordinates: [46 113 669]

[Ishmur] Oh good, hand the power core over. Was really hoping that task wouldn't be a bust... Now, where were we... The Construct. Let's see... {...}

He shuffles over to a control panel and inserts the core into a large slot. They begin to glow and smoke for a moment before settling.

[Was it supposed to do that?]

[Ishmur] I hope so. But it's powering up a bit now, so I think we'll call that a good sign. I don't think this is going to move any time soon though. Shame. Maybe we can plunder its memory banks for information instead. You interested?

[What do I have to do?]

[Ishmur] I'll drop you in the hatch and you'll enter its artificial memory space. It's just a visualization of how it keeps information logged in its core. Look for something like a topographical map of this area. Maybe some sky or star charts that would have helped its navigation systems. Those could be extra helpful to identify the Herald up there.

[Alright, send me in.]

[Ishmur] Go hop into its pilot hatch and I'll send you on your way.

C: Head into the Construct's memory space via the pilot hatch nearby.

Puzzle Solutions Guide/A Sirius Problem

After solving the puzzle:

Your inventory feels a bit heavier. It seems you collected the star chart from the Constructs memory banks.

C: You managed to get a Star Chart. Return it to Maywitch's group.

If you talk to Ishmur again with the Star Chart:

[Ishmur] That looks like a Star Chart, I'd say. We can use this! Head back to Namtar and... yeah, Orion too. I think you've got what they need.

Maywitch's group
Coordinates: [8 171 827]

[Orion] You're back. What did you get from Ishmur?

[We reactivated a Silver Construct and we managed to get a chart of the stars from its memory bank.]

[Namtar] That will do. Give it here. {...}

[Orion] No, give it to me please. Maywitch and I have much more experience with this sort of work.

[Oh, okay.]

[Maywitch] Yeah. Give us a few hours and we'll have a plan ready. You can wait here. {...}

A few hours pass...

[Maywitch] Thanks for your patience. I hope that wasn't too long.

[I took a quick nap. I never get the chance to do that!]

[Orion] We have a few ideas together now, most important of which is that we have a good idea where Sirius is, up near the Vespid cluster of stars.

[What's that?]

[Maywitch] We have names for some clusters of stars. They make interesting shapes sometimes. The Vespid looks almost like the written number six. Sirius is lurking nearby, giving the bottom loop a dot.

[How strange. So what do we do about it?]

[Orion] Namtar, this might take some real work... We need Aurora's shard. {...}

[Namtar] I can't promise you that. She won't give it up. {...}

[Orion] Maywitch has one too. If Aurora can promise us hers, we will give [Player] Maywitch's and they can bear them both. We need them if we are to truly call Sirius down from the heavens.

[What can I do?]

[Namtar] Okay. Aurora has taken up residence in the Silver Knight Armory fortress across the bridge. The broken Silvergate there should be familiar to you, Orion. You've been through it more than anyone! I'm sure if you approach, [Player], Aurora will come out to meet you.

[I'm on it.]

[Maywitch] Here. Take this Shard. Guard it with your life. Now, go meet Aurora by the broken Silvergate.

Maywitch gently hands you a wrapped shard of Andromeda. You place it carefully in your pocket so you can't possible lose it.

C: It's time to confront Aurora. Speak to her at the broken Silvergate near the Starbound Sanctuary.

Coordinates: [72 216 1166]

[Aurora] I was expecting you to come sooner.

[I've had a lot on my plate.]

[Aurora] I see. Yet here you are now. You too were touched by the Star's power. You know the temptation they offer. I can sense the Shard you carry now.

[And I yours. I figured you wouldn't leave it anywhere out of your sight.]

[Aurora] Indeed. There is nowhere for it safer than with me. Now, we have much to discuss. I gather you have met my partners.

[Two of them. Namtar and Ishmur. Orion said there was another?]

[Aurora] Was. He was taken from us when Sirius first emerged. He still lives, but not as himself any longer.

[I'm sorry for your loss.]

[Aurora] Thank you. Let us speak of your plans then. You seek to strike down Sirius from the sky, yes?

[We do.]

[Aurora] Excellent. Then I shall tell you my story and then we shall take action.

[I'm listening.]

[Aurora] I was born a member of the Argone Scholars, a group of magicians who lived outside of time in Kaulslund.

[I know of the Scholars. I had to fight through them and the weird Alchemists below their academy to claim the Light Blue Wool.]

[Aurora] Fascinating, you destroyed the Zaegoth? That is something my old people were never able to do. Anyway, decades upon decades ago, I and a few others escaped from the pocket of time we existed in and found our way to the Ocean of Kaulslund. This was not by chance. The Stars above had spoken to me for much of my life and led me to this place. Xanatull, we called it. It was there we learned we do not age the same as others, likely due to our upbringing outside the regular flow of time.

[I've been to Xanatull.]

[Aurora] You truly have followed my trail then. Did you see the other end of this Silvergate as well?

[I did, but it's broken.]

[Aurora] Well yes. That's clear. During my time in Xanatull, I worked to strengthen the Stars and their access to this world. Andromeda came to us then and carried with her a vile blight. I should have realized what horrors awaited, but I saw it as a blessing. An ascension. My closest advisor, Aphelios, split from me, which only served to further radicalize my beliefs. Soon enough, I would exit that land through this gate and find the Serebrium Citadel - the Star Point.

[Why here?]

[Aurora] This is the place in this world where the Veil is truly weakest. The actions the Silver Knights had to take in order to contain one of their prisoners caused significant damage to this area. It's made it extremely prone to corruption, as you can see. Now, while here, my allies, the Lunacrest, and I began our investigation into welcoming the Stars. It was then that things took a turn.


[Aurora] The Stars were not gods. I could not "ascend" to join them, as I first believed. It was in our studies here we learned the Silver Knights who used to live here were well aware of the Stars beyond. They called them Hungerers. World Enders. Outsiders.

[I've heard of others too.]

[Aurora] Interesting. When the Stars next spoke to me, I confronted them with this information. Their entire tone changed on the spot. No longer did they whisper sweetness to me; no longer did they proffer godhood. Instead, rage. In retaliation, I sought the prisoner the Silver Knights left here as i knew the Stars wanted it. The Indigo Wool. But it is contained in a place called Phyrrys, and Sirius above has done everything in his power to seal it from us. So he must die.

[Why should I let you have the wool?]

[Aurora] I'm sure you won't, but we can worry about that later. I don't want it for power. I want it to usurp the Stars. Destroy them completely. I will take their place, take control of their forces, and leave this world to linger longer.

[That's... insane.]

[Aurora] It is the only way I can find. I will become one with the Stars and seize control. I will fix what I started.

(WARNING: Going any further will start a battle. Make sure you're ready.)


[Aurora] You can help me do- {...}

The sound of a dissonant horn blasts from the heavens.

[Aurora] They are coming. Be prepared to fight.

After killing the last enemy:

The final footsoldier falls. Seems like that's it for now...

When you talk to Aurora again:

Coordinates: [72 216 1166]

[Aurora] There is no time to waste. Sirius is watching now. We need to draw his attention somewhere so we can properly take him from the sky. I know a place - The Silver Emperor Uriddan has a 'tomb' down by the coast. It contains great power as is. I think with the shards we both hold, it could be enough to focus the Herald's eye there.

[How do I get there?]

[Aurora] The fastest way is down the old elevator shaft below us, then through the underground. You can ride down if you like, but I don't care how you travel. You just need to keep moving. More of those blighted monstrosities are coming... Now, take this shard and keep it safe. This is a sign of my truth to you, [Player]. We are allied now.

Aurora hastily hands you a wrapped shard of Andromeda. You place it carefully in your pocket so you can't possibly lose it.

C: You've got Aurora's Shard of Andromeda. Hurry down to Uriddan's tomb at the coast line.

Silver Knight Tuulen
Coordinates: [279 36 999]

[Silver Knight Tuulen] Something about this place called me here. I see it was meant to be. Uriddan continues to reach out to us, surely. Tell me - what is happening?

[Aurora and I reached an understanding. I have two Shards of Andromeda and will be trying to pull Sirius' attention here so that we can make a proper plan to pull Sirius from the sky once and for all.]

[Silver Knight Tuulen] Give them here then. I can hold off his might. If they will keep his gaze focused, surely this is a role I can play.

[Are you sure?]

[Silver Knight Tuulen] I am. This is my purpose. Now, go seek out your allies and find a way to force this herald down from the sky. The Stars can not continue their invasion. And take this - it will protect you while I protect this place.

[Thank you.]

[Silver Knight Tuulen] Do not thank me until this is finished. We have much work to do.

Awarded 3 Hyperchromatic Archos Rings and the Silence of Space!