Behind the Starlit Shroud

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Follow Maywitch and Orion to the great bridge.

Coordinates: [-462 177 -105]

[Maywitch] ...besides, if you really want to go, what's stopping us from going there right now, Orion? Surely we could find a way to cross the broken bridge. {...}

[Orion] Let's see... You mean aside from the immovable rubbish, giant gaps, unstable foundation, and a whole lot of Shades inbetween this city and the bridge? Yeah, probably nothing stopping us... {...}

[Maywitch] Come on, we'll be careful! Aren't we always? Didn't you put on the 'mystical bystander' persona in the Valley? I thought you learned something. {...}

[Orion] Shh, not so loud! So what if I did? Why does that matter? I don't think any of these creatures actually care. We should wa... He follows Maywitch's gaze as she looks directly at you. {...}

[Maywitch] Oh... Uh, hi, [Player].

  • [Hi...]
    • Orion tries to reach for a dagger, but Maywitch quickly interrupts him. {...}
    • [Maywitch] Wait! Orion, wait! This is a friend of mine, not harmful at all!
    • [Well, I can be, if needed.]
    • [Orion] Doubtful, but fine. What do you want?
    • [Just passing through...]
    • Orion looks at you appraisingly. You keep your weapon ready just in case. An awkward pause hangs in the air. {...}
    • [Orion] If you say so. {...}
    • [Maywitch] Alright... Let's just start all over, shall we?
    • He sits back at the table, and all the tension begins to evaporate.
  • [Maywitch, is that you?!]
    • [Maywitch] I can't believe it! Never would I have thought we'd see you here, [Player].
    • [How are you here? This place cut off from the rest of the world.]
      • [Orion] Same way as many other outsiders who have stepped foot here, either by chance or intention. The gates. There are more than two, at least as far as I presume.
      • [How do you know that?]
      • [Orion] Wouldn't you like to know? Maywitch may trust you, but I certainly do not.
    • [Why are you here, though?]
      • [Maywitch] We are loo... {...}
      • [Orion] Maywitch. {...}
      • [Maywitch] What? This is someone we can trust! They helped me back in the Valley. We'd probably still be stuck there if it wasn't for that! {...}
      • [Orion] Ugh... I can only hope your naivety won't doom us both. No, Maywitch, we can't trust this person just yet. {...}
      • [Maywitch] No, you can't, Orion! But I know that they're trustworthy. {...}
      • [Orion] I'm keeping an eye on them just in case. We can't afford ourselves to be too carefree. If this person really is as trustworthy as you say, I'll see it for myself in time.
  • [I knew he was just pretending! Gonna admit, he did it pretty well. I bet it was hard to keep a straight face through the whole "follow the stars" agenda.]
    • [Orion] He rolls his eyes. Oh, it's you. {...}
    • [Maywitch] It is alright, Orion. They're a friend.
    • Maywitch laughs, but quickly regains her composure. {...}
    • [Orion] Uh huh... {...}
    • [Maywitch] Come on, you've met each other in the Valley, don't you remember? And helped make a special battery for my telescope. {...}
    • [Orion] I do remember that, Maywitch. Anyway... What are you doing there?
    • [It is not a short story... But in short, we're currently looking for someone...]
    • They look at each other, then back at you interestedly. {...}
    • [Maywitch] You think?.. {...}
    • [Orion] And who is this person...?
      • [I... can't say.]
        • [Orion] You're playing a dangerous game. I'm going to be keeping an eye on you from now on.
      • [Maxwell Calder.]
        • Maywitch breathes a sigh of relief. They both look less tense now. {...}
        • [Orion] That's not a name we're familiar with.
  • [How'd you get inside New Antium?]
    • [Maywitch] We just.. kindly asked to go through the city. Well, I did. Orion rolls his eyes. It is the only way to Serebrium Citadel that we know about. So we said that we're doing some sort of... pilgrimage to the old Citadel and they let us through.
    • [Didn't work out?]
    • [Maywitch] At first, yes. But the path forward seem to be clear now. We are about to leave New Antium. {...}
    • [Orion] And we don't need you to follow us.

After exhausting all other dialogue options:

  • [Look, if you're careful the Keep isn't that hard to travel. I can even escort you. Can you tell me what are you doing here?]
    • [Orion] Good job. Maywitch, we're moving now. Keep up with me. {...}
    • [Maywitch] [Player] deserves a little explanation, Orion, don't you think? Come on, what more proof do you need? They're not here to interfere with our plans. {...}
    • [Orion] This is just careless and you know it. We've been hiding for so long... So why exactly do you suddenly have the urge to tell very important things to someone we barely know at this point? {...}
    • [Maywitch] YOU barely know! I know them enough to place my trust. I know this is important to you, Orion, but the two of us alone is not enough to achieve our goals. We need allies, and you know that better than anyone. It's you who's being careless here. {...}
    • [Orion] I've had enough. I'm going to the bridge. With or without you. {...}
    • [Maywitch] Whew. Sorry for that, [Player].
    • [Can you tell me what's going on?]
    • [Maywitch] I... {...}
    • She sighs. {...}
    • [Maywitch] I... I can't, sorry. Not until we both trust you to share our secrets. I'm going after him now. I am sure we're gonna meet again soon. But until then - bye. {...}
    • She hurries toward the door. She briefly glances at you, just before vanishing through the door.

C: Follow the Stargazers to the great bridge.

Coordinates: [-411 173 412]

[Orion] You again? Are you following us?

  • [Just... passing through... again...]
    • [Maywitch] It is only natural that they're traveling the same path. This is the most obvious way to get to the Eastern Continent. {...}
    • [Orion] Then you are out of luck... [Player]. The bridge has been destroyed. You won't be able to reach the other side. And even if it was still intact, you'd have to traverse the Serebrium Citadel first, which is a challenge in its own right.
      • [The what citadel?]
        • [Orion] Hmph... I'll give you a brief introduction, so pay attention. Look there, towards the south-east, and your eyes may happen upon the black carcass of a giant tower. That is the Silver Eye, the great watchtower built by the former emperor of these lands. This is but a part of the once great Citadel.
        • [And you're going there because...]
        • [Orion] Who says that we are? And even if that were the case, it would be none of your business. My advice - forget about the Citadel. Unless you are looking to die, find a different way to reach the East. Avoid this path at all costs.
        • [That's... Ominous.]
        • [Maywitch] It's true, [Player]... You don't want to go there. You will find nothing of value and gain a very powerful foe in return. Just leave this place, and her, to us. This is something we have to do, alone.
      • [Are you good now?]
        • [Maywitch] [Player]...
        • [Orion] Are you just looking for a fight? Your indignity is insufferable.
  • [Sure, I have nothing better to do.]
    • [Orion] Of course. Whatever. {...}
    • Maywitch shakes her head, as if telling you: "This wasn't the best way to start a conversation".

C: Try to break through with Maywitch.


[Maywitch] Hello again, [Player]? You're not planning to go to the Citadel, are you?

  • [I'm more than capable of holding my own, you know.]
    • [Maywitch] Without a doubt, you can. But... The Stars watch over her, you don't need that enemy. This needs to be handled... delicately.
    • [I can be delicate, too.]
    • [Orion] Not this time. Just drop the subject, will you? We don't need your help. Do not interfere.
  • [How are you planning to cross the bridge, anyway?]
    • [Maywitch] There's something happening in the Citadel. We both feel it. The old bridge rumbles every night. I don't know why exactly, but if I had to guess, the... {...}
    • [Orion] Stop talking, Maywitch. {...}
    • [Maywitch] Yeah... Right. Sorry. That's all you need to know, [Player].

[You said that someone powerful resides within the Citadel. Who exactly were you talking about?]

She looks at Orion, waiting for an approving nod. He folds his fingers into an L shape. A gesture known only to themselves, it seems. {...}

[Maywitch] You must've heard about her. I'm sure I mentioned her back in the Valley. She was the former leader of Stargazers. Aurora Lunacrestum, or, as she's referred to in our scrolls, The Prophet. Orion tracked her down to this place, somehow. She's formed something called the Lu... {...}

[Orion] Maywitch, enough. {...}

[Maywitch] Right. Sorry. Now you know who we're going to deal with. You can't stay with us, but if you maybe wanted to continue ahead, maybe you can secure the Citadel ahead for us? Orion doesn't need to know.

[I think I can do that.]

[Maywitch] Thank you.

C: Try to follow the bridge to the Serebrium Citadel.

As you approach the tower on the corner of the bridge:

[Maywitch] You there, [Player]. Come hither. Ride the elevator to the top; I have something to show you. Fear not in this hour, you are safe here.

C: Follow the strange voice up the elevator.

There's an elevator, to use it stand on the pressure plate at [-396 185 895]. If the elevator isn't there, press the button at [-401 185 900] to call it.

Coordinates: [-398 299 904]

[Aurora] Hail, [Player]. Safe travels to you, I hope. I called you here to ask you a question and to offer you a bargain. Will you speak with me?

[Is that your question, or do you have another?]

[Aurora] Ah, very funny. No, that is not my question. My question is what brings you to this place? Your reputation precedes you and my people have noted your arrival.

[And nobody stopped me to say hello or to help me across the weird glowing bridge?]

[Aurora] I felt it was more important to greet you personally. Now, to my question...

[I'm following the trail of some people I met.] / [I'm following a path by an ally, who said she was traveling here.]

[Aurora] I see. You and the Knight are familiar then. Interesting. I'm sure you've spoken to the wary Stargazers as well, then.

[You know a lot.]

[Aurora] I try to keep abreast of what is happening around here. This place is dangerous.

[Is that a threat?]

[Aurora] My goodness, [Player]. You are oh so jumpy. No, that is not a threat. It is a fact. There are forces at play here in the Star Point that you will not be prepared for, I am sure. I came alone to show you that I am no threat. I simply want to propose an alliance between our factions. We are not enemies here.

[Like I told you, I've seen what you left behind in the King's Valley. Why would I trust you?]

[Aurora] It's still active over there? Truly? That was a lifetime ago, by the Stars... I swore I felt Andromeda die quite recently. But, I am sorry. That was my old way. Fanaticism had me in its throes. A lust for power; to ascend to become one with the Stars above. {...}

[Aurora] I've changed. The Lunacrest are my stride forward. We no longer seek to let the Stars in. We want to kill them. Will you help us?

  • [Yes.]
    • [Aurora] Welcome to the fold then. We'll speak soon. {...}
  • [No.]
    • [Aurora] So be it. I understand you have concerns. Hopefully my actions here will convince you otherwise. We'll speak soon. {...}

[Aurora] If you're looking for safety, I recommend setting up in the Chantry of Repentance at the end of the bridge to the north. It is untouched by the blight that the Stars have been spreading here.

C: Continue to the Chantry of Repentance.

Friari Oberon
Coordinates: [7 171 823]

[Friari Oberon] Greetings wanderer. What has brought thee to this blighted place at the edge of the world?

[A strong sense of exploration, mostly.]

[Friari Oberon] Ye have a taste for danger; I see. I am Friari Oberon, priest of the Silver Order.

[Wait, why are you here? If it's so dangerous, it's no place for a priest.]

[Friari Oberon] I came seeking the true scriptures. Silver Emperor Uriddan may be gone, but his holy empire must live on. My order and I have come here to rebuild. So far, it is going poorly.

[How so?]

[Friari Oberon] Nearby this Chantry is the Ramparts, once the seat of Silver Emperor Uriddan's holy power. Now it has become overrun by a blight from beyond, the likes of which I've rarely seen. I wish to make that place safe once more for my people.

[By yourself?]

[Friari Oberon] Nay, my flock is seeking safety further afield, while I've remained here to focus on the problem of the Knightly Mockery within the Ramparts. Silver has been stained and something evil watches us...

[Evil? I can kill evil. I'm great at that part!]

[Friari Oberon] Say, could ye venture into the Rampart for me? Ye see prepared for holy battle. If you could defeat it and bring back a sample, perhaps my flock and I could seek a counteragent for the blight.

[I think I could do that, yeah.]

[Friari Oberon] Splendid news! I will await your return with bated breath! Be prepared though. The blight that is so consuming this land has done strange things to the encampments - you might call them spawners - scattered around the fortress and beyond. They may be tougher to handle than usual.

C: Conquer the Celestial Rampart.

Clear Celestial Rampart by defeating the Echo of Sirius miniboss in the basement.

As the monstrosity falls, you take a sample of its flesh and blood to bring back to the Chantry.

C: Return to Friari Oberon.

Friari Oberon
Coordinates: [7 171 823]

[Orion] -and you DARE show your face here after what you've done? You and the rest of the Lunacrest are going to get this entire world KILLED. [...]

[Friari Oberon] You think we want that? You're the one we had to kick out of the group, Orion. [...]

[Maywitch] How dare you, Namtar. We know what Aurora seeks. That's why Orion left. She can claim she's trying to help all she wants, but she's a filthy liar. She wants to ascend to the Stars. She doesn't care what happens to the rest of us! [...]

[Friari Oberon] Control your pet, Orion. She doesn't know what she speaks of.

[What is happening here Friari?!]

[Friari Oberon] Oh uh... welcome back o sacred wanderer- [...]

[Orion] Cut your nonsense Namtar. We know them.

[Oh, so now you're okay with me, Orion?]

[Orion] Whatever it takes, I guess. This man's name isn't "Friari". His name is Oberon Namtar, and he's a member of Aurora Lunacrestum's cult, the Lunacrest. Don't trust him, or the rest of them. They'll lie, cheat, and steal to get what they want.

[Why were you lying to me, Namtar?]

[Namtar] I... I'm sorry. I've been trying to get into the Ramparts for weeks to recover a bunch of the research I've done for the Lunacrest, to no avail. You seemed strong. We were driven out by blight! [...]

[Orion] Like I said. You were just a "convenient method" for him to get what he wants. [...]

[Namtar] I assure you, we're not evil. I know why you hate us, Orion. I understand fully. In your absence, things have changed. For one, the Stars aren't being so cooperative anymore, as our opinions shifted. Your exile made us reckon with what we had learned. [...]

[Maywitch] Why would you do that? You kicked Orion out because he wasn't willing to become God food.

[Is that what the Stars want?]

[Namtar] Yes. Very simply, they seek to trick fools into using their power to crack open the protective Veil around this world and let them in, with great promises. We fell for it. Aurora most of all. I'm sorry Orion. [...]

[Orion] I... How can i believe you speak the truth? [...]

[Namtar] I don't know, brother. But our goals align now. And to you wanderer, I apologize for my deception as well. Things are desperate around here and using a random hero seemed worth my while.

[I see. I need you to tell me more about what's happening here.]

[Namtar] Aurora traveled here seeking a powerful artifact, by the command of the Stars. We followed years later and became her Lunacrest. They told us there were three that would give them what they wanted, and two of them were lost to them. It fell on our shoulders to find this final artifact. There were four of us who stepped through the Silvergate out in the Arunara Ocean - Myself, Orion, Ganzir, and Ishmur. [...]

[Orion] And then one who was thrown back through it - myself. [...]

[Namtar] And one more lost to blight - Ganzir. I'm sorry. But we cast out Orion because Aurora feared he would become another Aphelios. Like I said though, we discovered we were wrong as we began to explore this island fortress. There is something very dangerous in the sky above us. Your words must have reached them and now they've set a watcher like Andromeda on us. [...]

[Maywitch] Another herald? What horrors have they wrought?

[What do they do?]

[Orion] Corrupt, in the name of worship. The Star Blight you have encountered in the Narsen Ocean is only a glimmer of what it can do... If you truly went into the Ramparts like Namtar says, you've seen it.

[I have. I got a sample of the creature inside as well.]

[Namtar] Let me see it.

[Orion] I'd rather you don't. Give it to Maywitch. She can handle it safely and study it without the information being smuggled back to Aurora before we can discuss it further. You're on a short leash here Namtar. We'll work with you, but I don't trust you.

[Here you go Maywitch.]

[Maywitch] Thank you. Let's get this safely handled now...

[Now, I'd like to do some further exploring myself. It seems like there's a lot left for me to understand.]

[Orion] There most certainly is. [...]

[Namtar] Return when your mind has been enriched.

Awarded 2 Hyperchromatic Archos Rings and the Silver Order Shako.