Sealed Remorse

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Sealed Remorse is one of several strikes found in Monumenta, located within the Celsian Isles.


Complete the Here There Be Dragons quest, ending upon purchasing the Dragonbone Key from Izzy in the lobby specifically. After the quest is completed, Izzy will no longer sell the key. The key seller will instead be the NPC adjacent to the instance room.

The Lobby

Unlike the Black Mist lobby, this lobby is more similar to typical dungeon lobbies, having the overworld and Mistport teleport on the opposite side from the Observer. The other NPC (not Izzy) who sells the Dragonbone Key stands by the only Observer room. The Artifact trader is located on the left side of the central room, Levyn opposite from them. Levyn will trade a gold nugget for each Carved Bone located within the Strike itself. He will also sell the Remorseful Skins upon completion of the Strike. Izzy is located in the room on the left of the main room, next to a large bone obelisk. Izzy will have various trades involving Shards of Remorse, an uncommon from the Sealed Remorse. These include powerful potions, a patron item, the Blackflame Emblem for giving Remorseful Skins to certain items, and, the most expensive at 6 HCS and 24 Shards of Remorse, a Scrap of Void, used to enter the Eternal Vigil. Note the Scrap of Void will only be sold once the player has conquered the Sealed Remorse. Izzy may also decipher any Carved Bones obtained from the Sealed Remorse as well.

Entering the Strike

To enter the Sealed Remorse shard, the player must purchase a Dragonbone Key from the NPC (1 HCS and 5 Gold Ingots) and talk to the observer. After confirmation, the player and up to five others will be transported into the shard. Similarly to dungeons, only one key is required for a group.


There are four main gimmicks in the Sealed Remorse.

Upon player death, they will be immediately ejected out of the shard similarly to Hardmode and Classic Ephemeral Corridors. Unlike it however, all items are kept, but they will not receive completion for the Strike nor receive a loot room.

There is a passive timer given for the Strike, starting at 30 seconds. The timer will increase by 6 seconds upon the breaking of a spawner. The Strike will end upon the timer reaching 0, kicking players in that instance out of the shard. Prior to starting the boss fight, the players will have a grace period, the timer stopping and an enderchest available for use. The timer will resume after the boss' dialogue

Chests are still located within the area, but instead of loot, opening them will cause them to disappear. Instead of gaining loot along the way, all loot is transferred to the loot room at the end. All the loot will be on the floor of each player's loot room, able to be picked up easily. The loot ranges from various tiered item, an artifact fragment, Shards of Remorse, and some CCS.

At the end of the first half is a room blocked by iron bars, a spiral staircase and some signs past it. Before descending to the next area down the stairs, the players must first attune to the void by pressing a button located on the right side of the first half. Entering prior to attunement will cause the player to take severe damage over time.



Name Mob Type Max Health Damage Speed Effects
Reanimated Bones Skeleton 60.0 20.0 Attack 0.25  
Flaming Horror Creeper 75.0 6.0 Blast 0.25  
Blackflame Shaman Skeleton 60.0 24.0 Projectile 0.25  
Cult Beastmaster Pillager 60.0 23.0 Projectile 0.35  
Tamed Arachnid Spider 60.0 18.0 Attack 0.3  
Avenging Beast Enderman 80.0 18.0 Attack 0.3  
Blackflame Assassin Vindicator 90.0 26.0 Attack 0.35  
Ascended Blackflame Blaze 100.0 5 Fire 0.23 Glowing



Unavoidable Fate: You have discovered the Sealed Remorse lobby. What awaits you below...

Staring into the Void: You have conquered the depths of Sealed Remorse.

Void of Tension: You conquered Sealed Remorse with over 200 seconds remaining on the clock!

The Void Stares Back: You have parted the void and witnessed the Eternal Vigil.


  • Sealed Remorse was the second strike added to Monumenta, released on June 26, 2021.
  • Sealed Remorse was originally intended to be a bonus dungeon for the Celsian Isles, internally having the development name "r2bonus" - stylized after the original title of The Black Willows, which was "r1bonus".