Here There Be Dragons

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Completing this quest requires 5 Bone Shards and 1 Gold Ingot which are recommended before beginning the quest.

Accompany Izzy on a voyage to investigate traces of the Teal Spirit.


[Izzy] Ahh [Player], what impeccable timing you always have.

[That sounds like you’re signing me up to do something.]

[Izzy] I absolutely am, and it’s a big one! I've heard about your adventure in the ruins of the Congress. A brand new wool? The Teal Spirit involved again? Turns out the Mage Council isn't done yet, and has tasked me to investigate another source of Teal-adjacent magic somewhere in the northwest ocean. I wanted to ask you to come along. Maybe we can finish this.

[Well that does sound worthy of my time.]

[Oh no, not another sea voyage...]

[Izzy] Worry not, this won’t be some scrappy pirate operation. We’ve been funded by the Council to outfit the ship with high-end magical equipment and actually edible food. It’ll practically be a vacation. I’ll do all the work and all I need you for is in case of emergency!

[A vacation would be kind of nice. Count me in.]

[Izzy] Wonderful. I’d be remiss not to employ Indigo for this expedition, so go let her know the good news and meet me in the Mistport Pub basement. We’ve got to carry the supplies I purchased over to her ship.

C: Talk to Captain Indigo.

Captain Indigo

[Captain Indigo] Ahoy [Player], to what do I owe the pleasure today?

[Izzy has lined up an expedition and wants to employ you and your ship to do some magical research.]

[Captain Indigo] Well that is good news! I could really use the income. Ever since I transported Bhairavi and her team here the work has been pretty sparse. When do we set sail?

[Izzy needed my help grabbing supplies out of the Pub basement. We set sail when we return.]

[Captain Indigo] I’ll ready the ship then. See you in a jiffy.

C: Meet Izzy in the Salty Seaswindler basement.


[Izzy] Took you long enough. I was starting to get unwelcome looks from the pirates upstairs. It’s like they can sense I’ve got a mountain of money to fund this expedition.

Izzy gathers up a few bags of supplies and...

[Levyn] Argh do me ears deceive me? Or did I hear that me crew be planning a voyage without me!

[Levyn, what are you doing down here?]

[Levyn] I’ve fallen on hard times, ye see. The bartender bet I couldn’t finish off a keg of ale...

He burps loudly...

[Levyn] ...but I showed ‘im. As payment fer the bet I acquired free room an’ board down ‘ere in the bilge of this ‘ere establishment.

[Do you need help?]

[Levyn] Me? Need help?? Ye be askin’ that the wrong way around. Levyn’s crew is nothin’ without Levyn! And I know just the way to spend that cash ye have to make this trip run ship shape.

[I think Izzy already covered supplies.]

[Levyn] Supplies we’ll get to, but first we be missin’ a quartermaster. Ever since Samwell went rotten, me crew has never been the same. But we’ll fix that promptly, eh. Go on and take yer supplies to the ship. Return when yer done and I’ll have a quartermaster sorted out. Now make haste.

C [1/3]: Leave the basement.

C [2/3]: Go back to Indigo's Ship.

C [3/3]: Talk to Izzy belowdecks.


[Izzy] I thought Levyn was doing okay, but living under the pub must be rough. I suppose he can come along. And if finishing off a full crew is important to him, I’ve saved enough of the Council’s money to pay for a quartermaster. Would probably be worthwhile having someone care for my equipment.

[I’ll go retrieve Levyn.]

You can hear Captain Indigo shouting faintly from above.

[Captain Indigo] Don’t dilly dally, we’re ready to set off.

C: Go retrieve Levyn from the Mistport Pub Basement.

Assorted Dialogue when talking to the npcs in the pub basement:

[Clarence] My chance is finally here! Pick me!

[Sarah] This is weird...

[Salty Bartender] Ye har har har!

[Samuel] Where is my food? How did I get down here?

C: Listen to Levyn's magnificent proposal.


[Levyn] Yer in for quite the treat matey, for we have options for our new quartermaster!

[Just pick one and let’s go, Izzy and Indigo are ready to leave.]

[Levyn] Not so fast landlubber, if we don’t have a top-notch quartermaster, our stuff may not be stored properly.

[How hard can the job be?]

[Levyn] I’ll let that slide as ye must not ‘ave ever had a subpar quartermaster before. I do miss me favorite peg leg so dearly.

[Levyn you have two legs.]

[Alright, let’s just get this over with.]

[Levyn] Argh it be time to meet the candidates [Player]. Let’s get this started.

[Levyn] Are ye ready to meet our first candidate?

[Doesn’t this seem like a bit much to you?]

[Levyn] Nonsense matey, I told the barkeep that Izzy be footin’ the bill with his magic money.

[Izzy didn’t agree to that.]


[Wait Samwell is here?!]

[Not Samwell] Actually my name is Clarence. I heard that the job offers dental. I do have a few teeth I need pulled.

[We aren’t offering benefits.]

[Not Samwell] Oh well I suppose if the pay is good enough, I can manage out of pocket.

[The pay isn’t that good.]

[Not Samwell] There’s still an equal split of the treasure as advertised, right?

[What treasure???]

[Levyn] ANYWAY!


[Is that really his name?]

[Samuel] It is, but I’m actually just looking for my waiter. I’ve been waiting on my food for over an hour.

[I think Levyn closed down the pub for this.]

[Samuel] That is ridiculous! I’ve been coming to this pub every week for the past several years and never in my time here have I seen such atrocious service. I don’t care if you’ve bought out the whole town, I will not let this slide. You’ll be hearing from my attorney.

[Well that’s definitely not our quartermaster.]

[Levyn] Yer right, this guy be a dud. So let’s move on to CONTESTANT NUMBER THREE: SARAHWELL

[You’re joking, right?]

[Sarah] It’s just Sarah, I kept telling you that. Look, you don’t have to pay me much, I’m just trying to get some experience. I’ve interned with Captain Lamis before. Is that good enough?

[Sarah actually seems kind of promising.]

[Levyn] I don’t know ‘bout this one. Cheap labor usually be a bad investment.

[Are there any more contestants?]

[Levyn] Argh yer right, Samuel did quit, I s’pose we do need one more to fill out the line up. Bartender, would you like to audition as CONTESTANT NUMBER TWO?

[I regret asking already...]

[Well this will be good.]

[Salty Bartender] Zee har har I be more swashbucklin’ than the rest of ye and yer mum brined in pickle juice for a month. If there be money in it, I’ll swab ze decks like the best of ‘em.

[Ha, Levyn he might have you beat in piratey-ness.]

[This may not have been the best choice.]

[Levyn] Who does this guy think he is? The pirate stuff is a bit over the top.

[Can we just pick a quartermaster?]

[Levyn] I’ll let ye do the honors, who will it be?



[The bartender.]

[Levyn] On second thought, who knows a true pirate better than me. We’re goin with good old Samwell.

[I thought you were letting me choose?]

[Levyn] Though our budget be large, thar be no room for another one of those pesky “Branching Adventures”.

[Alright Clarence it is, it doesn’t really matter.]

[Levyn] I knew ye would come around! Let's head back ta Indigo's ship!

[Not Samwell] Thank you very much for the opportunity, I won’t let you down.

C:: Head back to the Ship.

[Captain Indigo] Back at last, I see. Izzy'll be doing the introductions, I imagine. Go chat with them belowdecks.

C: Talk to Izzy.


[Levyn] Ahhh, the sweet sea air!

[Izzy] Welcome to the ship after all that time! You must be... Samwell?

[Not Samwell] It’s Clarence actu-

[Levyn] His name be Samwell!

[Anyway, do we have all the supplies?]

[Levyn] I can hardly call these ‘ere supplies, but sure.

[Then let's sail!]

[Give me a moment, I need to prepare. It could be dangerous!]

  • [Izzy] I imagine it will be, yeah. Hurry up mate!

[Izzy] Aye aye!

C: Chat with your Crew.


[Izzy] We’re arriving at the location and there appears to be an island ahead. How’s the crew doing?

[I hear Levyn’s seasick again, and “Not Samwell” gave him rum instead of medicine.]

[Izzy] They’re off to a great start I see. Are you prepared to go inland ahead of us?

  • [Not yet, I need to get back to Mistport to resupply.]
    • [Izzy] Meet us back here then - you'll have to find your own way. You can head up the ladder to get overboard.

[I am. What do we need to do?]

[Izzy] We need to investigate this island. I suppose you can go ahead, while Clarence and I set up the ship.

[Anything in particular I should be looking for?]

[Izzy] Anything unusual I suppose. All I know is that we found traces of the Teal spirit’s magic coming from this area of the ocean. There’s got to be something weird going on. Resistance, weird doors, floating explosive spirits. Ya know. Stuff. Head up the ladder and get going!

[Levyn] Let us know once ye've found *hic* anything treasure-ish... I'll get meself up and claim some booty for meself, no matter how seasick!

[Clarence] Look, Levyn said he was feeling "briney" and I gave him what I had! How was I supposed to know the bottles were rum?!

C: [1/2]: Leave the Ship.

C: [2/2]: Venture into the City Of Bones.

In the City Of Bones there are 3 chests that contain etched bones, located at [-2063, 93, -436] (Nitigskild), [-2046, 130, -456] (Inskywing), [-2048, 148, -457] (Aanbiddij). Upon gathering these, head to the bottom section of the POI and press the button at [-2065, 74, -433] to be teleported to the next part of the quest. Proceed to the Sealed Remorse lobby past [-2042, 90, -468] and speak to Izzy on the left side to complete the quest.

C: Chat with Izzy in this strange tunnel.


[Levyn] *Hic* Ye best be careful. Lookin’ dangerous here mate. Me head hurts too much ta help...

[Something’s definitely off here.]

Clarence runs into the room behind you.

[Not Samwell] I’ll scout ahead.

[Can you look for traps?]

[Levyn] No! Not Samwell! Let [Player] investigate first. They be excellent at adventurin’.

Clarence ignores Levyn and runs forward, leaping onto the nearby giant bones.

As he lands, a deep rumble sounds... and the bone collapses under him.

[Not Samwell] AHHHHHHHHH!!

[Izzy] Oh no…

[What just happened?!]

[Levyn] This weren’t meant ta happen! No! Samwell! All this time t’gether my matey, only fer ye to be taken like this. We gone through hell an’ fire, battlin’ pirates, becomin’ pirates, jailin’ folks, killin’ things... I wazzn’t ready fer this. Ye can’t leave me, mate...

[Levyn, I don’t want to take away from this but... that wasn’t Samwell, mate.]

[Levyn] [Player]. Shut. Up. I'm not stupid. I be needin’ this. He’s gone. He’s not comin’ back, is he? Let me mourn me mate however I be needin’, right? Even losin' his replacement is stingin'. I jus' wanted the crew ta be back together one las' time...

[I... I’m sorry. I think I understand.]

[Levyn] Thank ye...

[Izzy] Poor Clarence. Poor Levyn too. He never got over Samwell turning coat...

[Nor I.]

[Izzy] Me either. But we have work to do right now. You need to find a way through these ruins though. Try to be safe, please? We couldn’t handle losing you too.

C: Find a way through the ruins.

C [1/2]: Find your way back into the depths of the City of Bones.

C [2/2]: Find and talk to Izzy.

Bonafide Gatekeeper

[Bonafide Gatekeeper] H-hey, you! How did you get past all the guards and traps outside?!

[Apparently the guards and the traps aren't very good at their jobs.]

[Bonafide Gatekeeper] So w-what, are you here to kill us all? Take our treasure? I assure you we have none! It's just bones... all we have are bones...

[Look, just give me a key, I've got things to investigate inside.]

  • [Bonafide Gatekeeper] I-I can't. It's l-lost and locked aw-way... PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!

[Look, just give me a key. I don't care about the quest, I just wanna fight.]

  • [Yes.]
    • [Bonafide Gatekeeper] ...Are y-you sure?
  • [No.]
    • [Bonafide Gatekeeper] (literal blank)

[Izzy] This is fascinating...

[What is it?]

[Izzy] Some sort of ancient tablet with writing on it. The first language I don’t know at all, but the second seems to be the writing Bhairavi gave you to locate the Echo of Isharist. I think I can decipher this!

[Wait, you’re not going to make me do it?]

[Izzy] Of course not, this is super interesting to me, [Player]. You’re just here to defend us after all.


[Izzy] Anyway, it seems to be talking about a group called the Blackflame. They used to live here, and died? After they died, another group moved in and began to worship their bones... Oh!


[Izzy] I think those bones the city is made from were the Blackflame. They weren’t humans. They were Dragons.


[Izzy] I don’t even think there’s any left alive. Fascinating. This tablet, which I think I’ll call the Rosetta Bone, seems to imply there’s more writings out in the city above us. Do you think you could find them? According to this, there’s three more that may help us understand how to move deeper into this area.

[Will do.]

  • [Izzy] Good luck!

[Why the Rosetta Bone?]

  • [Izzy] I once courted a lovely archaeologist named Rosetta. We still stay in contact. I bet she’d love this - and might like me more if I named it after her.

C [1/2]: Leave the Rosetta Bone and head back into the City of Bones to find three Bone Carvings.

C [2/2]: Show Izzy the Bone Carvings.


If no carvings in inventory:

[Izzy] Have you found any carvings yet?

[Not yet.]

[Izzy] Get to it then!

If carvings (You can bring them one at a time):

[Izzy] Have you found any carvings yet?

  • [I found this carving. It's got a picture of a doorway on it.]
    • [Izzy] Let me see if I can decipher this! Nice find!
    • [Let me know how it goes.]
    • [Izzy] Oh, this isn’t too hard. It’s talking about that gateway further in. It’s been sealed by the Blackflame worshippers and seems to be a ritual site of great importance. Something the Blackflame did is behind there, and only the most trusted can enter.
    • [Anything else?]
    • [Izzy] I don’t see anything about how to get inside on here, but it does mention a small spell at the end. I have the words, but not what magics need to be channeled or items are necessary. I doubt they knew of the Tree of Life theories either.
    • [That would be a surprise.]
    • [Izzy] Maybe some other carvings will be more useful.
    • [I'll see what I can find.]
  • [I found this carving. It's got a symbol of a shield on it.]
    • [Izzy] Aha, I think I can decipher this!
    • [You can handle it?]
    • [Izzy] Of course [Player], I’m not useless here. Alright, let’s see…
    • [I’ll wait here.]
    • [Izzy] No need to wait. This carving speaks of another group the Blackflame Dragons had some contact with. They had some sort of pact, where they would be protected by the Blackflame in exchange for... um, I think this is saying some sort of magical shield against something called “void”?
    • [Interesting. I think the Conscriptorium in the Congress had something to do with void as well.]
    • [Izzy] I’ll have to reach out to Bhairavi then. I’d really like to know more.
    • [I’m sure we can see for ourselves inside. Anything on that?]
    • [Izzy] Nothing yet. I think there’s a component to a spell here though. I think this is just asking for a lot of crystalline shards, actually.
    • [I can get some of that!]
    • [Izzy] Maybe some other carvings will be more useful.
    • [I'll see what I can find.]
  • [I found this carving. It has a picture of a bone on it. Recursive.]
    • [Izzy] I believe I can read this, if you allow me a few moments!
    • [Take your time.]
    • [Izzy] Always. Now let’s see. This carving speaks of the formation of the worshippers. Following the fall of the Blackflame to an unknown cause, it seems these people were drawn to this island and to the bones of the decaying Dragons. It claims the very bones here hold power, and these followers serve only to preserve that power... “lest the void dissolve and those within break their vigil”. I have no idea what any of that means, honestly.
    • [Nor I.]

[Izzy] On the plus side, I see what seems to be a component here for a spell. Gold bars!

[I’ll go gather some of those.]

[Izzy] It looks like that’s all three carvings mentioned on the Rosetta Bone. We’ll need a lot of crystalline shards, some gold bars, and some magic channeled into them. Bring them to me and give them to me, and I’ll make it happen. Just trade me when you’re ready!

C: Gather five Bone Shards and one Gold Ingot and bring them back to Izzy.


[Izzy] Woah! You okay over there [Player]? I think it's time we go discover what's going on inside.

Awarded access to the Sealed Remorse Strike... and perhaps more within?

Bone Carvings dialogue


  • [Izzy] Let me see... This seems to talk about a "Cartilage Cuirass". It says: "Bonespeaker garb. Torn ligaments. Empty vessels. Blackflame flows through voice. Blackflame turns Silver."


  • [Izzy] Let me see... This talks of a "Failure of the Void". It says: "Below bubbles Void. Veil torn. Doorway Sealed, four within. Void from Veil. Time ends."


  • [Izzy] Let me see... This seems to be about a crossbow. A "Dragonbreath Repeater"? It says: "Tongue calls out in ancient way. Flame spits from maw. Intruders to fuel the Seal. Silver to temper Void."


  • [Izzy] Let me see... This discusses the horrors of the "Gaze of Ghalkor", if I've got the tense right. It says: "His eyes linger. What has been seen? Break him. Make him into something new. Ghalkor calls out. Beast is silent."