Beasts of Men

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[Bhairavi] Hello __. Thank you for your help with the Battlefield. Have you gone within the Halls of Wind and Blood yet?

[I have, and I've conquered it as well.]

[Bhairavi] And? What did you find?

[Plenty of danger - a massive complex leading up to a massive and dangerous statue of their god, Quetzalcoatl. It was what I found in the mouth that's really crazy.]

[Bhairavi] Oh don't leave me hanging.

[I found the White Wool.]

[Bhairavi] Oh my god. I need to speak to Vargos about this. I trust you're keeping it safe?


[Bhairavi] Good. You need to. That item is incredibly dangerous. We'll speak again after I've had a chance to update Vargos.

[Bhairavi] So I've spent a bit of time away and have spoken to Vargos about your discovery and what this means for history. He's asked me to deliver a note to you and answer any questions you may have.

[Great! Did he say anything interesting?]

[Bhairavi] He gave me more information on the Wools now that we know they'll be tied up in my future research. He also gave me a new task. Maybe I'll have you help with that too.

[Bhairavi] Do you have any questions?

[So who was C'Zanil? How did he make the curses?]

[What power has the White Wool granted me?]

[What was Quetzalcoatl really?]

[Can I have another copy of Vargos' letter?]

[You mentioned more research and me helping with it before....]

[Bhairavi] Ah, yes. I've been doing further research into the Shamans, C'Zanil in particular. You see, while the other two Shamans, C'Axtal and C'Shura, seem to be held in fairly high regard still within Tlaxan culture, C'Zanil is a different story.

[Why do you say that?]

[Bhairavi] Do you have any questions?

[So who was C'Zanil? How did he make the curses?]

[What power has the White Wool granted me?]

[What was Quetzalcoatl really?]

[Can I have another copy of Vargos' letter?]

[You mentioned more research and me helping with it before....]

[Bhairavi] Ah, yes. I've been doing further research into the Shamans, C'Zanil in particular. You see, while the other two Shamans, C'Axtal and C'Shura, seem to be held in fairly high regard still within Tlaxan culture, C'Zanil is a different story.

[Why do you say that?]

[Bhairavi] His tomb has been lost. I know of monuments to C'Axtal and C'Shura hidden among Tlaxan-kept locations, but C'Zanil has almost been erased from their society.

[So what can I do to help?]​​​

[Unfortunately I'm a bit preoccupied right now. Maybe I can help later?]

[Bhairavi] Ah, so there's a bit more left to tell you. You see, just a few days ago, my team and I found C'Zanil's tomb.

[Your team?]

[That's nice.]

[That seems like a bit of a big deal.]

[Bhairavi] Isn't it? My team is in the midst of excavating the cave entrance and trying to find a way inside. Do you think you could help them - and me - out?

[You can sign me up.]

[Maybe later. This seems like a serious undertaking.]

[Bhairavi] Fantastic news. You'll find my team east from the Ziggurat you fought through during our last adventure. They're down the cliff, just outside the ancient ruins. My lead excavator's name is Pten, speak to him.

[Bhairavi] Let me know when you've found something important! I'll be continuing my research here. I'm trying to find out more about Tlaxan culture.

Meet Bhairavi's assistant, Pten, outside the Ancient Ruins, east of the Tlaxan Ziggurat 360 72 -128

[Pten] Hello? Who are you and why are you here?

[I'm __. Bhairavi sent me here to assist your excavation.]

[Pten] Oh, are you the adventurer that helped her out with the Battlefield project? You found the White Wool?

[I am!]

[Pten] Pleasure to meet you then. I'm Pten, lead excavator under Bhairavi. We've been hard at work clearing out this sealed off area.

[Bhairavi told me you found C'Zanil's crypt.]

[Pten] We have indeed found his crypt. It's quite an interesting story actually... All this research actually paid off. Are you interested in hearing it, or would you rather just get to what my crew actually needs help with?

[Please, tell me more.]

[I don't have time for long explanations. Let's get to work.]

[Pten] So, as I assume you know, C'Zanil was a key part of the Blackroot War for the Tlaxans. What we know now however is that C'Zanil fell into disgrace after the war ended. His nasty magics caused a breakdown in the efforts after the surrender.

[How so?]

[Pten] We believe devotees of C'Zanil's ways broke off from the Tlaxans seeking peace and formed their own group. C'Zanil didn't condone their actions, and was the last Shaman to remain after the war. C'Axtal and C'Shura seem to have vanished during the conflict.


[Pten] It seems the Tlaxans shunned him. He fled to his workshop. We wanted to find it. Now here we are!

[I wonder what happened to the other Shamans.]

[Pten] We do too, but this place here is more important. It became C'Zanil's tomb. Bhairavi feels fairly sure that after C'Shura vanished, C'Zanil gained control of an artifact she possessed originally. Bhairavi now believes that was the Orange Wool. If we can get inside this place, maybe we can find the wool inside!

[So how do we get inside then?]

[Pten] Ah! Such a gung ho attitude! I love it! We absolutely need to get inside. So here's the deal. It seems that the place is sealed off by three keys, each one related to one of the tribes of Beastmen that roam the jungle.


[I know the Beastmen. Where do I need to go?]

[Pten] Yes. They're tribes of what used to be humans, but they seem to be more than that now. Hawk, Jaguar, and Serpentsia - though the Serpentsia seem to have been driven into extinction. They seem to be connected to this. Reports indicate they fought alongside C'Shura during the war, so we're not sure why they'd guard C'Zanil's tomb.

[What do you need me to do then?]

[Pten] I need you to hunt down the remaining keys. My crew bravely managed to obtain the key guarded by the Jaguars, albeit at quite a loss of life. We still need the Hawk and Serpentsia keys.

[Any idea which camps I'll need to visit?]

[Pten] So we know the two keys left are for the Hawks and for the Serpentsia.

[Where is the Hawk key?]

[Where is the Serpentsia key?]

[Pten] So we're fairly sure that the Hawk key is within a Hawk village just near the Tlaxan Ziggurat you found the Halls of Wind and Blood below.

[Thanks. I'll get on it now!]

[Pten] Return to me when you have both keys!

[1/3]: Get the Hawk key from the Hawk Village.

[2/3]: Get the Serpentsia key from the Serpent Ruins high on the clifftop.

[3/3]: Talk to Pten near the Ancient Ruins once you find both keys.

[Pten] You found them both! You're really serious about this adventuring thing. Let me place the keys in their slots then, and we'll see what happens...

[Pten] It worked! It looks like the crypt has actually opened up... I'll gather my crew and send some people inside. Would you like to do the honors and enter first?

[Absolutely. I'll meet you down there.]

[I need to go prepare first. Who knows what's inside?]

[Pten] This is so exciting! Bhairavi will be so pleased.

Enter the crypt and complete the 4 challenges

[Spoiler] Answer to the alchemy puzzle

After talking to the Pten and obtaining the book, head to the Abandoned Tunnels and access the Orange Wool Dungeon Lobby to speak with Wexley

[Wexley] Wow, you really have a varied set of skills. I wish we were all such jacks-of-all-trades. Very impressed. I'm glad you were able to help us out there. Can't wait to report back to Bhairavi with all this.

[Where is the exit again?]

[Wexley] It's just below the stairs! Just head around the sides and go that way.

[Wexley] Oh thank god, I'm alive. You are too. This is good. Bhairavi sent me here ahead of the rest of the team - I'm to offer you supplies as well as a reward for discovering this place. This is really amazing. How did C'Zanil build all this stuff?

[I really don't know.]

[Wexley] Anyway, I found a really interesting item back in the tomb that I wanted to give to you. Also, I have a key for you to access this place. They call it the Fallen Menagerie. Good luck in there. I hope you can find the wool!

BEASTS OF MEN COMPLETE ! Awarded Orange Dungeon Key, Cyrar's Sight, 64 Arrows of Slowness, 10 Anvils, and Full Access to Orange Dungeon Lobby Trader!