Tlaxan Troubles

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T'Lm (Magenta Lobby)

[T'Lm] I see you have claimed the Magenta Wool. Well done.

[Thank you.]

[T'Lm] I sense you will be of use... There are Tlaxans that are in need of your help.

  • [Can you see the future?]
    • [T'Lm] In a way. I am gifted the sight of our ancestors.
  • [Can you tell me more about Velara?]
    • [T'Lm] It was once a mighty fortress for the Tlaxans. I was its town leader, thus the T before my name. However, it crumbled and fell during the war, and the Narsens built Farr atop its ruins.
      • [What were the crystals?]
        • [T'Lm] Secret Tlaxan magic. I cannot tell you more, I'm afraid.

[What Tlaxans?]

[T'Lm] There is a village hidden away in the valley, for Tlaxans who have not just become part of the Empire. Perhaps you can be of help and prove yourself to this group... Hmm. Yes. Do you wish to help them?

  • [Maybe later.]
    • [T'Lm] You will return. I know it.

[You can count me in.]

[T'Lm] Now that you have accepted this task, I ask that you do three things. Around the jungle are three Tlaxan Totems channeling powerful magic. I must ask you to renew their power in a very specific order.

[How do I do that?]

[T'Lm] I will send you into Velara to claim three herbs. You will take these herbs to the Totems and their power will be refreshed and restored.

[That sounds quite simple.]

[T'Lm] It should be, but I sense resistance brewing deep within the jungle. You must be careful and prepared.

[I'll be ready!]

[T'Lm] Now, head back within the ruins of Velara. There is a side passage containing a cauldron. If you place water into the Cauldron, you will find the sacred herbs. Each time you add water, you will receive one herb. Be sure to bring water with you!

[1/2]: Return to Velara by going through Farr's sewers [495, 70, 128]. Bring Water Bottles.

[2/2]: Fill the cauldron in Velara with water. You will need three Sacred Herbs.

After getting the three herbs:

[1/2]: If you need more Sacred Herbs, you can get them by returning to Velara and filing the cauldron with water from a Water Bottle.

[2/2]: Once you have the three Sacred Herbs from filling the cauldron, head to the first Totem.

Coordinates: [132, 99, 76]

After reaching the first Totem:

As the totem powers, the wind seems to pull you north and a vision of the Ziggurat drifts into your head.

[2/2]: Follow the vision of the Ziggurat to the second Totem.

Coordinates: [311, 122, -166]

After reaching the second Totem:

As the totem powers, the wind seems to pick up and pull you violently toward the Air Shrine.

[2/2]: Follow the pull of the wind to the Air Shrine to find the third Totem.

Coordinates: [474, 127, -51]

After reaching the third Totem:

As the totem powers, the wind roars, and figures materialize around you.

After defeating or fleeing the Sons of the Forest:

Return to T'Lm in the Magenta Lobby.

T'Lm (Magenta Lobby)

[T'Lm] You return alive. This is wonderful news. I feel the jungle's magic flowing freely again. Tell me, what happened at the last totem?

[I was attacked by Sons of the Forest.]

[T'Lm] Of course, only they would be opposed to the natural order of things. I take it you destroyed them?

  • [They are all dead.]
    • [T'Lm] A warrior indeed, I see. Take this potion, made from Amber, for showing your strength.
  • [No. I fought, but fled before they were all dead.]
    • [T'Lm] You took out the ones you could and retreated safely. Well fought. Take this potion, made from the earth, for showing your cunning.
  • [I fled when they appeared.]
    • [T'Lm] Smart. Why risk a fight when it is not necessary? Take this potion, of gentle Spirit Flower, for showing your swiftness.

[T'Lm] Now [Player], it is time for you to see Ta'Eldim. Go past the third totem you rekindled, past the lake before you, following the wall north. It is there you will find a way into Ta'Eldim.

[What will I find there?]

[T'Lm] You will find the refugees. Tlaxans who have hidden away from the horrors of the world, secreting away from the Sons of the Forest and their evil. Now, let me cast a Blessing of Passage upon you. They will recognize my magic and allow you through.

[Go ahead.]

[T'Lm] It is done. Go now and meet T'Xoc, the village elder. My brother.

[1/2]: Find the entrance to the city of Ta'Eldim.

[2/2]: Once inside Ta'Eldim talk to T'Xoc.

Coordinates: [472, 83, -218]

After Entering:

Ta'Eldim Gatekeeper

[Ta'Eldim Gatekeeper] Stop right there! State your business here.

[I was sent by T'Lm. I have the Blessing of Passage.]

[Ta'Eldim Gatekeeper] Very well then. Follow me.

He looks like he doesn't believe you for a moment, he then sighs.

[Lead the way.]

Head to T'Xoc:


[T'Xoc] What's this? An outsider? With a Blessing of Passage... I sense T'Lm is to blame for this. Who are you and why are you here?

[I was sent here by T'Lm. He said he was your brother.]

[T'Xoc] That is correct. But why would he send an outsider to our village?

[He said you needed help. I repowered totems around the Jungle, then was told to see you.]

[T'Xoc] That was you? No wonder the magic is flowing stronger again. In that case, thank you for your help! What is your name?

[I am [Player].]

[T'Xoc] Thank you [Player]. You and T'Lm have done us a great service. I am T'Xoc, elder and leader of Ta'Eldim. I welcome you to our town and hope you will continue to visit us. I'm sure my villagers will need some help, and if T'Lm trusts you, we do as well. Feel free to explore - there is plenty to do!

TLAXAN TROUBLES COMPLETE! Awarded access to Ta'Eldim.