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A Tlaxan elder from Ta'Ksaav who was sent to go to Ta'Eldim and investigate the black wool shard (Referred to as "The Darkest God"). Along the way R'Kitxet got led away by the Black Wool Shard to Inner Sanctum.

Boss Fight

After breaking at least 75 spawners in Verdant Remnants, a player must enter the wood circle in the boss area to spawn the boss.

Throughout the fight R'Kitxet has a chance to regen the shield.

At 50% health, four Distorted Hulks (Iron golem elites) will spawn, one at each corner of the arena, and then shortly will charge.

At 25% health, R'Kitxet will regen shield.

Kaul's Fury

Throughout the fight a random player will be targeted by Kaul's Fury. (Marked by the player hearing a ticking noise and a "cloud" of white particles and fire particles near the top of the room above the player.) After a few seconds the player will stopped being track and a second latter an explosion will occur. This explosion will break R'Kitxet's shield.

Endless Agony

A random player will be targeted. This is notified by a sound, the player being surrounded by a purple particle ring, a chat message, and a timer boss bar. After a few seconds the ring will stop tracking the player and will instead stay there for the rest of the fight. If a player enters the ring after it has stopped tracking then the player will take 5 magic dmg every few damage ticks(). Once 3 such rings are in the arena then R'Kitxet has a chance to summon mobs from them. These mobs can be any of the normal mobs from Verdant Remnants.

Forsaken Leap

R'Kitxet will target a random player, roar, then leap at the player. The landing causes damage within a close range.

Verdant Protection

R'Kitxet will stop moving and having a cylinder of green particles close in around the boss. Once the cylinder touches the boss then any player in a few blocks radius will take damage and if a player is within that radius then R'Kitxet will regen shield.



Mob Type: Wither Skeleton

Base Health: 1400

Armor: -1.0

Damage: 14.0 Attack Damage

Speed: 0.27

Knockback Resistance: 8

Effects: No Effects


Drops no loot. Instead after beating R'Kitxet the player will be teleported to the Verdant Remnants's loot room.

