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C'Axtal the Soulspeaker was a Tlaxan shaman during the Blackroot War. He acts as the final boss for the Malevolent Reverie dungeon.



C'Axtal lived in Ta'Ferna, the main Tlaxan city at the time. As the Soulspeaker, he was tasked with speaking to Kaul at an altar in the city, ensuring that Kaul brought the Tlaxan people prosperity. Unlike C'Zanil and C'Shura, he was not given a wool of his own to bear.

During the Blackroot War, C'Axtal noticed that Kaul was in possession of the Yellow Wool. In an attempt to strengthen the Tlaxan armies and gain an advantage in the war, he began to secretly siphon power from the Yellow Wool. Kaul noticed this and retaliated, cursing Ta'Ferna and corrupting the citizens and flora, leaving it uninhabitable. C'Axtal was killed and taken by Kaul and turned into a puppet in his mind, forced to serve as a guardian for eternity.

Sometime later, Calder used the Black Wool to enter Kaul's head, where he met C'Axtal. The two had a conversation about the power of the wools, and Calder left after gaining valuable information.

Malevolent Reverie

The player enters Kaul's dreams after coming into contact with the Black Wool shard dropped by Cazol. In it, they explore a tarnished and destroyed version of Highwatch and Sierhaven, Kaul's dream of what will happen to the Valley once he awakens. After cleansing the golems in Castle Narsen, Kaul summons C'Axtal to the square to deal with the trespasser. C'Axtal is forced to fight to player against his will, begging the player to kill him towards the end, much to Kaul's annoyance. C'Axtal dies and finally becomes free of Kaul's clutches.

Boss Fight

After collecting all six corrupted keys in the Malevolent Reverie raid dungeon, a black ring of particles will appear in the town square. When a player enters this ring, C'Axtal will be summoned and the fight will begin.

TNT Throw

C'Axtal will throw five TNT at the player.


C'Axtal will teleport behind players. He lets out a laugh similar to a mimic before doing this.


C'Axtal will stand still for a moment to summon three large groups of skeletal minions. These are extremely similar or identical (more info needed) to the Lost Souls found in the Halls of Wind and Blood.

Blinding Field

Black and purple smoke particles will start to form a ring shape around C'Axtal. When they complete the ring, they will explode, damaging any player within its radius and blinding them briefly.

Laser Spell

C'Axtal will fire tracking lasers at all players nearby, which will explode and deal massive amounts of damage when they are fully charged. The only way to avoid these is to hide behind something. C'Axtal can move freely while performing this spell.



