Voyage of Discovery

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Captain Argoun
Coordinates: [625 119 555]

[Captain Argoun] Oh hello, aren't you [Player]? The one that saved Sierhaven from being taken over by some bandits and a rotten noble? Captain Murano speaks very highly of you!

[It was nothing, really.]

[Captain Argoun] I could actually use your help, if you wouldn't mind.

  • [I still have things to attend to in the Valley.]
    • [Captain Argoun] Alright, well please come back when you get the chance.

[What is it?]

[Captain Argoun] Captain Indigo has been pushing to get a permit to leave the King's Valley, but we aren't too keen to give permission to such... unsavory characters. You've helped her out before, would you vouch for her permit?

  • [Pirates don't have rights.]
    • [Captain Argoun] That might be a bit exaggerated, but I get your point. I'm still not sure, so if you change your mind I'll be here.

[Captain Indigo is of no danger.]

[Captain Argoun] I was starting to lean that way as well. Alright, I'm convinced! You can go let Captain Indigo know she is all set to sail through the Seagate.

Tell Indigo she has been cleared to pass through the seagate.

Captain Indigo

[Captain Indigo] Ahoy [Player]! We're all itching to set sail soon. Hopefully our permit will be approved soon.

[Good news! It's been approved.]

[Captain Indigo] That is amazing news! We're all ready to take off here, would you care to join us on our maiden voyage?

  • [Where are you sailing to?]
    • [Captain Indigo] We'll be headed to the haven of pirates, the Celsian Isles. There, we'll find treasures galore in the Viridian region!
  • [I think I prefer land for now.]
    • [Captain Indigo] Arrgh! Return quickly if you change your mind.

[Absolutely.] / [Alright, I'm in.]

[Captain Indigo] Are you ready to set sail?


[Captain Indigo] ARRGH!

C: Talk to Captain Indigo.

Captain Indigo

[Captain Indigo] Ahoy [Player]! The sea is beautiful today, don't you think so?

  • [I think I'm going to be sick.]
    • [Captain Indigo] Ha- after you're done hurling off the starboard you should check in with Izzy to see where we are.
  • [We should just stay on the sea forever.]
    • [Captain Indigo] Well, we'll need to reach port eventually, so why don't you go check with Izzy to see where we are?

C: Talk to Izzy.


[Izzy] We should be close, but we'll need to spot some landmarks to know exactly where we are. Could you please ask Levyn if he can see anything on the horizon?

  • [Sure!]
    • [Izzy] Splendid, thank you.
  • [Sounds like effort.]
    • [Captain Indigo] Alright, never mind.

C: Talk to Levyn.


[Levyn] Hello... [Player]... I'm not feeling too good.

[I thought you were supposed to be a pirate? Are you sea sick?]

[Levyn] Just getting my... sea legs... what do you want?

[Have you been able to see anything from up here?]

[Levyn] I can't... see straight at all... can you get a sea sickness cure from... Samwell below deck?

[Sure I'll be right back.]

[Levyn] Thank... you.

C: Talk to Samwell.


[Samwell] Hello [Player], is there anything you need from the stores?

[I need a sea sickness cure, Levyn isn't doing too well.]

[Samwell] Ha! I knew that guy was all talk. Here, we have plenty stocked up. I can't wait to finally get my hands on some treasure.

Samwell's eyes glisten at the thought of treasure.

Head back to Levyn.


Levyn grabs the cure and drinks it all

[Levyn] Arrgh, thank you matey! I've never felt more swashbuckling before. Now, about that view: I be seeing land in the distance - an island! It be about 40 seaports away. ARRGH!

C: Talk to Izzy.


[Izzy] Have you found out what Levyn can see yet?

[He said he could see an island about 40 seaports from here.]

[Izzy] Wonderful, I'll steer us that way now. You should go speak with the Captain.

C: Talk to Captain Indigo.

Captain Indigo

[Captain Indigo] So you've finally checked in with Izzy. Took you long enough. Looks like we'll arrive shortly.



C: The ship is under attack, get outside quickly!

[Captain Xeno] You have entered the waters of Mistport - my waters - without permission! Prepare to be boarded!

[Izzy] This is bad - we got much closer to Mistport than I expected.

[Samwell] Mistport? I've never heard of such a place. What could we have done wrong by simply getting too close to the island?

[Izzy] If the rumors are true, it's an island ruled over entirely by pirates. We need to find a way to esca-

[Captain Xeno] FIRE!

The blasts of the ship make your ears ring, and everything goes black.

You wake up and find yourself in what seems to be a prison.

C: You've been imprisoned! Find a way out, and find Izzy and Samwell!!!

After getting into the sewer:

[Samwell] This trip has sucked so far! We've been captured, imprisoned, and are now wading through a sewer. And we still have no treasure! Maybe I shouldn't have left Nyr...


[Izzy] [Player]! Thank goodness you caught up. We felt kind of bad leaving you passed out in your cell, but, you know, pirate code.

  • [It's alright, I understand.]
    • [Izzy] Thank you. Now we just need to find Levyn and then we can figure out how we're going to get off this island.
  • [I'm a bit upset you tried to escape without me.]
    • [Izzy] It's understandable, but we need to put that aside for now. We need to find Levyn and then we can figure out how we're going to get off this island.

After one of those two prompts:

  • [Where is Captain Indigo?]
    • [Izzy] She is being contained on our ship, which has been impounded on the far side of this port. We'll need to unite the crew before we organize a rescue.
  • [Where are we?]
    • [Izzy] We seem to be in a pirate port. The locals don't seem to like us too much.

[Where is Levyn?]

[Izzy] Well that's a tough one. He ran ahead yelling something about parlay and rum. My best guess is he was trying to find a pub.

[I'd better go look for him in a pub then.]

[Izzy] Sounds good. We'll be hiding out here.

C:Search out Levyn in the Mistport pub.

Coordinates: [-823, 88, 1367]

[Levyn] If it isn't my favorite drinking buddy [Player]! So good to see you finally join us matey.

[Levyn, we need to go. We aren't safe here.]

[Levyn] Nonsense! These are our fellow swashbucklers. There was just a slight misunderstanding, that's all.

[But they threw us in prison.]

[Levyn] Haha yes! Classic mistake that was. Trust me, we're all good now. As long as we can join their ranks we're welcome to stay.

  • [No, we shouldn't join them.]
    • [Levyn] Arrgh! Ye best reconsider your answer.

[I suppose we can do that.]

[Levyn] Arrgh! Shiver me timbers and a yo ho ho! Welcome to Mistport, home of the Virdian Pirates!

VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY COMPLETE! Awarded Access To The Celsian Isles.