Palace of Mirrors

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Palace of Mirrors is one of the many wool dungeons of the Celsian Isles. It is home to the Light Gray wool.


"Once devout members of Chillwind's primary religion, worshipping the Lord on High, the Frost Moon Knights split from the church when they heard the call of what they believed to be the real Lord on High, and that Chillwind followed a pretender. Fleeing to the mountains, they took with them a young girl named Alutana whom they claimed was a divine being and would guide them to transcendence. Alutana herself glowed a brilliant light at all times, a power they attributed to her divinity. But she secretly held a powerful artifact that had chosen her. Something else had chosen her too. The truth lies deep within the Palace."


Outside of the starting room is a small platform that will teleport the player to the first area. The first area is a large open cave with void below. The lower section contains many buildings and ruins along with three mirrors that must be broken to shatter the mirror at the top and grant access to the next area.

The next section consists of a large corridor branching into different rooms and pathways. The pathway going upwards will lead to a quick teleport to the beginning of the dungeon. One of the paths will eventually lead a large vertical section with a spiralling path. At the bottom is another quick teleport. The top of the section will lead to a ruined village and a church. One of the towers in the church will have another teleport back to the beginning. At the end of the church is a teleporter that will lead to the final area.

The final area begins with a pathway going downwards to a large open area with a frozen floor. Below the ice is void and the ice will be destroyed as one of the elites walk across it. On the opposite side of the area is a large statue seemingly chained down. The player must climb the statue and step on the pressure plate in it's mouth to complete the dungeon.

Guaranteed rare loot chests locations

  • the chest in the final ice lake surrounded by void, on the finale.

