Salazar's Folly

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Salazar's Folly is one of the many Wool Dungeons found in the second region, Celsian Isles. It is home to the lime wool.


"The Viridian Empire - a kingdom built with the dreams of desires to escape the constant warring between the Ishnir and Chillwind empires. The founder of Viridian, Salazar the Great, used his experience and knowledge to bring the empire to the height of its power. However, Salazar's lust for knowledge Lead him down a path of ruin and destruction, and now his beloved kingdom serves only as a pillage for pirates who happen upon its abandoned halls. What lies before you is a symbol of the greatest sin man can commit: greed, that which turn a great empire to folly."


Part I : The beginning of the dungeon takes place in a large cave with water and trees growing. Within the caves and it's structures are three keys; Cinnamon Sapling [-1501, 22, 2647], Noxious Sludge [-1529, 38, 2780] (entrance at [-1383, 28, 2747]), and Salamander Blood [-1450, 45, 2680], all contained within glass containers in various locations. Once all are collected, the player must put them in the item frames near the end and press the button to open up the city.

Part II : The city is full of large buildings surrounded completely by water. One of the towers leads upwards to a bridge system running around the top of the perimeter. Along the bottom of the perimeter is a more grassy area with worn down buildings. A shortcut back to the lobby can be found unlocked and used at [-1526, 114, 2733]. On one side of the city is a large structure with a glass circle in the floor. This leads to the undercity which is completely flooded and tainted. The player may choose to make their life easier and activate the four conduits located around the city to remove the debuffs.

Conduit 1 - Blindness [-1460, 120, 2663]

Conduit 2 - Weakness [-1369, 126, 2704]

Conduit 3 - Poison [-1328, 120, 2572]

Conduit 4 - Wither [-1512, 198, 2710]

Once all four are activated, the player will be given the conduit power buff, allowing them to breathe and see in the undercity.

Part III : The undercity appears to be a large library that's been flooded entirely. A teleporter back to the city can be located halfway through the library. The final room is a large area with a chasm of magma blocks stretching across the bottom. At the end of the room is another glass circle which can be broken into to access the reward room.

