A Vault of Glass

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Coordinates: [1154, 135, -108]

[Postman] Hey, I've been looking for you! Got two priority letters, urgent delivery and all that. Here you are, just sign here.

  • [Sign for the Letters.]
    • [Postman] Here you are. Oh, and let me know if you need another copy, every priority letter is magically registered and can be copied as-needed.
  • [I'll get them later.]
    • [Postman] Sounds great! After running all around the Valley looking for you I could use a break. I'll still be here when you want to pick those letters up.

The urgent letter said to climb the tower in Sierhaven with the purple and black banners.

The Tower can be accessed via the south side of the second floor of the smithy.

Coordinates: [-685, 141, -3]

[Argent] Welcome to the Order of Glass. While Murano and his men guard the realm from armies and murderers, we defend it against the insidious threats. Corruption, spies, cults, and all manner of sinister crimes. And you've already run into one of the most corrupt me plaguing Sierhaven.

  • [Who?]
    • [Argent] Octavius, the merchant. He and his Five Axes company smuggle weapons and protect all manner of filth from prosecution. Do me a favor, walk to the edge of the tower and look at his booth.
  • [Octavius.]
    • [Argent] Quite right. He and his Five Axes company smuggle weapons and protect all manner of filth from prosecution. Do me a favor, walk to the edge of the tower and look at his booth.
  • [Levyn.]
    • [Argent] No. Octavius is the threat. He and his Five Axes company smuggle weapons and protect all manner of filth from prosecution. Do me a favor, walk to the edge of the tower and look at his booth.

[Argent] Looks so innocuous doesn't it? But he has money and political protection far beyond his means, and we're not sure who he's working for. But now we have an opportunity.

[What opportunity?]

[Argent] Carlton, the former accountant of the Five Axes Trading Company has left. Fearing for his life, he requested protection from the guard in exchange for information. Unfortunately, he was force to flee Farr before we could rendezvous with him. Find Carlton, ensure his safety, and learn what he knows.

  • [I'm on it.]
    • [Argent] Your assistance is appreciated. Carlton lived in Farr, start there. Good luck.
  • [Not interested.]
    • [Argent] You seem to think you had a choice. We need you, and The Order of Glass gets what we need. Carlton lived in Farr, start there.

Look around Farr for clues to where Carlton fled to. Find him and talk to him.

Coordinates: [558, 100, 168]

[Savannah] I got such a great deal on this house! Carlton, the guy who lived here wanted to sell quick; he practically ran towards the highlands! Said he was goin to an old abandoned house there.

Head to the Infested House poi.

In the basement of the poi there is a lever on the south wall. When you pull

it a entrance will appear nearby.

(Incase the lever was destroyed the coords are [1022, 111, 97].


[Carlton] Don't hurt me!

[Relax, I'm here to help.]

[Carlton] Thank goodness, I was worried you were one of the Five Axes goons. Wait, you weren't followed right?

  • [Of course not!]
  • [Uhhhh...]

You hear footsteps from upstairs and a voice shouts:

[Burly Thug] Alright boys, search the place! Tear it apart until you found that bean counter!

Carlton squeaks and cowers in a corner

After killing all the thugs:

That should be all of them. I should talk to Carlton again.


[Carlton] T-thanks, I thought I was doomed there.

[No Problem. Now, Octavius?]

[Carlton] O-of course. All of his financial records are kept in a warehouse in Farr, that should tell you everything you need. There's a basement with a vault in it, but you have to solve a maze to get there. I don't know all the tricks, but I remember hearing to 'follow the shadows'. I hope that helps you bring him in.

Find your way through the maze beneath the Five Axes Trading Co warehouse [623, 96, 206]. You should start by following the shadows.

When you get into the basement, to go through the maze follow the path without torches.

Directions: S S W W N W W S S E E S W S W W N N.

Enter the door and talk to the parrot.


[Polly] Squawk! Polly want a beer! Squawk!

Get Polly a beer from the bar. Beer trader at [594, 97, 203].


Polly takes a big glug from your mug of beer.

[Polly] Squawwwk! When the dark isn't enough, follow the jungle! Squawk!

As hinted, previously along the path you passed a branch that would have led you via jungle planks.

Directions from Polly: S S E E N E N E S E S W


[Bruce] I ain't seen you before. Youse not getting in da vault.

[Octvaius sent me.]

[Bruce] If da boss sent you he would've told you my name. What is it?

  • [Andrew.]
    • He throws you out with an annoyed grunt
  • [Bruce.]
    • [Bruce] Whoa. Guess da boss did send you. Here ya go.
  • [Crabbe.]
    • He throws you out with an annoyed grunt
  • [Dennis.]
    • He throws you out with an annoyed grunt

Grab the ledge and head back to Argent! He needs to see it ASAP.

[Duchess Emmeline] Behind you.

Duchess Emmeline

If lawful route was selected for Bandit Troubles:

[Duchess Emmeline] Pleasure to meet you. Now hand over the ledger before we have to do something you'll regret.

  • [Who are you?]
    • [Duchess Emmeline] Who I am doesn't matter much right this moment, though I've come to know much about you. I can't say I ever anticipated someone to thwart the attempt on the King's life.
  • [Wait... You mean the Sons attack? The Crownbearer?]
    • [Duchess Emmeline] Do you have any idea how long a plan like that takes to string together? The amount of precise detailing required to make all the puzzle pieces fall into place? And you just came along and ruined it.
  • [You... were responsible for all that?]
    • [Duchess Emmeline] Quite, and I ought to have Salieri here slice off your fingers for your transgressions, but I'm willing to let you off since you went through all the trouble of getting that ledger for me. Now, hand it over.
  • [Here, take the ledgers.]
  • [No, I'm turning these in.]
    • [Duchess Emmeline] Adorable. I do apologize for this, but that was the wrong choice. Salieri, teach them why it's good to listen to your betters.

Salieri slowly reaches for his swords.

You wake up in an alley an hour later, the ledger gone and a throbbing headache in its place.

If villainous route was selected for Bandit Troubles:

[Duchess Emmeline] Pleasure to meet you. Now hand over the ledger before we have to do something you'll regret.

  • [Where did you come from?]
    • [Duchess Emmeline] Invisibility clocks. They're quite wonderful really, perhaps one day you'll be able to afford one. Now, hand over the ledger.
  • [Here, take the ledgers.]
    • [Duchess Emmeline] Well thank you, I was worried there was going to be bloodshed but this was much simpler. If you're ever in the Celsian Isles, stop by. I think you, me, and Octavius need to have a little chat. Salieri, take us home.
  • [No, I'm turning these in.]

The ledger is gone. Tell Argent what happened.


[Argent] I heard a commotion. Is everything alright? Do you have the ledgers?

  • [Duchess Emmeline showed up.]
    • [Argent] I see. I assume that swordsage of hers, Salieri, was there too. Well, at least now we know who's been backing Octavius.
  • [The ledgers were taken.]
    • [Argent] I see. Logically, the assailant is the one backing Octavius. Be careful around them, it's a mercy you weren't killed.

[Argent] It may not be the outcome we wanted, but you nonetheless aided the Order of Glass. For this, I thank you and reward you. Expect us to call upon your services again when the Kingdom needs defending.

A VAULT OF GLASS COMPLETE! Awarded 128 Enchanting Bottles and Umbral Robe