The Black Willows

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The Black Willows is one of King's Valley's bonus dungeons.

How to Unlock

Head to the Mysterious Cenote (160 123 -75) and get the Carved Staff and book called Source of All Things to start The Staff quest. Complete the quest and head over to the Cave of Secrets with the Elemental Staff in hand and walk though the teleporter

Unlocking Delves

To unlock delves for this dungeon, head back to the Mysterious Cenote and pick up another Carved Staff to begin The Staff? quest. Complete the quest to unlock delves for this dungeon.


"Four elements combine to make a key. But what do they unlock? A place beyond reality? A forest of great trees, far beyond the confines of the King's Valley. Where did the portal take you? The Black Willows whisper promises, but it is clear: someone has walked these winding forest paths before. Those who have come before still stalk the trees, while the elements call out to something that is no longer present. What treasures could be hidden deep within the willows? What stories could the dead tell? The rings of the trees are the only way to know - if you can survive the horrors within."


The entire dungeon is a large, open cavern full of trees. Mini ruins are littered around the area, usually containing loot, spawners, and rarely, a shortcut. A few bigger ruins are built into the walls of the caverns. Two giant trees are located along the cavern. While the one along the path is for loot purposes, the one at the end of the dungeon leads to the reward room. Unlike other dungeons, there is no pressure plate leading to the reward room, rather just a wall of iron bars.