A Kingdom's Sin

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A Kingdom's Sin is a book written by Tehkma Ka, second-to-last pharaoh of the Ka dynasty of the Ishnir Desert. It can be found in Tehkma's final resting place below the Dehydrated Oasis during The Gem of Ishnir.


The sins of a kingdom lie upon its ruler, a lesson my father taught me when I was a child. If only then I had forseen the path that we would travel down, the folly that we would wrought.

That artifact is cursed, everything about it.

It gleams with brilliance, one that would make any mortal man lust to control it, then it will strangle you slowly as you watch every last thing you hold dear crumble to dust. If only we had not dug it from the ground that day, we would not be here now.

It is locked away now though, and I gold the only key, in this sealed room that shall be my tomb. I will remain here for what little time I have left in my mortal life, and when I die, my soul shall remain and continue to guard it still.

Those forsaken beasts will never see the light of day again, I will make sure of it. Our carelessness brought them into this world, and I will see to it that our negligence does not cause the world to burn.

Dehnma Ka, my son, I wish you luck now on your journey as the new pharaoh. Do not make the mistakes that I have, and please, I beg of you, let the Gem be but a memory.