A Merchant's Woe

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Talk to Riaz's supplier to see where his goods are.

Coordinates: [-98, 154, 459]

[Riaz] Oh dear me.... I still haven't received my supply package yet! It's been days!

[Hello! Is there anything I can do to help?]

The man seems quite worried...

[Riaz] Why yes! Say... Could you check on my supplier? He has probably arrived and is at a small, spruce outpost overlooking the canyon by now. Ask him if he has my goods!

  • [Actually, there's something that came up...]
    • [Riaz] Oh darn it. Well, I guess I'll have to wait on him then.

[Sure, I'd be happy to help!]

[Riaz] Fantastic! Be sure to bring the goods back to me!

C: Go check on Riaz's supplier at the outpost. You can not get to it from Cinder's Roost directly, but the entrance is in the valley below it.

Supplier Anebos
Coordinates: For house: [116, 79, 639] For Npc: [127, 77, 632]

The man seems to be very stressed... He looks like the right guy!

[Hello? Are you Riaz's supplier?]

[Supplier Anebos] Oh no! Has he found out already? I'm in so much trouble!

[Why? What happened?]

[Supplier Anebos] Well, you see, I've... lost the goods that I was supposed to have delivered to him a couple days ago!

[Any idea where you lost them?]

[Supplier Anebos] Perhaps in Rockspider Cavern? My cart felt a lot lighter after I left there...

[Alright. Thank you for your help!]

[Supplier Anebos] I hope you find them!

C: [1/2]: Retrieve the supplies from Rockspider Cavern.

C: [2/2]: Once you have the supplies return to Riaz.


[Riaz] By Ishnir! You did it! You've retrieved them!

[All in a days work!]

[Riaz] Thank you so much! Now I'll be able to run my business again! Here, take this as a thank you from me.

[Riaz] What did you say your name was? [Player]? Thank you again- you're welcome here anytime!


Awarded Merchant's Curio and 10 Compressed Crystalline Shards!