A Miraculous Breakthrough

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Adventurers are probably the most impertinent creatures to walk this planet, and yet I find myself grateful that this one exists. I had almost fully given up on this blasted machine, as trial after trial ended in failure.

She has been in stasis for about a year now, thanks to that wondrous contraption. I must give Him credit, a spatial confinement chamber, able to autonomously move through the ether, seems like an idea far too insane to ever work. The damn thing even ended up under Sierhaven, and yet none of the foolish inhabitants even noticed. That artifact of his is something truly special.

As for the specimen, she seems to have regained a large fraction of her memory thanks to that adventurer's meddling. Unfortunately, it is not enough. She has yet to remember far back enough for us to extract the information we need. This leaves me in quite a fickle situation.

I can either wait this out, and see if her memory has actually been fully recovered, or I can push further. Both options seem to have their downsides. If I wait, I risk this not being permanent, and her mind once again resetting to its previous state. That said, if I continue to push her mind, I could shatter her memory entirely, leaving her as a useless husk.

All this in mind, I seem to have no option but to continue forward. I can't risk losing the information when she is so close to giving us what we need. He will be unyieldingly furious if I were to allow her to relapse, and I am already walking on thin ice, having taken as long as I have.

I need more power, though. This machine has drained this area of its natural supply of magical resources to a point that it is no longer usable. I have been informed of some abandoned ruins to the east of the Axtan Monastery that are abundant in magical energy. With any luck, this will provide me with the power and privacy I need to continue my work.

This will be my final endeavor for this project. I either succeed here, or I face His judgement.