Agrippa Plant

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The Agrippa Fruit is a large plant found deep in Tlaxan jungles, bearing a truly marvelous fruit. While it begins to grow only in the later stages of the rainy season, it comes into full flower as the weather dries and the autumn begins. It is then the signature "eyes", the fruit, begin to mature. The Agrippa Fruit is truly Gods-sent, often both an edible and flexible food, but also potent for medicinal uses. See, Agrippa has a high water content, making it an excellent relief for cuts and burns. The flesh itself even serves as a cooling agent for this reason. Extract from the fruit has become a popular moisturizer within Ta'Ferna.

The leaves growing along the plant also serve a purpose. While thick, removing the major vein running down the middle allows the leaf to be formed in many shapes, often used in food preparation as a wrap for cooked meats and vegetables.

Just last week, T'Calin shared a lovely recipe with me for a steamed ghastroot wrap with oomlie flesh that I have since prepared and enjoyed for my family. I hope you will come find me so I might prepare it for you as well.