All That Remains

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Coordinates: [-1674, 135, 66]

[Alan] Halt! I won't allow you to go any further! We already sent in our scout.

  • [What are you doing here?]
    • [Alan] I'm the backup in case we lose contact with Nita, our scout. I'm also here to prevent anyone from getting in.
      • [Any news from her?]
        • [Alan] We got the report back from here about two days ago. Nothing out of the ordinary, mind you. Except this weird blue mineral, of course, but it seems rather... harmless? Eh, not my field of work, anyway.
  • [What is this place?]
    • [Alan] I don't know. We thought it was just a small cave, but upon further inspection we found out it goes rather deep in. Oh, and the blue stuff.
      • [The blue stuff?]
        • [Alan] The mineral lining the walls. It's weirdly sticky and squishy, but I'm trying to avoid goint too near it. Besides, those vines are easily cut with a blade. Glows in the dark too, as Nita discovered.
      • [You seem rather calm about it.]
        • [Alan] Don't get me wrong. I am, in fact, concerned about its recent rapid growth. That's why we sent Nita to investigate, after all. Oh, and the eggheads from local alchemy lab already took the sample of the mineral. Didn't ring any alarm bells or anything like that, so I don't see reason to panic. Yet.

[I can take care of myself.]

[Alan] Without a doubt, but I can't let you unless I get an order to do so.}}

[You sent your scout... alone? In there?]

[Alan] Yes? She's a master of the bow, one of our best and always gets the job done. Giving her a team would only slow down.

[Alan] But...

[Alan] I admit than I am a bit worried. She's been in there for two days and should've been back by now.

[Want me to go check on your scout?]

[Alan] As I said, I can't let you in without a direct order but... Think you could sneak in? A quick back and forth to ensure she's alright? I really hate to disobey my orders, but, as I said, I am worried about her.

  • [On second thought, I think I have better things to do.]
    • [Alan] Then why would you ask me about this in the first place ?

[I will go in, look for your scout, ensure that they are all right, and come back.]

[Alan] Thank you. Her name is Krinita, by the way. I'll just stay here and wait.

C:Enter the gate behind Oceangate and find Krinita.

When facing the cave :

Before you lies a dark passageway leading deeper inside the cave

[Enter the cave.]

[Turn back.]

When entering the cave :

You step into darkness spread out before you.

The air feels uneasy here. An unnatural silence permeat the cave, allowing you to hear nothing short of your own footsteps.

C:Search the camp for clues about Krinita's whereabouts.

- Resources (-1903, 137, -4) : You see a tattered tent in the distance and traces of dried blue blood. What happened here? A half-empty backpack with stuff inside. Whatever happened here, there was no time to take it with its owner.
- Campfire (-1895, 135, -3) : There are long-smoldering embers in the campfire. It is obvious that the campfire has not been used for several days.
- In front of the blue thicket (-1898, 142, -35) : The trail breaks off at a blue thicket that looks vaguely familiar to you... You've seen something like this before, on the Aphelion Isles - Star Blight. Why would it be here? You can hear a runnin stream of water behind the thicket, but you can't go through this dense growth on your own. Maybe some could help you?
- Under the tent (-1889, 136, -12) : (MISSING)

After finding all the clues :
There seem to be nothing else of value, at least for now. It is time to return back to Alan and tell him of your findings.

Once in front of the cave entrance :
The tranquiltity of this place breaks by a sudden movement behind you. You hear growls around you. Prepare to fight!

After fighting the attackers :
The final attacker falls to the ground, its body quickly evaporates into blue dust that falls to the ground.

C:Return to Alan and tell him what happened.

When leaving the cave:
You can barely see the light of a lantern far away. You decide to leave the cave.
You step towards the light and see Alan, still standing guard. You have to tell him what happened in the cave.

Coordinates: [-1674, 135, 66]

[Alan] You're back! Took you long enough... Um, where's Krinita? Is she alright?

[I will be blunt with you - I don't know. I found traces of a battle inside the cave that lead way deeper.]

[Alan] And? You followed them, right? You didn't leave her in that place, did you?

[I couldn't go much further. The path is blocked by a thick blue growth of Star Blight.

[Alan] Blue plants? Star... Bight? Is this a joke? What do stars have to do with any of it?

[It's... a long story. Trust me, there's something sinister going inside and I need your help if we want to find Krinita.]

[Alan] I need to see this for myself. It is hard to believe in all of this, just like that. Unfortunately, I can't just leave my watch.

[I would advise you not to. I was ambushed on my way back. Somthing isn't right with this place... You can't go in there alone.]

[Alan] So what's your plan, then?

[Well... I kind of hoped you had something in mind...]

[Alan] Hell if I know! We need to gather troops and go in there immediately! If it's as bad as you say, we need to take action.

[Alan] You said a thicket was there, right ? Then maybe we could just burn through it. We have a lab stationed here in Oceangate, a wing of the alchemical branch from Sierhaven. I am sure they can make something to burn plants. It's their damn job.

[It is?]

[Alan] Of course it is! They can make all sorts of weird stuff, surely a flammable concotion should be easy enough!

[Alan] This is serious. I must leave my post and gather troops. When you find a way to burn this stupid plant, let me know. After that, we'll go inside!

[I'll act immediately, then. Be careful!]

[Alan] The alchemy lab is on the same level as the lecturing hall, inside Oceangate's south tower. And remember - do not cause any panic! The last thing I need is the whole station losing their wits. Now, be swift!

C:Head to Oceangate's lab and find a way to burn the starblight.

Coordinates: [-1652, 121, 118]

[Ksart] Welcome to the Oceangate Research Laboratory. I am Ksart, director and lead engineer!

  • [I had no idea Oceangate had something like this!]
    • [Ksart] We have, but it's been off limits to us for quite some time. Not much of note, thought. There's been no evidence that there could be anything of value to us there. That island to the south, though..
      • [About that... Do you happen to know how to burn large quantities of foreign flora?]
        • [Ksart] Ugh... Are you wanting to burn the island? Listen, even if hypothetically, you could get permission from the King, which you won't, the island is dangerous. We barely managed to get a small sample from our expedition a few weeks ago for our lab, and it cost us a lot. It was a miracle nobody died, still, my point being is...
          • [Wait-wait-wait, I'm not going to burn the island. I just need to know if it's even possible to burn what grows there.]
            • [Ksart] If anyone could answer that, Sophie would be your best bet. She's been working with the sample from that island longer than any of us. She's over there.
  • [There's a bit of an emergency we need to discuss. Have you heard anything about a... cave behind Oceangate?]
    • (MISSING)

C: Talk to Sophie.

Coordinates: [-1665, 121, 116]

[Sophie] Ah , a new face in the laboratory! Welcome!

  • [Who are you ?]
    • [Sophie] Oh right, right! Absolutely forgot to introduce myself. I am Sophie, aspiring biotechnologist
      • [I'm <PLAYERNAME>.]
        • [Sophie] Glad to meet you, (player name). And while we are at it, this is Berren.
        • She points at the man across the table.
        • [Sophie] If you go to the far corner of the room, you'll meet Iraida. She's currently busy studying... food. {...}
        • [Iraida] Just because I don't see you doesn't mean I can't hear you! {...}
        • [Sophie] Yeah, yeah, sorry! Not that I'm judging you, anyway. {...}
        • [Iraida] Whatever. {...}
        • [Sophie] And behind me is Ksart, the head of our laboratory wing and an expert in alchemy. Assigned here by the Alchemy Guild from Sierhaven.

[What are you working on?]

[Sophie] Oh this?

She points at the strange blue substance on the table.

[Sophie] This is a sample of the strange mineral taken from the cave behind Oceangate. You've probably seen it already? Take a look, if not. Truly peculiar.

  • [Wait, you managed to actually get inside?]
    • [Sophie] What? No! A guard named Alan wards off anyone who tries to get inside. This is but a small sample from the entrance.
  • [Screams 'danger' to me.]
    • [Sophie] Oh, come on. So far, there were no signs of danger. Though, I may suspect that prolonged exposure might be problematic. Luckily we don't have it out for very long. Nothing to worry about.

[I have, actually.. It's a mineral known as Star Blight and... I need to find a way to burn it.]

[Sophie] Wait, what? "Star Blight"? What do stars have to do with this? If what you're saying is correct, then we could be on the verge of a discover of great scientific significance, and you just want to burn it? Absolutely not.

[This is important. Please, I need you to trust me.]

She looks at you seriously, as if contemplating something.

[Sophie] Well, I'm not going to let you burn my sample, but I can at least share with you what I've discovered on its properties. {...}

[Sophie] I haven't had much time to study the sample properly, but I have learned something significant, so pay attention. {...}

[Sophie] The internal structure of this material, er... Star Blight, is vastly different from what is studied in alchemical practices. If you want to burn it, you'll need a special chemical - one that can cause a violent thermal reaction. {...}

[Sophie] A sudden change in temperature, be it heat or cold, expands the internal crystal lattice very quickly, causing instability in the structural component. Still following me?

  • [Absolutely]

[Not really...]

[Sophie] Anyway, this chemical is rather easy to produce, especially in an environment like ours - I am just missing some key ingredients. If you can gather them for me, I'll whip you up a batch. Simple enough?

[If you say so.]

[Sophie] Good! Now, I already have the base components required from the ruins of our underwater laboratory in the sea. You just need to find a catalyst - a special type of mushroom - that grows in a cave south-east of here. I won't go into the alchemical minutiae as to what this does, just know that I need it. {...}

[Sophie] I would also need special metal vials to keep the mixture in. You can find the stash at the Sea Outpost north-east of Oceangate. We don't have them anymore, and those snobs in Sierhaven's lab won't give them out, no matter how hard you ask. {...}

[Sophie] Any questions?

[Why are the vials at the Outpost in the first place? Wouldn't they have been stolen already?]

[Sophie] Shipment mistake, unfortunately. Oh, and don't worry about bandits - they can't see further than their own noses, so they probably haven't found them yet. The vials were hidden in a small grotto beneath the isle, which can only be accessed from underwater. There may be other goods too, but I only need the vials.

[Peculiar. Alright, I'll get you your stuff.]

[Sophie] Splendid! I will prepare the engine in the meantime. See you soon!

C(1/3): Find special vials at Sea Outpost.

C(2/3): Find a catalyst shroom at Shroombound Grotto.

C(3/3): Once you have the components, return to Sophie.

Coordinates: [-1665, 121, 116]

[Sophie] Have you brought me the necessary parts yet? You can find the vials at the Sea Outpost, somewhere beneath the isle itself. The catalyst should be somewhere north of Lighthouse, where the giant shroom grows.

[I have the catalyst and the vials. What's next?]

[Sophie] Perfect, now we're gonna make the concoction! Follow me to the back, we have the necessary equipment there.

[Wait, we? Isn't it your job? How am I supposed to help you?]

[Sophie] Listen, I'll lead the process, and you just follow my instructions. There's no complex magic involved, so surely you can handle that?

[I can. Shall we start, then?]

[Sophie] Sure, follow me!

[Sophie] Alright, now listen carefully. In order to make the combustion elixir, you'll need to pour the right liquid inside the cauldron. In order to do that, you need to create a configuration, that will allow us to mixture just the right amount of chemicals. {...}

[Sophie] You should read the manual yourself near the control panel just near the entrance. It may be convoluted a bit, but I'm sure you will figure it out! By the way, you brought us enough materials, so even if you fail, we can simply start over.



Suppose the couting of the peg such as the following figure :


Reset the puzzle (use orange clay to quick reset) until having the 1st slot without peg. Moves are : 4 over 2 -> 1, 6 over 5 -> 4, 1 over 3 -> 6, 7 over 4 -> 2, 13 over 8 > 4, 10 over 9 -> 8, 2 over 4 -> 7, 7 over 8 -> 9, 15 over 14 -> 13, 12 over 13 -> 14, 6 over 9 -> 13, 14 over 13 -> 12, 12 over 11 -> DONE

Coordinates: [?, ?, ?]

[Sophie] That's it! Thanks for getting that for me! Come over here for a minute.

[Sophie] Alright, everything is ready to start the batch, I'm going to flip the lever now. Don't stand too close! {...}

[Sophie] 3...

[Sophie] 2...

[Sophie] 1...

She flips the lever. For a moment, nothing seems to happen, but soon the room is filled with various sounds of machinery.

[Sophie] Now we wait...

[How long?]

[Sophie] Just a couple of minutes. And while we wait, maybe you can finally tell me why you need it after all?

[Service for a service, I guess. I need to burn a thicket of Star Blight that blocks the way forward in a cave on the upper level. Ksart told me it was off limits to anyone but the military.]

[Sophie] Huh... So the same Star Blight material was found in that cave?

[Yes, and it seems like it's been there for a long time. The whole cave system has been heavily corrupted by it.]

[Sophie] But... Surely we couldn't have just missed something like that, right? I mean, for something that would seemingly be so obvious, why wouldn't anyone have said anything about it? I know that we've sent people in there before, and they never come back with anything significant to report. How could that be possible?

[I don't know. I think... Something... or someone may be inside, deeper than has been explored. I guess there's only one way to find out, though.]

[Sophie] Indeed! In fact, I think I'm gonna be coming with you! I can't miss an opportunity like. I've been stuffed inside the lab for far too long, and now I'm far too curious about how this cave and the blight are related.

[No, no. You can't just decide to go with me. This isn't a mission for you, just let me and the military handle it.]

[Sophie] I am a scientist - a biologist - it is only natural for me to want to go there and study. As I said before, we may be on the verge of a scientific breakthrough, and you want me to sit back and watch? I just can't let that happen, so I am going whether you like it or not. {...}

The hum of machinery stops suddenly. {...}

[Sophie] Here's your concoction. Let's go, shall we?

[Can't you just wait until it's clear? This isn't a field trip, it's dangerous inside there right now.]

[Sophie] And risk seeing only charred remains when you're done? Absolutely not. {...}

[Sophie] Listen, this is my chance to do something great. I'm not a fighter, this is true, but I'm not completely helpless either. And if I had the chance to study this Star Blight stuff... Well, that could earn me a chance to travel to the Celsian Isles to further my studies in Frostgate. I can't let this opportunity pass me by.

[I guess there's nothing that's going to convince you. Alan isn't gonna be happy to hear about this...]

[Sophie] Let's go!

C: Return back to Alan.

When arriving in front of the cave :

Silence falls





A cold gust of wind blows over your neck.


[Sophie] Hey, are you okay?

Coordinates: [-1674, 135, 66]

[Alan] Halt! (player name), who is this civilian? This place is off limits for everyone but militia, ma'am.

[Sophie is with me. She's the one who made us the blazing concoction, and she needs a sample of blighted mineral for study.]

[Sophie] Greetings, sir! I promise I won't be a bother. (player name) already filled me in on the dangers of this trip, so rest assured that I'll be mindful. {...}

[Sophie] This research may give us some answers about the otherworldly nature of Star Blight. Prehaps we might even find a countering agent. {...}

[Alan] This is extremely reckless... Dragging someone without fighting skills into a dangerous and unpredictable situation is unwise, (player name).

[This is entirely her decision. Regardless, are we ready to go in?]

[Alan] Yes. I gathered a small band of soldiers to assist us inside. We need to keep our eyes open and stay alert. There's no way to anticipate what may lie ahead, so keep your weapons ready! You, citizen, stay close to (player name), and do not run ahead. {...}

[Alan] Is everything clear? {...}

[Militia] Yes, sir! {...}

[Sophie] Crystal clear, sir!

  • [Before we go in, I need to take care of something.]
    • [Alan] We

[Understood. Let's go inside.]

[Alan] Then let us depart.

The feeling of uneasiness has only grown stronger since your last time here. All you hear is the crackle of torches and heavy steps upon the ground. Your group went ahead of you. {...}

You can hear Alan's voice just ahead. {...}

[Alan] Here we are! Squad, take defensive positions! (player name), Ms. Sophie and I will approach the roots and burn them down! {...}

[Sophie] It's just Sophie. Now, let's see what all this fuss was about!

'C: Burn the starblight thicket that blocks your way'

In front of the thicket

[Sophie] Wow, I can already tell that the structure is far more developed than the sample from the island. It would take a long time to cut through it. A simple fire wouldn't do the trick, either. {...}

[Sophie] Time to test our mixture! Stand back, folks! {...}

She removes the vial from her belt, takes a few steps back before throwing it at the thicket. {...}

The contents of the vial spill on the blue mass, setting it ablaze. Blue flames quickly envelop the alien material, but it refuses to yield. {...}

[Alan] Did it work? {...}

[Sophie] It seems to be, slowly, at least. We just need to wait now, eventually the thicket will totally burn through and open us a path forward!

[Didn't you want to take a sample?]

[Sophie] Of course! And I will, as soon as I find something a bit less resilient to cut from. I suspect we'll find something like that inside, so no big deal. {...}

You can hear the din of running water. It seems to grow louder with each passing second. {...}

In an instant, all the torches extinguish, plunging the cavern into total darkness. You begin to feel small drops of water fall from the ceiling and land upon you. {...}

[Sophie] What... What just happened? {...}

Drip. Drip. Drip. The sound of falling drops of water echoes through the cave. {...}

[Alan] At arms! Light your lanterns! (player name), Sophie, we're going back. Stay behind me! {...}

Drip. Drip. The drops become small, constant streams. {...}

[Sophie] Is it trying to... put out the fire? {...}

[Alan] We're leaving... {...}

The puddles formed by the streams of water begin to take on different shapes. {...}

You begin to hear growls coming from the newly formed masses. Something is about to strike! {...}

[Alan] NOW!!!

More creatures emerge from the puddles. Ths path towards the exit has been cut off. The only way out is breaking through.

[Alan] Damn it, we're cut off! Defend yourselves!

You notice as one of the creatures appeared behind Sophie. It raises its claws, before striking at her!

[Sophie] Aaaaargh!

Sophie falls to the ground, and you notice there's a large cut on her leg that starts to bleed heavily.

[Alan] No, no, no! No one is going to die today! (player name), hold them off! You, rookie, help me carry her!

[Alan] 'Through the sounds of battle you can barely hear Alan's scream.' (player name), we're done here, let's go!

After defeating the wave of monsters :


You prepare to fight another round.



But nothing seems to attack you anymore. The streams of water grow thinner, reducing to mere drops.

You don't see the bright flames at the other end of the cave anymore. The large thicket has been reduced to ashes, opening a new path forward.

The narrow passageway opens in a gigantic divide. As you step closer towards the platform, you can see large crystals growing out of the walls beneath you, accompanied by a giant hole in the center. {...}

A layer of water covers the ceiling of the cavern. Are you... underwater? Just below the water, you see a layer of smoke above you. {...}

You begin to have the unshakable feeling that someone is watching you. {...}

What is this place?

C:Investigate the strange smoke at the top of the den.

When crossing the 1st tunnel (Pressure plates):

You step into the darkness, only to instantly find yourself at the other side of the tunnel. Is your mind playing tricks on you?..

Before cutscene 1 :

You can't escape the feeling of being watched. It's as if something is lurking in the shadows of this blighted den. {...}

The feel of uneasiness crashes upon you like waves, echoing discomfort in the depths of your soul. {...}

Your mind goes numb...

Cutscene 1

You see a gathering of people in the room. They all wear identical clothing, but two of them stand out from the rest.

A young woman with silver hairlocks, ending in purple strings, stands before the rest, and tall man is positioned right before her, cheerful at the crowd.

[Aphelios] Brothers and sisters! Rejoice, for our time has come to set ourselves free from the grasp of this eternal conflict! Together, we shall march beyond the cage of time and uncover the world outside!

"Finally!", "At last!', "The time has come!" - the crowd shouts.

[Aphelios] None of this would be possible without our Prophet, for it is she who will release us from the chains of time and guide us to the outer realm! She who speaks to the Stars themselves! She who will show us a better way of living! Our praised leader - Aurora Lunacrestum!

[Aurora] I am eternally grateful to all of you. You - those who decided to come with me, you are truly brave beyond this world's comprehension; you chosen few who refuse to have your freedom shackled! Tonight, we shall change our fate, together! For I am Aurora Lunacrestum and I shall bring us salvation! Let us go forth, together, as one!

The crowd rushes toward the exit, and the vision begins to fade away...

When crossing the 2nd tunnel (Pressure plates):

You step into the darkness, only to instantly find yourself at the other side of the tunnel. Is your mind playing tricks on you?..

Before cutscene 2 :

A shiver

You can't help

Your mind goes numb...

Cutscene 2

As your vision clears




[Voice from the Crowd]


A flash lightning





Another crack

When crossing the 3rd tunnel (Pressure plates):

You step into the darkness, only to instantly find yourself at the other side of the tunnel. Is your mind playing tricks on you?..

Before cutscene 3 :

This cold grip of terror gnaws at your mind, while shadows dance at the corners of your vision. Something is happening.

Whatever is here, it has you surrounded...

Your mind goes numb...

Cutscene 3

A flash of lightning, followed quickly by a crack of thunder, sets the black sky ablaze. In the haze, two groups can be seen standing by each side of the barricade.

[Aphelios] This is madness, Aurora! Why can't we just live, like you promised? Away from the pointless war, from the dangers of the world?! Why must we continue this bloody mess?!

[Aurora] You... You don't understand, Aphe-

[Aphelios] And for WHAT?! Just because The Stars told you so? We don't need them anymore! They have played their part - showed us a way outside! And they have our eternal gratitude, forever!

[Aphelios] They'll live through us Aurians! They will be eternal in our memory, and the memory of our descendants! Surely this is enough!

[Aurora] Aphelios, The Stars shall take us to the new heights! You simply can't see it ye-

[Aphelios] But I do see it! And I do understand one simple truth - we don't have to bow to anyone anymore! We are free, Aurora, and we must remain as such! The sacrifices must stop, with no exceptions!

[Aphelios] It is not too late. Please... We've been following you for so long, Aurora. After all this, we've just traded one cage for another! Why can't you see it?! Auro-

[Aurora] SILENCE! I will not tolerate this anymore, Aphelios! Clearly, you have strayed too far from the path shown us by those above. You said it's not too late, and you're right! It's not too late to stop your little act of disobedience. Just... Return to our one, true path, and you will never have to fear anything again.

[Aphelios] You won't listen to reason... Why do you refuse to admit the obvious, just this once?!

Silent tension fills the air, broken only by the distant roll of thunder.

[Aphelios] Pointless. All of this... It is not you whom I must converse with. Brothers and sisters, Aurians by blood, Stargazers by life, I ask you to stop following this madness. Come with me, instead!

[Aphelios] To the place where we all will be truly free, at last - where we will not be chained by these false shackles anymore! You don't have to stay here. We will not find prosperity in the hands of false gods. No, we will take our destiny in our own hands. Together, we will forge our own brighter future!

Having made his speech, he walks towards the boats.

Then, several pairs of steps can be heard following after him, walking in unison.

[Aurora] Treachery! Ungrateful worms, all of you! I gave everything for you, and this is your gratitude?!

Even more steps can be heard moving towards Aphelios.

[Aurora] Come back, now! All of you! You will regret this...

[Aurora] You will burn, Aphelios! All of you will burn, I swear upon my name! You will burn, until all that remains is ash! There is no future for you anymore! The Stars will never let go of you that easily! That goes for all of you! There is no fate to be found than the one they have destined for us!

[Aurora] Damn it! Just...

[Aurora] Just come back... Anyone...

Numerous boats can be seen in the distance, sailing towards the horizon.

[Aurora] I will turn all of you into ash... Just ash.. All that you will ever be... Is smoldering ash...

Darkness fills your vision once more.

Finally at the top, where the smoke comes from

Top of the Den

[???] Give me just one reason not to end you right here and right now.

[What's happening? Who are you?]

[???] Are you the rescue team? Why are you alone? Where's the rest? Answer me!

[Calm down, Alan sent me here to rescue Krinita - and I assume that's you?]

[Krinita] Oh. That's me, alright. But you didn't answer all my questions. Where's Alan?

[Can you not point the blade at me? I'm not going to hurt you. And yes, I am alone. The rest of our rescue team were ambushed. Some got injured, but Alan is still back there. I got cut off from them, unfortunately. They're trying to get through to us right now.]

[Krinita] So what you're saying we're stuck here. Splendid. Not that we could go anywhere, anyway.

[What do you mean? Why can't we?]

[Krinita] It's them. The Stars... Down the pit, past the fog - that's where they... sleep. That's what I saw.

[Saw where? And how?]

[Krinita] Surely you know how! The visions, you've seen them too, right? I've been suffering from a headache for two days, all because of these stupid visions! This place gives me the creeps... And you've heard the whispers, right? {...}

[Krinita] And not just that, oh no... It is in the air. It crawls inside your head and cracks open your skull until you don't want to live anymore. It's the perfect death trap, unending mental torture.

[We'll find a way out. I'm not planning on dying anytime soon.]

[Krinita] So am I, or at least I thought so... The rescue team was my only source of hope, but we're all just stuck here. Are we just going to wait until another unlucky person finds us here? Or find our corpses? There's no way for us to escape the grasp of this place.

[I don't see any fog. I can barely make out a platform at the bottom, though. Unless... we go deeper, down into the pit.]

[Krinita] Have you already started hallucinating? Absolutely not! I'm not going there, no matter what. You, though? Do whatever you want. It's your life to throw away. Are you insane?! I can't see a single thing in there, just the rim, and you want to jump in there? I don't want to die a bloody mess at the bottom of this hellhole.

[So you're just going to sit here and wait?]

[Krinita] Of course not. I'll find another place to make camp. It's not possible to leave this place through the ceiling anyway. In fact, let's do that now before you decide to go splat at the bottom of a hole.

[I'm ready to go.]

[Krinita] Very good. Let's go, then.

At the bottom of the den, above the pit.

In front of the pit

[Krinita] Alright. I'll be here if you need me. You can go now. Have fun dying. {...}

[Krinita] Just don't say I didn't warn you. Not that you'll be saying much of anything after this.

C: Jump down the pit and find a way to leave the cave.







This is it. The source of the blight is within your grasp...

And still, something is tugging in the back of your head...

Your mind goes numb...

Cutscene 4

You see a person standing at the middle of the platform, heavily bleeding and surrounded by white flowers.

[Aphelios] I can't believe... She did this to us. After all we've been through, my brothers and sisters are all gone now.

[Aphelios] Why couldn't she just let us go? Weren't we all equal to her?

He coughs blood, and after a moment falls to his knees. A bright object drops from his hand.

[Aphelios] My home is not what it used to be anymore. My people are dead.

He lifts the Shard of Andromeda.

[Aphelios] Ah... My precious star... You are here to guide me to the other side.

[Aphelios] We are the followers of stars, after all. But was it worth it in the end?

[Aphelios] What a shame...

He collapses on the ground in a puddle of his own blood.

[Aphelios] My vengeance... is all... all that remains... of me...

Boss fight. (The emergency exit is on the back behind the ender chest.)




The shard breaks into tiny pieces, yet nothing seems to happen...





After defeating the 2 bosses






The body falls to the ground, quickly turning into blue dust.

The beast is vanquished.

The shard is gone.

The curse if lifted.

And the heart is torn.

C:Leave the cave.

Cutscene 5

You see a hooded figure before you. On their back - a cape, with a giant star woven into it. In their hands - another Shard of Andromeda.

[???] The shard looks dimmer now. Why, I wonder? Could it be... no. I doubt it. His legacy is buried deep beneath the waves. And yet, today, I feel like I've lost something...

[???] But at the same time, the shadows of the past have ceased their pestering like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders.

[???] But for how long, I wonder?

[???] Only time will tell...

C:(MISSING) Alan what happened.

The thicket no longer blocks your way out and you don't see any sign of Krinita anywhere.

Coordinates: [-1674, 135, 66]

[Alan] (player name), it's really you! Krinita said that you had gone mad and plummeted down to your death!

[Krinita] How was I supposed to know they could survive? We could be talking to a ghost for all you know.

[Yes, it's really me. The blight shouldn't be the problem anymore.]

[Alan] What did you do?

[It's... a long story...]

[Krinita] Alright, alright, at least I don't need to hear it. Listen, I'm sorry for being rude in the den. I wasn't entirely... myself. You know, the whole place just grew on me... It's a miracle I'm not a mess right now. {...}

[Alan] You don't need t-

[Krinita] I know, but I don't do it often, so yes. Sorry, (player name). You saved my life, and I am very grateful for that.

[You're welcome.]

[Krinita] Here, take this. It feels right to give it to you. It is not a family relic or anything like that, but it will serve you well.


Awarded Ophion!