Arrow Heads and You

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Arrow Heads and You

Arrowheads come in many different shapes and materials, most commonly flint but sometimes Iron or Steel.

What most people do not think of is special and rare materials for certain monsters. For example, arrows tipped with gold are particularly effective against the undead. However, it is extremely ineffective to use them frequently as this is rather expensive.

Another example being gems. Sadly the art of gem-smithing is rarely practiced these days due to how expensive it is.

However, the arrows tipped with precisely smithed gems are very potent.

Diamond arrowheads are the most powerful, but are nigh-impossible to make. Ruby arrowheads leave behind a silver fire that is said to be the most painful thing in existence.

Amethyst arrowheads can pierce even the thickest hide, however are basically useless after one shot.

Rose Quartz arrowheads shatter upon puncture of a target, causing whatever they are shot at to almost instantly explode.