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Today, she ascended. After years of intense magical study into the effects of the soul, Archmage Emmara has done it!

I was in her office, having a normal cup of ghastroot tea, watching her aura as she meditated when out of nowhere she burst into flames. I leapt from my chair, terrified, and threw my tea across the room. After a moment, I began trying to cast ice spells on her burning form, but before I could complete a spell, I heard her voice in my mind. She told me she had finally found a way to transcend her mortal coil - the ways beyond were open to her now. She believed that this transcendence would finally allow her a way out of the time bubble, as Siershen had found many years before. I hope she is right. I would love to taste freedom again. An end to this war...

It is all I ask.