Battered Journal

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Should have known Nyr wasn’t safe either. I finally return from my journey, trying to enjoy the comfort of being around other human beings once again. Yet, the same thing occurred this time, just as before. Eyes. Everywhere. Staring. Watching my movements.

I must flee even farther, somewhere that His sight can’t find me. Somewhere I can continue my studies unhindered. I hear them above my lab, searching for me. If I stay here any longer, I know they will find me, and I will cease to be free. Fortunately, I have just enough supplies for a one-way teleport to a place far, far away from here.

Dimitri, if you ever manage to come across this journal, know that I am sorry. Please, if you desire, come seek me out. I can’t specify my location, but I know you will understand.

Where water’s pour is rare as gold,
And songs of wishes granted told,
Crystallized essence to one shall quiver,
For now I lie within The River.