Battered Trade Log

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5 Unx:

The start of another business year. Quite the oddity, seems Ishnir has actually outbid the Chillwind for the majority of our supplies this term. Regardless, they better have the supplies to trade in return.

17 Unx:

Process Order (CWD)

79 bundles - Wheat

92 bundles - Wool

114 barrels - Lava

What a ridiculous amount of lava. Damn ice dwellers...

39 Unx:

Process Order (ISH}

468 bundles - Cane

215 barrels - Water

79 units - Ender Eyes

Wait what...

6 Fenx:

Process Order (ISH)

652 barrels - B Powder

221 barrels - Water

How is this a supply order? Whatever, money is money.

33 Fenx:

At last, a trade shipment in from Al Malakut. Took them two months, but at least its here. Will begin unpacking tomorrow morning.

1 Tix:

What is this mess? All of their goods are covered in a white, chalky powder. And do I smell... coal? That's not even in their shipment.

Another order needs to be made. How obnoxious.

25 Tix:

Replacement order has come in. At least they were speedy about it this time.

Aside from a random bone (which I think is a... femur?) the supplies are fine. Still smells awfully like coal though.

some pages seem to be missing from the middle portion of the book

16 Nex:

What even is this thing? It looks like a carcass of something, though it's not any animal I've ever seen.

Gonna need to contact my associate in Ishnir. Their shenanigans this year have gone too far.

17 Nex:

It... It's gone... That thing from the box.... It's gone...

Who would have stolen such grotesque thing?

Between this and Al Malakut's communication silence, I'm gonna go crazy.

The final pages of the log, including the back cover, seem to have a giant bite taken out of it.