Bleeding Proof

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Investigate the Ruined Congress with Izzy.

Start of Quest

Wilhelm, Chillwind Diplomat

[Wilhelm] Ah, Captain <Player>! Just the person I was wanting to see today!

[Good to see you again after that mess of a party.]

[You don't have to call me captain.]

  • [Wilhelm] Very well, <Player> it is then.

[Wilhelm] Indeed, though I am thankful that it gave me the opportunity to meet you. Now, onto some more important business. I've been in contact recently with your crew mate, Izzy.

[Contact over what?]

[Wilhelm] Why don't you ask him yourself?

[Izzy] Hello there <Player>.

[What are you doing here Izzy?]

[Izzy] Well, I've never gotten to see Nightroost before, so that's somewhat exciting! But otherwise, I've been discussing the topic of the war with Wilhelm. It seems our alliance with the Chillwind is finally bearing some fruitful advantages.

[What can you tell us, Wilhelm?]

[Wilhelm] Tell me <Player>, have you ever heard the tale of the Great Congress?

[Doesn't sound familiar.]

[Wilhelm] Not surprising, the topic is rather taboo now. The Congress was a place of peace, a humble structure positioned dead center in the middle of the Celsian Isles. It was established as a sign of goodwill between the nations, and together they strived for the prosperity of both regions.

[Given the current state of the world, I'm going to assume it didn't work out.]

[Wilhelm] You would be correct. There was an accident that occurred at the Congress a few years back, an explosion so devastating that it killed all those inside, and left the structure in a large crater.

[How does this relate to our search for Calder though?]

[Wilhelm] You see, the two nations blame each other for the incident, and this is what sparked the current iteration of conflict. Izzy has theorized, however, that they may have been nudged into this thought. This Calder person, he may be the instigator of these events.

[What do you think Izzy?]

[Izzy] Honestly, it's a long shot, but it's the only reasonable conclusion Vargos and I can come up with. I think it may be worth investigating, and I'd like your help. Are you in?

[If you think its worth it, then yes.]

[Not right now.]

  • (Missing)

[Izzy] Fantastic! The Congress is situated in the ocean, right between the two nations. According to my map, it's just north of that Bastion where we found the entrance to Viridia.

Seek out the ruins of the Congress at [-600, 18, 524] and investigate around.

When you find Izzy:

[Hooded Assassin] So, the rumors of a survivor are true, I see. I knew you would eventually come back here, though I never imagined there would be two of you. Regardless, there's an order on your head, so it's time you say goodnight.

The man falls over as you deal the finishing blow

The passage is at -1018, 120, 2277, behind a wall of trapdoors.

Look for a passage way out.


[Izzy] Wow, that tunnel definitely took us a long way out from the crater, I believe that's Frostgate that I see just over the hill. This must have been the Chillwind's pathway to getting to the Congress when it was still active.

[What should we do now?]

[Izzy] That's an interesting question. If we make the assumption that a survivor does exist, and that they used this passage way to escape the wreckage, it stands to reason that they would have sought help in Frostgate.

[How would we be able to find them though?]

[Izzy] When we allied with the Chillwind, I was given the contact of Advisor Ridnan, and we have talked a few times since. He resides in the castle most of the time with the Queen, so he would definitely be my first instinct to ask.

Search out the advisor to the queen.

Royal Advisor Ridnan

[-1571, 106, 997]

[I need to ask you something regarding the Congress.]

[Royal Advisor Ridnan] Hmm... We don't generally discuss that topic with outsiders, but I suppose I can make an exception for you, considering our current alliance.

[I wanted to ask if you know anything about a survivor of the incident that occurred there.]

[Royal Advisor Ridnan] That's... quite the specific question. Considering every incident report claims otherwise, I'm going to assume you wouldn't ask me directly unless you had reason to believe a survivor did exist.

[That's a reasonable deduction.]

[Royal Advisor Ridnan] Well then, I'll be clear with you. Yes, we are aware of a survivor that exists. It was a Chillwind native, though the scent of magic around them was extraordinarily obvious. Our magehunters chased them out of the city, towards the direction of Wispervale.

[So they are hiding from the government in Wispervale then.]

[Royal Advisor Ridnan] That seems to be the case, yes. Thankfully, we were able to get a clear enough sample of the magic they emitted to place into our energy detector. Since you would be able to enter Wispervale unnoticed, as you are not with the government, I could give you a configured detector, if you would be willing to hunt them down for us.

[I suppose I don't have an option.]

[Royal Advisor Ridnan] Wonderful, here is that detector.

[Izzy] Apologies for pulling them away Ridnan, but we must be heading out quickly.

[Izzy] Sorry I pulled you out in such a rush, but the magehunters here keep giving me the stink-eye. I'd rather not stick around long enough to find out what they might do to me.

[Thankfully, I got what we needed from Ridnan.]

[Izzy] Yes, I heard from a distance. It is quite the convenience that we managed to ally with the Chillwind. I highly doubt they would have parted with that information as easily otherwise.

[Seems like our next destination is Wispervale.]

[Izzy] Quite. Let's get to Wispervale and put that detector to good use.

Make your way to Wispervale and seek out the survivor using the Energy Detector.

After finding the first circle of purple particles at [-1696, 125, -97]:

[Izzy] Looks like Ridnan's intel was correct. The survivor definitely escaped to Wispervale. Let's keep following the trail, they must be here somewhere.

After finding the second circle of purple particles at [-1741, 131, -41]:

[Izzy] This is the Wispervale market center. They likely came through here at some point to buy something. Let's keep looking.

After finding the third circle of purple particles at [-1742, 124, -91]:

[Izzy] I believe this is a casino of some sort. It reminds me of a place I once visited in Farr. This person must have been in desperate need of some money. Let's keep searching.

After finding the fourth circle of purple particles at [-1798, 128, -47]:

[Izzy] Seems like the device is telling us this is the end of the road. What is this place though, the Soul Forge? And why does the trail end here? Surely someone here has some information we can go off of.

The detector led you to the Soul Forge. What could this mean?

After entering the Soul Forge and talking to Johei:


[Johei] Great spirit, please hear me out. I do not have the money to afford an offering of Blessed Wisp Oil nor the strength to scavenge it from Old Wispervale, but I am in desperate need of your services. I must escape my life, I beg you to give me a new one.


[Izzy] What is this place, the Soul Forge? And why does the trail end here? Surely someone here has some information we can go off of.

[I found someone inside.]

[Izzy] Oh? Were they able to provide any useful information?

[Sort of. He was mumbling something about summoning a spirit with Blessed Wisp Oil.]

[Izzy] I have no idea what Blessed Wisp Oil is, or even where to find information on said thing. Was there anything else?

[Apparently there is some obtainable amount in "Old Wispervale"?]

[Izzy] Ah! Now that I can help you with! Thank goodness I studied up on my Chillwind history. Old Wispervale is... well the original location of Wispervale, many decades back. It's actually just south of here. Cities don't tend to move too far, eh? People who don't know its history seem to just call it the Cliffside Ruins.

[Seems like its worth checking out.]

[Izzy] Well, it's the only lead we have, so I would say so.

Search around the Cliffside Ruins for some Blessed Wisp Oil.

You poured the oil into the Soul Forge waters. Has anything changed?

Spirit of the Forge

[Spirit of the Forge] Welcome child, I feel you are the one who offered to me the sacred oil of this land. What is it you wish to ask of me?

[Who are you?]

  • [Spirit of the Forge] My name is Anasia, known to the locals as the Mother of Faces. I was born of these waters and was endowed with a special gift; I can change the face of a willing soul who longs for a new life. Is that what you wish, child?
    • [Yes!]
      • [Spirit of the Forge] Hm... Your soul cries out in the most peculiar way. You are destined for great things, so I must ask that you not change your face at this time.
    • [No, I actually like my face.]
      • [Spirit of the Forge] You are prideful, but I sense peace within you. If only others were so lucky, they may not ask me for my assistance.

[I'm looking for someone who may have talked to you.]

[Spirit of the Forge] I see. Tell me child, who is this soul that you wish to find?

You explain the situation with the spirit.

[Spirit of the Forge] What a tragic existence this person has held... I do believe that I know the one of which you speak, but it is beyond my morals to reveal the identity of those who seek a new life with me.

[Is there nothing you can do to help?]

[Spirit of the Forge] Hmm... I see peace within you, a passion for righting the wrongs of man. If you can properly choose the face of the one you long to find, then I shall light the path towards them.

[I'll do whatever it takes.]

[Spirit of the Forge] Very well, my child. Come, accompany me to my Realm of Faces.

Pick the fourth one from the left, "On the run from sea to snow, he saw that which he should not know."

The Mother of Faces lit the way towards the survivor. Use the updated detector to find him!

After finding the survivor at [-1841, 169, -88]:

Professor Lyson

[Professor Lyson Welcome to the Academy. This is the Professors' Tower, so please try not to disturb anything.

[It took a lot of searching, but I finally found you.]

[Professor Lyson What do you.... what do you mean?

[You're the survivor from the Congress, aren't you?]

You feel a familiar grip on your mind, and black out for a second.

Wilhelm, Chillwind Diplomat

[Wilhelm] Professor, please forgive me for suddenly ripping your consciousness into this connected space, but it is one of the few places we can speak in absolute privacy.

[Wilhelm] Allow me to introduce the four of us. I am Wilhelm, a diplomat from Chillwind, and this is my longtime friend and counterpart within the Ishnir government, Torren. The one you have already met here is <Player>, captain of Mistport, and crew mate, Izzy.

[Professor Lyson] I suppose that gets the "who" out of the way. However, I'm far more curious about the "why". Are you planning to turn me into the government?

[Wilhelm] We have no such plans, professor. We simply need some information from you. You are the rumored survivor of the incident at the Congress, correct? What occurred on that day, and why is the government so adamant on silencing you?

[Professor Lyson] Why? Because a war benefits someone deep within the government. There is a man, someone from outside the Isles. He has someone planted within the Chillwind government, and keeping the nations distracted with each other is a perfect cover.

[Izzy] <Player>! This is it! This is the link to Calder we've been looking for. Mr. Lyson, please, if you know who the planted agent is, we need to know.

[Professor Lyson] Unfortunately, I do not. I am lucky to have survived with that information alone. The incident at the Congress was a true accident, an explosion that occurred due to some miscalculations with a magical test. There was no fault to blame, but when I returned to Chillwind, the nations had already turned the blade towards eachother.

[Professor Lyson] The agent within the government, he could not have any survivors if this ruse was to stay up, and so my execution was ordered. Of all the mage hunters, I am friends with a single one, and to my luck, he was the first to catch up to me. I pleaded with him that I needed time to prove the government wrong, and he turned a blind eye to me, leading the others in a false direction and allowing for my escape

[Professor Lyson] I managed to get to Wispervale, but I still was not safe. That is when I learned of the power of the Mother of Faces, and used that blessing to disguise myself among the people here.

[Wilhelm] I see. Torren, if you would agree, I would like you to court a pharaohship appearance with Lyson. If my government cannot be trusted in this case, I must turn to yours.

[Torren] I see no immediate issues with that. This might be our chance to finally settle the differences between the nations.

[Wilhelm] Thank you, my friend. <Player>, Izzy, please make your ways to the palace of Alnera. Torren will setting up an emergency meeting at once. With the information that we have, they are sure to respond without hesitation.

You open your eyes and find yourself back in Wispervale.

Head to Alnera Palace for a meeting with the Pharaoh.

[Pharaoh's Guard] Under request from Diplomat Torren, we present her majesty, blood of Saia, goddess of the sun, Pharaoh of the Northern Sands, Nasha Ka.

[Torren] Your highness, we humbly thank you for your acceptance of this urgent request for a meeting.

[Pharaoh Nasha Ka] Torren, I have been told that you requested this meeting over a survivor from the Congress? Could this truly be correct?

[Torren] Yes, your majesty. This is Lyson, he had been on the run from the Chillwind government and was hiding out in Wispervale. He claims the incident at the Congress was not the fault of the Chillwind or Ishnir, but a mere accident.

[Pharaoh Nasha Ka] That is a bold claim, indeed. Mr. Lyson, is what Torren speaks the truth?

[Professor Lyson] Yes, your highness, it is the truth. In one section of the lab, there was an experiment on clippings from the fabled Tree of Life that our efforts had discovered off on the Ring. Mages began to channel death magics into it to gauge the reaction...

[Professor Lyson] The power flux that was sent through the clipping reacted unexpectedly and flames exploded outward. Within seconds the entire lab was burning, and it never stopped spreading. I was the only one to survive, and I have been running for my life since.

[Pharaoh Nasha Ka] I see. Now, with that out of the way, why is the Chillwind not speaking up on this. You are their native, after all.

[Torren] We have good reason to believe that there is a mole within the Chillwind government, wishing to stir conflict between the nations. For this reason, we respectfully ask that you allow for Lyson to be housed in Alnera for the time being.

[Pharaoh Nasha Ka] This is quite a lot of information to take in, and much will need to be investigated by our forces. During this time though, yes I will allow for his passage here. If this meeting is concluded, I ask that you head back to Rahkeri, Torren. I'll certainly be sending some questions your way.

[Torren] Of course, your majesty. We deeply thank you for your generosity.


[Professor Lyson] Yes, I am extremely grateful for you two. Finally, I am getting this information I've held out for the world to see. I just hope it's not too late.

[Izzy] Don't worry too much about the details, Lyson. You did the best that you could, and you survived to see this day. That's what matters.

[Professor Lyson] I have not seen Alnera since I was a child. I'm sure I'm going to enjoy the time here while I can.

[Alnera Guard] Oh we're sure you will too, you bastard traitor.

The guard swings his blade, cutting off Lyson's head.

[Izzy] LYSON!

[Alnera Guard] Silence, you trash.

The guard hits you over the head with the hilt of his weapon, and you black out.

Talk to Izzy.


[Izzy] Before you even ask... Lyson's dead, you got knocked out, I teleported us to safety before they got me...

[Are you okay, Izzy?]

[Vargos] Just give him some time to breathe, <Player>. You two have been through a lot, and as tragic as this all is, we've learned a lot.

[Why would those guards kill Lyson?]

[Vargos] If what Izzy has told me about the mole in the Chillwind government is true, then I suspect the same is true for Ishnir. Calder has his bases covered quite well, and he's infiltrated both governments.

[What do we do now?]

[Vargos] If we are going to prevent these countries from killing each other, we will need to find the moles ourselves. But that's for another time, you two deserve a break for now.


Awarded Lyson's Head and access to the mysterious underground of the Congress.