Bloody Banquet

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Start of Quest

Talk to Guard Timmeh and attend Countess Corrine's exclusive banquet in place of Bethenny.

Coordinates: [-1489, 101, 923]

[Bethenny] Ugh I feel terrible, why of all nights did I have to get sick…

  • [You should take some medicine...]
    • [Bethenny] I should, shouldn't I?

[What's wrong?]

[Bethenny] I was supposed to go to Countess Corinne's exclusive banquet, but I'm too ill to go. Hmm... could you go in my place?

  • [No thanks.]
    • [Bethenny] Oh, okay.

[I'll go in your place.]

[Bethenny] Take good care of that. I'll let Guard Timmeh know you're going for me. He will lead you to where the banquet is being held. Have a good time!

C: Talk to Guard Timmeh and enter the Banquet.

Guard Timmeh
Coordinates: [-494, 98, 943]

[Guard Timmeh] Are you here for the banquet? I can lead you to the hall if you are ready.

  • [Give me some more time.]
    • [Guard Timmeh] Alright.

[Yes, I'm ready.]

[Guard Timmeh] Ok, here we go.

After entering the hall and before talking to the Countess:

Talking to the npcs in the dining area.

[Guard Timmeh] Don't bother me further, I'm keeping an eye on everyone.

[Riley] The bathroom is really nice, like even for a guest bathroom. It’s even nicer than my bathroom at home!

[Susan] I hope that I dressed up enough, I don’t want to be made a laughing stock because of my clothes...

[Tirich] I haven’t seen your face before, are you new to this kind of event?

[Jared] Wow this juice is great. I hope I can control my intake, otherwise I’ll make a fool of myself.

[Catherine] Oh gosh, Alyssa Alatriss is here… I can only imagine what decoration she’s going to complain about this time.

[Terry] Those wall decorations look like they could be jumped on… I want to but I won’t.

[Jerry] Goodness, I wanted to talk to the Countess but she’s so busy greeting people...

[Alyssa] The details of the banquet hall are simply amazing! Cori has really outdone herself this time!

[Alex] I came here with my friend but she left me alone to go talk to other people.

Countess Corinne
Coordinates: [-4249, 135, 660]

[Countess Corinne] Welcome to my banquet! I don’t believe we’ve met before. I am Corinne, the host of tonight’s event. I see you have Bethenny’s invitation. Could she not make it?

[Hello, I’m [Player]. Bethenny was sick so she told me to come in her stead.]

[Countess Corinne] I see. Well it’s nice to meet you. I hope you enjoy your time here. Why don’t you acquaint yourself with the others? There is time before dinner.

After talking to Countess:

First talking to everyone


[Riley] Countess Corinne really outdid herself this time. Did she install a new chandelier? I wonder how much she spends on decoration.

[Why is this banquet so grand?]

[Riley] Well, even if she’s just a Countess, she’s ridiculously rich! This much is nothing to her.


[Susan] The Countess recently expanded her business to the Celsian Isles. She’s known for having multiple successful ventures. She's so impressive.

[What kind of business does she do?]

[Susan] Oh, she does a variety of things like I said before. Science, art, weapons, food, construction… she’s a seriously wealthy woman. I'm not here for business though, the Countess asked me to come because I recently visited Lier...

[Lier? What's that?]

[Susan] Oh... It's a country that's close to the Narsen Empire. It's lovely but dangerous.


[Tirich] I was informed that there was an unexpected guest who came. I guess that’s you.

[Yep, that's me. ]

[Tirich] The people attending today’s banquet are all from the upper class. Don't take anything mean they say to you to heart.

[Really? Everyone has been pretty nice so far.]

[Tirich] Huh. Okay then. Continue to have a good time then.


[Alex] All of the people here tonight are some serious big shots… I feel kind of out of place right now…

[What do you mean?]

[Alex] Don’t you know? Alyssa is a renowned artist that has done portraits for the Queen of Chillwind, Tirich is the owner of the biggest mines in Ishnir, Susan is a famous scholar who studied in the mountainous country of Lier, Jared used to be a personal designer for King Johannes III, and Jerry runs a successful ice cream- er I mean frozen custard shop in Frostgate.


[Jared] Oh hello there, I'm Jared. Have you tried the juice yet? Don't go too wild. I remember last time I had a glass too many. Ugh. Bad memories.

[Do you come to these parties often?]

[Jared] I do! I try to come to every one I can since everything is so high class. The downside is that I gain weight every time...

[That sounds like a lot of fun.]

[Jared] It is! If I see you next time I'll show you how to sneak food out without getting caught.


[Catherine] I saw Lady Alatriss eyeing me earlier. I know for a fact she’s going to pull me aside to complain about something soon.

[Why don’t you hide or run away from her then?]

[Catherine] It's not worth the effort. She will find you no matter where you hide and running will only give her another thing to complain about!


[Terry] I came here with my brother because he said he was nervous coming to tonight’s banquet. But as soon as we got here, he was drenching the Countess in compliments. I don’t know why he even asked me to come here.

[Who's your brother?]

[Terry] Oh, sorry. I’m Terry. My brother is Jerry. We run a restaurant in Frostgate that specializes in frozen food, literally! We call it Terry and Jerry’s Frozen Custard Shop.

[Why sell cold food in a place that's always snowing?]

[Terry] Well... You have a good point. We just wanted to open an ice cream store...


[Jerry] The Countess is quite kind letting a stranger like you in. I hope you don’t cause any trouble and hurt someone.

[I'm here in place of Bethenny.]

[Jerry] Bethenny! She’s practically begged for an invitation! How shameless could she get!

[How is she shameless? She was sick!]

[Jerry] That was probably her guilty conscious finally getting to her! She begged the Countess for months to invite her to one of her functions.


[Alyssa] I don’t think we’ve met before. Aren’t you a pretty face. Are you a new business partner of Cori’s?

[Actually I got my invitation from Bethenny.]

[Alyssa] Oh? So you're not here for business? I am Alyssa Alatriss. Even if you don't know my name, you’ve probably seen my work.

[What kind of work do you do?]

[Alyssa] I see I've caught your attention! I'm a painter from the Narsen Empire, but I painted the portrait of the Queen of Chillwind! Since then, I've been quite popular in Chillwind!

After talking to everyone:

C: [1/2] Talk to Baroness Corinne.

C: [2/2] If you leave the party for any reason, you can return to it by talking to Guard Timmeh.

Countess Corinne

[Countess Corinne] I see you’ve acquainted yourself with everyone.

[Countess Corinne] It's actually quite refreshing to have a new face here. I can tell you're a good person.

[How would you know that?]

[Countess Corinne] Haha, when you get to be my age, you get the hang of things like that…

  • [There were a lot of people who were surprised to see me here.]
    • [Countess Corinne] Yes, they usually see the same people over and over again. A new face is welcome.
  • [All the people here seem to be here for business.]
    • [Countess Corinne] I have been told I have an eye for potential. I've had immense success with all my businesses so many people flock to me in hopes they can also share that success. Not everyone here is like that though. Just some.

[Countess Corinne] Well it’s about time for the banquet to start, so just get comfortable. I need to get something from my study. I’ll chat later.

After Baroness Corinne goes to her study, the lights suddenly cut out.

C: [1/2] Talk to Guard Timmeh to learn more about what happened.

Guard Timmeh (Banquet)

[Guard Timmeh] [Player] right? It seems that the Countess was killed at her own banquet. I've heard a lot of good things about you so I kept an eye on you during the entire banquet.

[Keeping an eye on me?]

[Guard Timmeh] And a good thing too. I think it's safe to say that you aren't the one who killed the Countess. You were out here where I could see you the whole time. The others however...

[What are you going to do then?]

[Guard Timmeh] Nobody will be allowed to leave the banquet until we find the killer, I'm keeping an eye out on the crime scene so that nobody tampers with the evidence. I can't be two places at once, but if I stand here then I can't properly investigate the murder... Could you help me?

  • [Sorry, I don't think I'm cut out for this.]
    • [Guard Timmeh] Alright then, just sit tight until we solve this then.


[Guard Timmeh] That would help a lot! You can start by examining the Countess's body. Let me know if you find anything.

C: [1/2] Take a look at the crime scene and find some clues.

Countess's dead body

The Countess lies on the ground, she is covered in blood.

  • [Check her back.]
    • There is a large wound on her back but the injury is too messy to determine what it was from.
  • [Check her hand.]
    • The Countess is clutching something in her hand. You pry it open and find a small scrap of fabric.
  • [Check her face.]
    • Her face is stuck in an expression of shock.
Hit the Countess's dead body and choose the option [Check her hand.] then talk to Guard Timmeh.

Guard Timmeh (Banquet)

[Guard Timmeh] Did you find something? Let me have a look.

[The Countess was holding that cloth. Do you think it belongs to her killer?]

[Guard Timmeh] I think so. We have ourselves a lead. Keep up the good work!

[Guard Timmeh] We should look for the weapon that was used to kill the Countess. Find it and use this on it. It's a kit that will hopefully get a fingerprint from the weapon.

[Guard Timmeh] We will need a fingerprint from the murder weapon. Oh- and if you can, go around and see if you can get some fingerprints from things that people have touched. If we find a match then it will be easier to narrow the suspect list down. Here, use this to write down any notes you think are important.

Looking for clues and talking to everyone

[1/2] Look around and see if you can find objects to fingerprint using the kit. If you lose the kit, Guard Timmeh can give you another one.

Talking before all clues are found:


[Alyssa] Oh no... this can't be... Cori...

[Were you close friends with the Countess?]

[Alyssa] Close? No. We were best friends! Our parents introduced us to each other when we were children!

[Just stay put for now and we will do our best to find the one responsible for this.]

[Alyssa] I hope you can...


[Riley] The lights went out and I tripped.

[Fix the chair then?]

[Riley] Ehhh...I knocked it over, but it's too heavy to lift...


[Terry] What's going on?

[Something bad happened. We are trying to get things under control]

[Terry] Oh dear... Where is my brother?


Lady Susan looks like she's in distress.

[Are you okay?]

[Susan] Wha- me? Yes I'm fine, but Cori... she's...

[Calm down. We will get to the bottom of this.]

[Susan] Can we?


[Jared] Ugh, I think I'm gonna be sick...

[Are you okay?]

[Jared] I don't think I will be okay... I think... I... ate too much...


[Tirich] ...


[Tirich] ... Can I help you?


[Tirich] Okay?


[Catherine] There are a lot of people who are freaking out, oh dear...

[Don't worry. We will resolve the issue.]

[Catherine] What issue? What happened?


[Alex] What's happening? Is everything okay?

[Everything is under control.]

[Alex] Then why do you look like you saw someone die?


[Jerry] What are you doing? If you're helping then you should do your work properly and find the killer!

[We are doing our best to solve the murder. Please be patient.]

[Jerry] Hah, this is what's wrong with adventurers these days. They act like they're helping when in reality they just loaf around.

[Why are you so rude? You do realize you're a murder suspect, right?]

[Jerry] Of course! But what should I fear if I'm innocent? If anything you're the most dangerous one here!

Clue Section


Coordinates: [-4214, 121, 472]. On the floor by the countess's dead body.

Coordinates: [-4241, 122, 467]. Bathroom counter.

Coordinates: [-4233, 123, 523]. Window Ledge furthest from the entrance of the courtyard, on the courtyard side of the window.

Coordinates: [-4230, 122, 493]. Closest table as you enter the dining hall from the study.

Coordinates: [-4210, 122, 509]. Kitchen Counter, directly on your left as you enter.

Coordinates: [-4244, 123, 520]. Window Ledge closet to the courtyard entrance.

Not fingerprints. Left click to interact with:

Coordinates: [-4233, 125, 476]. In the bathroom as you walk in. Look up.

Description: This pipe has a leak in it! Better tell someone to fix it quick!

Coordinates: [-4239, 123, 533]. On the further flowerbed edge in the courtyard.

Description: A picked flower lies on the ground. Its still-fresh petals are beginning to wilt.

Coordinates: [-4243, 123, 488]. The painting of the man and fire. Called "Baroness Corinne von Chennel". Middle painting on the wall opposite of courtyard.

Description: There is a thin film of dust on the painting except for a small spot at the bottom. It seems someone cleaned the painting.

After collecting all the Fingerprints and clues:

Guard Timmeh

[Guard Timmeh] Wow you did an amazing job! Gathering all of these prints will help us tremendously! Let me take a look now...

[Guard Timmeh] Aha! There is a match! Hmm... But we don't know who this print belongs to... Can you go talk to some people and find out? We should be trying to find out which item belonged to whom and maybe even look for a reason people might have wanted the Countess dead.

Talking to everyone to find the killer

C: [1/2]: Talk to the banquet attendees and find out who owned what item and where everyone was at the time of the murder. Once you think you know who the killer is, talk to Guard Timmeh.


[Jerry] I can’t believe the Countess is dead! This is unbelievable, the Countess and I were about to start a huge business together!

  • [Have you seen anyone suspicious?]
    • [Jerry] Me? I think I saw Jared enter the Bathroom with a Glass of Wine. But guess what? He didn't come out with it! Can you believe that?! He didn’t even try to clean up after himself! Unbelievable!
  • [Where were you before the Countess was murdered?]
    • [Jerry] Me? I went to the bathroom and there was a leaky pipe. I fixed it before coming out.
  • [What was your relationship with the Countess?]
    • [Jerry] We were going to open a business together here in Chillwind. I recently took a trip to the Narsen Empire and discovered a delicious Tlaxan cuisine. They said they eat it during religious ceremonies but it's just too good to not have more often. They called it pizza?
  • [Have you and the Countess had any disputes recently?]
    • [Jerry] None that I know of. The Countess and I have been getting along quite well.

[Catherine] Oh my god is that blood? I think I'm gonna be sick...

  • [Have you seen anyone suspicious?]
    • [Catherine] Suspicious? No. But I saw something that will be a bigger scandal than this murder! I saw Susan and Tirich go into the garden together and guess what? Tirich's cravat is missing now! Can you believe that?!
  • [Where were you before the Countess was murdered?]
    • [Catherine] Oh god. Alyssa was yapping my ear off about how the curtains were too yellow. I'm so glad that Riley came by and distracted her with something else. She complained for what seemed like hours!
  • [What was your relationship with the Countess?]
    • [Catherine] The Countess is a famous businesswoman from the Narsen Empire, but has been expanding her business to the Celsian Isles. I was one of her first contacts. She sponsored my fishing business in Frostgate.
  • [Have you and the Countess had any disputes recently?]
    • [Catherine] Not in particular. Well... I once called her shoes clunky, but that's not really a dispute. Right?

[Alex] I can’t believe they’re making us all wait for this to be solved. I want to go home. It’s obviously not me so those stupid guards should just let me out.

  • [Have you seen anyone suspicious?]
    • [Alex] Well, I did see Riley kick around a chair and try to play it off as an accident. Does that count?
  • [Where were you before the Countess was murdered?]
    • [Alex] I was trying to talk to Catherine, but Alyssa came up to her and drowned me out with her obnoxious blabber about curtains.
  • [What was your relationship with the Countess?]
    • [Alex] The Countess introduced me to Tirich, and I helped them with setting up their mining operation here.
  • [Have you and the Countess had any disputes recently?]
    • [Alex] We've never fought. I'm pretty good about keeping my business partners happy.

[Tirich] Hello there, this party went from great to gruesome in a matter of minutes, huh? I just want to go home but the guards won’t let anyone go until this murder is solved…

  • [Have you seen anyone suspicious?]
    • [Tirich] Well… I saw Alyssa in the Greenhouse earlier drawing with a beautiful Feather Quill. I was going to ask her why she would draw when she could socialize with everyone else in the Main Hall, but she disappeared.
  • [Where were you before the Countess was murdered?]
    • [Tirich] Me? I was in the Main Hall admiring the paintings. There was a smudge on Lady Corinne’s portrait so I cleaned it.
  • [What was your relationship with the Countess?]
    • [Tirich] She invested in my mining business. It used to be extremely successful but one of my mines shut down and I’ve been struggling a bit since then. The Countess has been very kind and understanding of my situation. I… am saddened by this loss because she was a very kind person. Many will miss her.
  • [Have you and the Countess had any disputes recently?]
    • [Tirich] It was less of a dispute and more of a worry of mine... You see, my father used to run an opal mining operation in King's Valley, but used them to practice black magic. The Countess is also a Narsen citizen so she knows of the crimes of my father... When she found out that my mining operation in Ishnir was mainly harvesting opals, I thought she was going to flip and stop supporting me. But... she simply accepted it and continued to support me...

[Jared] It’s such a tragedy that Countess Corinne was killed. I hope they find the killer soon… They’re among us and that’s so nerve wracking!

  • [Have you seen anyone suspicious?]
    • [Jared] I saw Tirich in the Main Hall taking notes in a Well Worn Journal. I don’t know what he was writing but he was staring at each person and then writing some things. Honestly it was a bit concerning…
  • [Where were you before the Countess was murdered?]
    • [Jared] I was in the Kitchen looking for a snack. I had one too many glasses of wine and was feeling peckish. I saw some deviled eggs on the counter and ate a good amount. Oh, I hope that there are enough for the rest...
  • [What was your relationship with the Countess?]
    • [Jared] I'm a fairly popular designer that does work in the Isles as well as the Valley, even the late King Johannes III asked me to make some suits for him. While my designs are sought after by many, the Countess is probably my favorite patron because of her peculiar taste in clothes. She has a style that makes her stand out in the crowd. I was drawn to that so I offered to be her personal designer.
  • [Have you and the Countess had any disputes recently?]
    • [Jared] Recently the Countess has been complaining that my designs are too extravagant so I've been getting frustrated with her. The last time we spoke before today, she told me to not come back until I made something that didn't look like I had glued the royal treasury onto a dress. So today I came here with a bunch of designs to show her!

[Terry] Wow, the Countess is dead… I’m worried about my brother, he was going to start a business with her soon. But now that she’s dead, he has to do all of the work… I hope he will be okay…

  • [Have you seen anyone suspicious?]
    • [Terry] I don't think it's related, but I saw Alex go into the Kitchen and come out with a huge plate of smoked fish. I can't believe he can eat during a time like this!
  • [Where were you before the Countess was murdered?]
    • [Terry] I was chatting with Tirich and admiring the paintings.
  • [What was your relationship with the Countess?]
    • [Terry] She sponsored the business that my brother and I run. Honestly I don't know why she did... Ice cream in Chillwind...
  • [Have you and the Countess had any disputes recently?]
    • [Terry] To my knowledge, nothing bad has happened. But... my brother has been a bit nervous since he introduced his most recent business proposal to the Countess. They were going to open a pizza parlor in Frostgate.

[Susan] It would be horrible if someone else were to get hurt… Someone should catch the killer soon and get justice for the Countess!

  • [Have you seen anyone suspicious?]
    • [Susan] Earlier I saw Jerry drinking out of an Ornate Canteen. Honestly! They provide fine wine and he decides to drink something else! He went out of my sight for a while and didn’t have the canteen on him afterwards.
  • [Where were you before the Countess was murdered?]
    • [Susan] I was in the Greenhouse admiring the lovely flowers that the Countess had grown. The begonias were so lovely I just had to pick a few--but don’t tell the gardener! He’ll definitely yell at me.
  • [What was your relationship with the Countess?]
    • [Susan] She reached out to me because she was interested in taking a trip to the mountainous country Lier. I wasn't too keen on going back to Lier but eventually I agreed. I came here tonight because I wanted to plan the trip with her...
  • [Have you and the Countess had any disputes recently?]
    • [Susan] Not really? We haven't known each other for a long time like some of the other people here. She's been interested in making connections in a new country for a while so when she heard from my father that I studied in Lier, she jumped on that and has been inviting me to her banquets non-stop. It's been exhausting, but I'd rather have her bother me than be dead...

[Alyssa] Oh god... Cori....

  • [Have you seen anyone suspicious?]
    • [Alyssa] Everyone here was personally invited by Cori, I can’t imagine anyone wanting her dead... But if I had to point out someone strange... Lady Susan was wearing a Gorgeous Brooch earlier but it was so last season… I mean---it was beautiful don’t get me wrong, but when Sir Jared told her that it was last season, she cried and left for a bit. When I saw her next, she wasn’t wearing the Gorgeous Brooch.
  • [Where were you before the Countess was murdered?]
    • [Alyssa] I was talking to Lady Catherine about the curtains, they are an awful shade of mustard yellow and make the room feel more gaudy. I wish I could have told Cori that she needed to change the curtains before she...
  • [What was your relationship with the Countess?]
    • [Alyssa] We were friends as children and she's been a good patron of mine ever since we became adults.
  • [Have you and the Countess had any disputes recently?]
    • [Alyssa] We had a bit of a falling out because she had hired that witch Morina to paint her official portrait but I wanted to make up with her tonight. I acted immaturely because Morina and I have a fairly heated rivalry and I was angry because Cori knew this, but I understand why she asked Morina to paint her portrait. Her late father had asked Morina in the past to paint his portrait so she must have done so to honor his memory...

[Riley] Oh. My. God. A dead body! Wait, this is totally going to make the newspaper.

  • [Have you seen anyone suspicious?]
    • [Riley] I saw Terry shuffling around the room looking for his brother. He seemed pretty nervous.
  • [Where were you before the Countess was murdered?]
    • [Riley] I was trying to sneak some snacks in before the banquet because I didn't know what they were going to serve. I'm not a picky eater but the last time I was at a banquet they served peacock. It was tasty but I lost my appetite thinking about it!
  • [What was your relationship with the Countess?]
    • [Riley] When the Countess was still doing business in King's Valley, she hired me as her accountant. I moved from the Valley to Frostgate so that I could continue to assist her.
  • [Have you and the Countess had any disputes recently?]
    • [Riley] The Countess recently hired an accountant from Ishnir to help with her businesses in the Isles, but he messed something up and blamed me. I cleared it up with her but man was she angry.

After talking to everyone:

NOTE: If you pick the wrong person there is no consequence.

Guard Timmeh

[Guard Timmeh] Have you talked to everyone yet? What do you think? Do you want to make a decision now?

  • [I think I know who did it.]
    • [Guard Timmeh] You do?
    • [Guard Timmeh] Who do you think did it?
      • [Alyssa did it.]
        • [Guard Timmeh] So you think Alyssa killed the Countess?
        • [Guard Timmeh] Hmm... I don't think we have enough proof to say she's the killer. Look for some more clues.
      • [Susan did it.]
        • [Guard Timmeh] So you think Susan killed the Countess?
        • [Guard Timmeh] Do we have enough evidence to safely say she is the one responsible for the Countess's death? I think we should look for some more clues.
      • [Tirich did it.]
        • [Guard Timmeh] So you think Tirich killed the Countess?
        • [Guard Timmeh] I don't think we have enough proof to make the decision. Let's find some more evidence first.
      • [Jared did it.]
        • [Guard Timmeh] So you think Jared killed the Countess?
        • [Guard Timmeh] I think that we need to find some more evidence first. Trust your gut.
      • [Jerry did it.]
        • [Guard Timmeh] So you think Jerry killed the Countess?
        • [Guard Timmeh] It looks like he was the owner of the Ornate Canteen, whose fingerprint matched the print we found on the murder weapon. He also lied about his whereabouts at the time of the murder. And finally, if you look at his attire, the Scrap of Cloth we found in the hand of the Countess matches his jacket. Based on the evidence you found, he's definitely the killer. Excellent work. I'll detain him immediately!
      • [Catherine did it.]
        • [Guard Timmeh] So you think Catherine killed the Countess?
        • [Guard Timmeh] I don't think you are right. None of the evidence we have so far leads us to believe she is involved.
      • [Riley did it.]
        • [Guard Timmeh] So you think Riley killed the Countess?
        • [Guard Timmeh] That sounds pretty far fetched. Maybe ask around some more...
      • [Terry did it.]
        • [Guard Timmeh] So you think Terry killed the Countess?
        • [Guard Timmeh] Hmm... You might be on to something, but I don't think you are on the right trail.
      • [Alex did it.]
        • [Guard Timmeh] So you think Alex killed the Countess?
        • [Guard Timmeh] Maybe we should retrace our steps. We seem to be a bit lost...
  • [Not yet, I need some more time.]
    • [Guard Timmeh] Okay, think carefully. This is not easy.

After catching the killer:

C: Talk to Guard Timmeh.

Jerry (Prison)

[Jerry] Grrr... If she hadn't found out, I wouldn't have had to kill her...

[Found out what?]

[Jerry] ... I don't need to tell you anything.

Guard Timmeh (Prison)

[Guard Timmeh] Thank you once again for helping me with this case. You were a great help. We will make sure that Jerry pays for his crimes.

[I'm glad I could help catch the killer.]

[Guard Timmeh] You did a great job. Thank you.


Awarded Nettlegold Shiv and 1 HCS!